Blood in the
void, this person died on the spot.

This also scared the people who were just about to join forces, and their hearts trembled. Just when they hesitated, suddenly, Ye Fei who shot his face turned paler, but his body showed a shocking imposing manner, “This Ye is If you die, you must be dignified. Who dares to fight with me!”

“Ye Mo, don’t be arrogant! Let’s go together. Anyway, he is just going back to the light, and he won’t last long!” With an order from the Young Master of Huafu, behind him, there are already several young gods wearing bronze battle clothes, sneered, and attacked Ye Fei together.


The terrifying divine light shakes the void out of terrifying ripples, and right in the middle of the ripples, there is no Ye Fei silhouette, but these are shots. Behind the martial artist, there appeared a bright, purple gold black robe youth silhouette.

This young man, pointed like a sword, slashed forward, and the world was constantly torn, destroyed, and also torn apart by this terrifying sword light, as well as the bodies of those who shot.

bang bang bang!

between Heaven and Earth, a series of terrifying blood mist emerged, and the fierce fishy wind ravaged the void. Ye Fei held a sword in one hand and a pinch in the other. His face became paler and paler, “The last blow, the last attack this time, I am dead! The Great Seal of Life and Death!”

Ye Fei roared, printed layer by layer, like lightning, blasted The headed magnificently dressed youth, Ling’s magnificently dressed youth, subconsciously chose to retreat and dodge instead of actively attacking. At the same time, he deliberately pushed one of his subordinates forward to bear Ye Fei’s life and death stamp. The subordinate’s eyes widened in amazement, and Ye Fei was instantly slapped into flesh.

“Kill, the last blow, the current Ye Mo has been let us crush…”

The magnificently dressed youth rushed up ecstatically, trying to take advantage of Ye Fei” At the moment when the oil ran out, Ye Fei was killed first, but the last thing he saw was not Ye Fei’s weak appearance, but the silhouette of is a Purple Gold, like an ancient god, facing his Divine Ability, and at the same time A big seal of life and death hit his head again.

Magnificently dressed youth, I feel that the whole head seems to burst apart, only his Divine Soul, with wide eyes, looked towards Ye Fei in confusion and fear, didn’t it mean that it was the last blow? , Why, this Ye Demon released the final blow, not only did not die, but also broke out even more terrifying battle strength?

“Fucked, we were fooled, this Ye Mo, simply was not injured, he just lied to us to die…” Finally, someone woke up and he was no longer attacking Ye Fei. Instead, he turned around in fear, trying to escape from here, but a sword light, whizzed in, and instantly passed through his forehead.

“The last time, this is really the last time. If a few more people attack me, I will definitely be dead.” Ye Fei kept yelling weakly while pulling out the sword.

But many Heaven’s Chosen who heard this, no longer took advantage of Ye Fei’s weakness to hunt Ye Fei’s mind. Instead, everyone’s fear was scattered from all sides, just Want to escape this valley.

At this time, Chen Jiao and a group of small martial artists who returned were all vacated and tried all means to stop these escaped people.

Chapter 2758 Silver battle clothes

Chapter 2758 Silver battle clothes

The final result is self-evident, and Chen Jiao leads his admirers with all their strength Obstructed, under Ye Fei’s powerful battle strength, these martial artists who tried to hunt Ye Fei all turned into prey and were hunted by Ye Fei in turn.

There are broken corpses everywhere. Seeing these martial artists of these small forces, they all feel trembling in fear. However, when they see the bronze rune floating all over the floor, their eyes , It suddenly became hot again.

This time they attracted almost five medium forces, 23 powerful Heaven’s Chosen. When these Heaven’s Chosen bronze battle clothes are put together, it is enough to make two sets of silver battle clothes. !

However, Ye Fei once said that if you want to distribute a part of the bronze battle clothes to these small forces, he will not break his promise. After a little consideration, Ye Fei took away 20 bronzes. rune.

He did not take the remaining three bronze runes, but looked towards the martial artists of those small forces and said: “These are your rewards. Now you can choose to leave or continue to help me “

After that, Ye Fei no longer paid attention to these people, but in one breath, he merged all the bronze runes to form a silver battle clothes that exudes brilliant light.

Finally, Ye Fei took a sigh of relief and draped this silver battle clothes. Suddenly, the light on his body became brighter and brighter, forming a substantial Silver Flame, burning blazingly. stand up.

“Silver battle clothes?”

Chen Jiao’s beautiful eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Those small martial artists who have won battle clothes also look towards with envy and awe. Ye Fei, afterwards, they seemed to decide something. They put away their battle clothes and moved towards Ye Fei and said, “Young Master Ye, we have decided, we must follow you and continue to do it! Let’s get people here!”

Seeing that Ye Fei really fulfilled his promise and gave them battle clothes. The martial artists of these small forces were completely aroused, and they plunged into the darkness again.

And this time, no one wanted to betray Ye Fei or escape alone. They also changed from a group of two to a group of one, trying their best to discover more forces and then attract Everyone, hurried over to bully Ye Demon.

Since they are willing to work hard, Ye Fei will naturally not refuse. After all, Three Great Sects is crowded with people, and there are two peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Zhang Wangu and Tiemusha, hidden in the dark, Ye Fei feels that a piece of silver battle clothes is still not insured enough, he must have stronger power!

So, a new rumors began to appear on the Scarlet Battlefield.

“Have you heard that Ye Mo first fought Three Great Sects and the Blood Alliance, and was seriously injured. Later, he was chased and killed by many powerful Heaven’s Chosen. Now he is exhausted and the lamp is dead, so he hides In a valley near here.”

“Brother Cen, everyone is brother. I just told you this secret. Ye Demon knows if he is in trouble now. I heard that only the last With a sigh of relief, this is a good opportunity to kill him!”

“I heard that Ye Fei can fight against Lu Mohan by relying on some kind of treasure on his body. Now, Ye Fei is in trouble. The hunter has nowhere to hide. If he can kill him, not only can he befriend Lu Mohan, but he can also get the kind of treasure that can compete with the peerless Heaven’s Chosen…”

“What, Ye Mo? It’s just a sloppy pariah, this son will trample him to death!”

So soon, there were a large group of martial artists wearing bronze battle clothes, grandiose, moved Kill towards the valley where Ye Fei is located, but the number of people is a bit smaller than last time.

But the legs of mosquitoes are also meat. Ye Fei didn’t pick and choose. Instead, under Chen Jiao’s weird gaze, the complexion pale, on the verge of collapse, rushed into the void while flying. He also vomited blood, “You…you, bully intolerably, this Ye is dying, you still refuse to let it go…”


Dragon Tortoise cooperated, squeezed Two tears came out. Then began to howl. Seeing the golden Vermilion Bird, the bird’s eyes were bloodshot.

And those martial artists who came over saw Ye Fei’s “weak” appearance, but couldn’t bear greed and murderous intention anymore, they all laughed wildly and shouted: “Hahaha, Ye Mo, you And today, everyone of you, cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons, it’s my duty to wait, what are you waiting for, kill the leaf demon, if you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for life!”

bang bang bang !

Countless divine lights erupted from these Heaven’s Chosen, but they soon discovered that they really made a life-long regret decision, especially when they saw that Ye Fei’s body unexpectedly showed the brilliance of silver battle clothes.


There has already been a martial artist who came to hunt Ye Fei. He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and cried and begged for mercy, “Young Master Ye, I know that I was wrong now, please, let me go Me!”

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