Without any words, Ye Fei rushed into the camp of Three Great Sects, originally intending to do it quickly, first grab an important hostage, alleviate the crisis of Emperor Fan and the others, and then let go , A battle with Three Great Sects.

Naturally, Ye Fei will not leave any hands at this time. The howling sword light has been moved towards Liu Shaohua, but Liu Shaohua, whose profound energy has been exhausted in the face of Ye Fei’s attack, is not panicked. , There was a smirk, “hehe, Ye Fei, there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, there is no way to hell, you just want to break in! What are you waiting for, start Formation, and I will kill the Ye Fei Liu Shaohua, this time in front of him, he will torture his companions and play with his women!”

hong long long!

Following Liu Shaohua’s words, the entire Three Great Sects camp has turned into a mountain of daggers and seas of flames, and moved towards Ye Fei rolled over.

Chapter 2760 Heavenly Fire

It turned out that after Ye Fei broke through and left, Three Great Sects was already settled. With Ye Fei’s value emotion, value friendship, impossible really lost Go to the companion and leave alone.

Therefore, when hurrying to attack the Bronze Palace, Three Great Sects also arranged a very difficult to deal with secret Killing Formation in the weakest camp. This is also Liu Shaohua. Obviously, huge profound energy was consumed, and he was not afraid of Ye Fei’s reason.


Blade Mountain formed by flames roared, and the flames sealed all around all the void, and the strong blade light and flames reflected, appeared Liu Shaohua had a hideous face, “Ye Fei, this is our Raging Fire Sect, we prepare an array specially for you, I don’t believe it, you are not dead this time…”


The sound of birdsong interrupted Liu Shaohua’s words. This time, I didn’t need a little grass to go out. When I saw Raging Fire Sect and suddenly attacked myself with flames, Ye Fei’s shoulders, A huge flame bird had already rushed out. This strange bird, with bald wings and a half-bald tail, looked a little funny.

However, none of the Three Great Sects disciple present smiled. On the contrary, many people’s eyes showed a touch of horror. They saw the flames that enveloped all around Blade Mountain. , Was actually swallowed crazily by this strange bird, and the more swallowed, the bigger the strange bird’s body.

Ye Fei’s silhouette, also taking advantage of the golden Vermilion Bird’s space to devour the flames, has instantly moved to Liu Shaohua’s face, looking at this person’s face indifferently, “Just now, what did you say, yes Kind, you say it again!”


Liu Shaohua simply didn’t have a chance to speak, but Ye Fei’s angry slap in the face was what greeted him. If he hadn’t used this person as a hostage, What Ye Fei waved was definitely not the palm, but his condensed sword light.


A scream sounded in the camp, Duan Tian’s poisonous scheme, Liu Yuhua’s indulgence, Three Great Sects’ persecution, Ye Fei at this moment, completely vented the anger and killing intent in my heart. He is like the ancient god Asura walking out of the battlefield. The bright Purple Gold fist illuminates the darkness, and the burst of blood mist also broke the calm of the camp.

All the Three Great Sects disciple who enter this camp will be wiped out with one sword!

Only Liu Shaohua was left, clutching his swollen face, looking at Ye Fei in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that Ye Fei at this time would be so powerful that it was so terrifying.

One sword killed all of them!

Even if their profound energy is exhausted, in the end, many people still wear bronze battle clothes on their bodies, but even so, they are still not Ye Fei’s enemy of a sword.


Great horror!

Never at this moment, Liu Shaohua feared a person so much. With this fear, he even weakened his legs and peeed out in shame. “Brother, save me…”

The huge shame and anger made Liu Shaohua roar like an injured wild beast. Outside the camp, Liu Yuhua quickly heard a roar of extreme rage. “Ye Fei, if you kill my younger brother, I promise, you will destroy your whole family, the male is a slave, and the female is a maid!”

“Liu Yuhua, are you threatening me? Sorry? , I, the most annoying person, is that someone threatens me and kills!” Ye Fei’s eyes showed fierce anger.

His original intention was to catch Liu Shaohua, and he was prepared for a disadvantage, and he had a bargaining chip in his hand. However, when hearing Duan Tian’s poisonous scheme, there was also Liu Yuhua’s threat. The huge anger suddenly caused Ye Fei to change his mind. The sword light in his hand suddenly moved towards the front and was struggling to get up. Liu Shaohua, who was trying to escape, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

A devastating sword light penetrated his throat, and on the spot, shattered his Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul!

Liu Shaohua stared wide-eyed in amazement and fear, a deep regret suddenly appeared in his heart. If he did not provoke Ye Fei, did not say the vicious words, would he be able to get Ye? Fei’s forgiveness?

“Shaohua! Ye Fei, a stubborn pariah! You know, who you killed? You killed my Liu Yuhua’s younger brother, my younger brother! You killed you, a pariah ten times. He will never die!”


I saw my younger brother die in front of me, even if it was vicious and merciless, Liu Yuhua’s body also showed great grief. , And then, this grief turned into a thick anger.

“Vulcan Slash!”

Half of the void, a huge flame suddenly appeared. The flame shocked the golden Vermilion Bird and said in surprise: “This There is a set of Raging Fire Sect, Ye Fei, be careful, this person is condensed, but hellfire!”

“His flame is hell, and my flame is heaven!” Ye Fei sneered On his body, a layer of terrifying flame also appeared, it was Purple Gold flame and also bloodline Divine flame!

After that, these flames have condensed to form a special Blazing Vermilion Bird, suspended behind Ye Fei, Vermilion Bird secret technique, Vermilion Bird’s real body! When the real body appeared, Ye Fei instantly felt that his battle strength had entered an incredible level.


Fist is like a dragon, and more like an ancient star. At this moment, Ye Fei has promoted Dragon Boxing to the level of vividly and thoroughly. There are two terrifying Divine Dragons, with their heads up and roaring, since Ye Fei The arm blasted out, not only smashed the rays of light of Vulcan Slash on the spot, but also faintly suppressed Liu Yuhua’s hellfire power.

This scene also deeply shocked the discipline of Three Great Sects.

Duan Tian and Cui Min both stared incredibly, “It’s only been two days since Ye Fei broke through. Where did he come from such a terrifying battle strength? Blazing behind him Vermilion Bird, what magical power is it?”

“Not a magical power, it seems to be a secret technique!” The scarred woman shook her head coldly, although Ye Fei’s battle strength also scared her A jump, but the woman’s intuition still let her immediately, open her bow and take arrows.

Just listened to a scream, another terrifying arrow light, shattering the void, suddenly moved towards Ye Fei’s back and shot over, Cui Min and Duan Tian, ​​this is a fierce reaction , “No matter what the weirdness of this Ye Mo, since he is already revenge, then he can’t stay, he must be cut weeds and eliminate the roots!”

“Poison Emperor Tiancha!”


Duan Tian’s body trembled. Suddenly countless poison insects flew out of him. These poison insects quickly formed a special poison insect Formation, uniting with each other and spitting out endless poisonous light.

“Leaf Devil, eat me Cui Min with one knife, cut the heavens splits the earth!” Cui Min’s back was heavily scabbed, and the violent blade light also formed a terrifying magic knife of several hundred meters long. , From the side, cut towards Ye Fei’s body.

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