Chapter 2744 killing two birds with one stone

The people present are not fools. Even the simple Chu Ling can hear that Zhang Ju is obviously shameless and wants not to hand over Chu Ling’s body trembled a bit in anger, “Zhang Ju, if you want to go back, just say it, why use Zhang Wangu as an excuse. We will risk our life to save you!”

At this time, Chu Ling was really hurt. Ye Fei’s expression also began to become indifferent, and said to Chu Ling indifferently: “Chu Ling, you can’t get angry with this kind of person. You were lack of experience before. , Too simple, now, you should know that the so-called will of the people is vicious. Sometimes, a small sect is not necessarily a friend, but may also be an enemy.”

“enemy Surnamed Ye, what do you mean by this? You are slandering my reputation. If this sentence reaches Wan Senior Brother Gu’s ears, you will be miserable.” Zhang Ju was full of anger and emphasized even more. Said: “Wan Senior Brother Gu, but in the vicinity, I don’t want to go back, I just…”

“You are just a stupid bird!”


Too lazy to tell this Zhang Ju more, people are good to me and I am good, people are evil to me, and I am even worse! Zhang Ju’s attitude completely angered Ye Fei, he punched directly and moved towards Zhang Ju and struck him.

The same Dragon Boxing promotion, the gap between the two, simply is not the same level. Ye Fei’s Dragon Boxing promotion quickly broke Zhang Ju’s Dragon Boxing promotion, and even more punches and punches. Zhang Ju was injured and vomited blood.

“You demon, what are you going to do?” Zhang Ju’s face was full of horror. He has repeatedly stressed that Zhang Wangu is in the vicinity. Is this Ye Fei eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder? , And dare to shoot at him.

Later, a terrifying Death Aura enveloped Zhang Ju, “Hand over your battle clothes, and then, get out!”

Ye Fei’s tone was cold and indifferent to Zhang Ju. This kind of villain shouldn’t have any worries. When it’s time to make a move, he must make a strong move. The Emperor Fan and the others behind him also showed murderous intention. Even Chu Ling showed a touch of disgust and turned his head. .

Zhang Ju’s eyes couldn’t help but a touch of resentment appeared, but facing Ye Fei’s strength, he simply couldn’t resist, he could only endure the pain, and turned all the battle clothes on his body into rune. To Ye Fei, “Ye Fei, you wait, Wan Senior Brother Gu will not let you go!”

Swipe it, Zhang Ju left with endless hatred, even The two injured and unconscious companions on the ground ignored them. Ye Fei, who also watched, secretly despised, if it weren’t for Chu Ling’s presence and the Shenglongzong ruled that the disciplines should not kill each other, he would definitely not let this person leave if he acted at this villain.

Ye Fei looked at the bronze rune in his hand. Zhang Ju surrendered a total of four Dao, seized from the master of the Fighting Hall of the blood alliance, there are also four Dao, plus the four originally owned by Ye Fei.

So, he has twelve bronze runes!


Ye Fei began to try, fusing all the bronze runes together. Suddenly, his body, the bronze battle clothes, had burst into incomparable bright radiance, On his body, there was an aura that had been tyrannical several times before, that was, the aura of peerless Heaven’s Chosen!

“Relying on the increase of bronze battle clothes, I finally reached the peerless Heaven’s Chosen level!” Ye Fei’s mood was faintly agitated, but when he thought of the void, the flute was empty. Ye Fei’s white clothed silhouette quickly became calm again.

Peerless Heaven’s Chosen, there are also strong and weak points. Relying on the increase in battle clothes, he is just the weakest peerless Heaven’s Chosen. He wants to become stronger, even to the point where he surpasses Lu Mohan and Chen Xiaoyao, he needs to get more battle clothes.

“Xiaocao, continue to look for the location of the bronze palace! I need more battle clothes!” After giving the remaining five low-level battle clothes to the five youths of the Ji family, Ye Fei walked again The depths of the Scarlet Battlefield.

And shortly after Ye Fei left, suddenly, silently, on this bloody battlefield, a silhouette wearing a purple gold black robe appeared. This silhouette rushed directly to the two martial artists in a coma. Beside, the purple-golden fists suddenly blasted out, killing the two unconscious martial artists on the spot, and the blood essence of the whole body was absorbed by the black robed sillhouette, and then continued to move towards Ye Fei and leave. Chase in the direction of.

It’s just that no one knows.

Until a few more hours passed, suddenly the sword light in the distance, a few tyrannical silhouettes, flew over to this abandoned bronze palace, and the one rushing to the front was A horrible silhouette of the illusory shadow of the gods and demons emerges behind him. At the feet of the silhouette, a terrifying giant dragon is stepped on. Under the claws of the giant dragon, it is holding a person. That person is not someone else, but Zhang who escaped before. Lift.

Zhang Ju also not at all lied, Zhang Wangu was indeed in the vicinity. After being robbed of the bronze battle clothes by Ye Fei, Zhang Ju held a grudge, and simply ran to find Zhang Wangu and revealed the location of Ye Fei.

When he heard that Ye Fei had also entered the bloody battlefield, Zhang Wangu was surprised. Then I heard that Ye Fei had robbed Zhang Ju’s bronze battle clothes. Zhang Wangu couldn’t help but appear in his heart. There was a huge anger, “Very well, in the city of Taixu, even if Ye Fei is against me, when he arrives at the Scarlet Battlefield, he dares to snatch my bronze battle clothes. However, the sect has regulations not to kill each other. Brother Yuhua, this matter can only be done by you.”

Behind Zhang Wangu, a young man with a flame halo emerged. This young man, with a handsome face, is almost like Liu Shaohua. The model carved out of him is Heaven’s Chosen from Raging Fire Sect and Liu Shaohua’s big brother.

It’s just that Liu Yuhua didn’t know at this time that his younger brother’s battle clothes had been taken away by Ye Fei, but now Liu Yuhua just happened to cooperate with Tianmeng to take the bronze battle clothes together. So after learning that Ye Fei may have bronze battle clothes on his body, Liu Yuhua immediately showed an expression of interest, coldly said: “Brother Wangu, leave this to me. I promise, let him die. There is no ash left, but the battle clothes on his body……”

“It’s all yours! I only want his life!” Zhang Wangu said happily.

“haha, then we are settled!” Liu Yuhua is very satisfied. In his opinion, hunting Ye Fei is an easy task. This way, Zhang Wangu will be settled. Getting a lot of bronze rune is a good thing for killing two birds with one stone.

Immediately, Liu Yuhua called out a Raging Fire Sect, a discipline that is good at tracking, and followed the footsteps of Ye Fei and the others to catch up. Zhang Ju was extremely unwilling.

After all, he invited Zhang Wangu to teach Ye Fei, but thinking about taking back his lost bronze battle clothes, Zhang Wangu didn’t even ask about it, so he gave all those battle clothes to others.

Zhang Ju dared to be angry and dare not speak, so he could only knock on the side: “Wan Senior Brother Gu, if you do this, I’m afraid you will nurturing a tiger to invite calamity, Ye Fei’s group, very battle clothes. Many, if all is taken away by Liu Yuhua, Liu Yuhua will immediately have a piece of silver battle clothes, when the time comes, battle strength is likely to surpass you.”

“hmph, surpass me? He doesn’t That opportunity! Ye Fei is also the Thang Long Sect discipline after all. You said, Liu Yuhua killed me the same sect. As the First Senior Brother of Thang Long Sect, should I take revenge for the discipline?”

Zhang Wangu’s eyes Said coldly.

Chapter 2745 Hunting

Chapter 2745 Hunting

After all, Ye Fei has more than ten battle clothes. If this is all captured Coming over will not only increase the strength of the Heavenly Alliance, he will also be promoted to silver battle clothes immediately, and continue to enter this bloody battlefield.

How could Zhang Wangu willingly hand over these battle clothes to Liu Yuhua. The reason why he said so was that he wanted to murder a person with a borrowed knife and let Liu Yuhua deal with Ye Fei first. He took the shot again and grabbed the battle clothes from Liu Yuhua’s body!

Understanding this point, Zhang Ju let go of worry, knowing that just by virtue of this credit, Zhang Wangu would never treat him badly afterwards. Zhang Ju at this time also completely forgot. When he was in danger, who on earth was to save him.

Ye Fei, who continued to enter, didn’t know that a conspiracy had been surrounding him, gradually revealing.

After leaving the eighth bronze palace, Ye Fei quickly found the ninth and tenth bronze palaces, but these palaces were all Someone is fighting.

Obviously, the more you enter the bloody battlefield, the more intense the battle for the bronze palace, but with the increase in Ye Fei’s powerful bronze battle clothes, these martial artists, simply impossible, are their opponents.

Very smoothly, Ye Fei took two bronze palaces again, and relied on military force to forcibly seize several pieces of bronze battle clothes, which not only armed himself, but also let him Everyone in the team has bronze battle clothes.

But because of this, Ye Fei has also become a key target for many people.

After all, the battle clothes of the Ye Fei entire group are too luxurious. It is estimated that everyone with one piece can make up two pieces of silver battle clothes. Naturally, few people dare to provoke Ye Fei.

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