
The words of Lu Mohan shocked everyone present. Even the 9th layer of the corpse and the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, such as Huo Qingwu, all used a shocked look. Ye Fei said, “Entering here, even we can’t unlock the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. How did he unlock it?”

“What, this demon, he used Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. No wonder I always feel that his Sacred Dragon punch is very wrong, hehe, hehe, even our peerless Heaven’s Chosen, the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, he has actually unlocked, no wonder I will lose so badly…”

Zhang Wangu suddenly realized that he finally understood why he was unable to withstand a single blow.

After that, my heart was filled with great aggrieved anger and anger, “Ye Fei, count you cruel! I can give you both the seal of life and death and the ancient Celestial Emperor!”

Lu Mohan’s reminder finally made Zhang Wangu made up his mind.

After all, when others have not unlocked the seal of magical powers, Ye Fei alone undo seal is absolutely invincible, Zhang Wangu will naturally not be stupid enough to continue to suffer this immediate loss.

“Okay! Hand it over, I will not suppress you, but your death sin is unavoidable, but your living sin is inevitable! Go away!”

roar! Ye Fei took the last claw of the Sacred Dragon, fiercely patted it out. Zhang Wangu’s body was like a kite with a broken wire. It flew out and crashed into the crowd. I don’t know how many people hit, he vomited blood and fell to the ground. Then, Ye Fei The gaze of Ye Fei coldly looked towards the other peerless Heaven’s Chosen on the steps, “Now, I want Zhang Wangu’s quota, can you agree?”

Finally, Ye Fei’s gaze fell on Lu On Mo Han’s body, Lu Mohan’s expression was a little cold, but he didn’t answer Ye Fei’s words. He just turned his head, looked towards the 9th layer of the corpse and said to Zhebye: “Brother Zoe, Brother Zhe, how about the three of us moving forward and retreating together? ??”

“haha, since it is the invitation of the Hanmeng, we will naturally not refuse!”

Zhe 9th layer, Zhebye, immediately stood with Lu Mohan, Guo Yi and Huo Qingwu looked at each other and immediately stood together. Obviously, Ye Fei’s Celestial Emperor’s magical powers made all of them feel a certain threat.

The only one who was not affected was Chen Xiaoyao, who looked at Ye Fei in surprise. Chen Xiaoyao took the initiative to open the mouth and said: “Zhang Wangu’s quota belongs to you, but you can’t continue. It’s a challenge. I don’t want to waste too much time!”


Ye Fei is nodded decisively, and obviously also knows that his Celestial Emperor’s magical powers are against the peerless Heaven’s Chosen present. , Is a huge threat. It is enough to drag Zhang Wangu down. If he continues to challenge, it is very likely that he will face all the joint siege of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, which is very detrimental to him and Shangluo.

When thinking of Shangluo, Ye Fei’s heart moved again, coldly looked towards Lu Mohan and said: “Just now you said, whoever can kill me will save him a place. Now I am not dead. I also want to keep one person’s quota, any of you have objections?”

Lu Mohan complexion changed, and a deep chill suddenly appeared on his body. Only considering that Ye Fei has now unblocked the Celestial Emperor’s supernatural powers, he has endured the murderous intention in his heart, coldly snorted, and did not speak.

Ye Fei is also welcome, walked directly to Shangluo, grabbed her arm and said: “Since they don’t speak, it is a default, Shangluo, you follow me up the stairs!”

“Let go, you are a disciple!” Shang Luo’s face flushed. She didn’t know Ye Fei very well. As a result, this guy was actually familiar with pulling his arm. Shangluo wanted to resist, but he didn’t. Knowing why, involuntarily following Ye Fei’s footsteps.

In this scene, many Heaven’s Chosen I have watched, heartbroken all over the ground; but no one dared to stop Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei defeated Zhang Wangu and forced other peerless Heaven’s Chosen to join forces. This has proved However, he has the ability to get extra places.

Pulling Shangluo up the steps, Ye Fei stopped talking, and the many martial artists under the steps were relaxed. After all, Ye Fei didn’t do everything but left them a place.

“Now, let’s start, a melee, stay at the last, and get the last place!” A heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen proposed, but his words were quickly interrupted.” No need to fight, I want this last place, Zhang Wangu!”

Although he was beaten by Ye Fei and suffered a huge humiliation, Zhang Wangu would not be willing to give up entering the Zhenwu Tower. That’s the chance of Celestial Emperor, it is enough to make the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, the place that will be transformed, how can Zhang Wangu give up.

The faces of many martial artists who heard this were ugly again. Although Zhang Wangu just lost a game in Ye Fei’s hands, the reputation of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen is still there. This makes many martial artists, Both have scruples and hesitate.

Zhang Wangu was furious, “You still hesitate to do so, and don’t retreat. Could it be that your group of Mianyang can beat my tiger?”


An astonishing killing intent broke out on Zhang Wangu’s body. This killing intent caused many martial artists to retreat, but there was a white clothed youth in the crowd, with a temperament and dust removal. , With the might of sweeping the world, slowly walked out, “Zhang Wangu, you have already lost, then the last one, I want it!”

Chapter 2774 The Powerful Situation


“Feng Yun, he finally appeared!” Ye Fei had long known that Feng Yun had also entered the Golden Ancient Road, but he was targeted by Lu Mohan when he came in, and was busy dealing with Zhang Wangu, so that The situation was missed.

Now, he is aloof and remote, standing on the steps of the town witch tower, looking down on the heroes, and Fengyun, not at all avoiding it, directly stood up and challenged Zhang Wangu again.

“I have to say, this Eternal Age is really bad luck…” Ye Fei sighed secretly. Seeing that this guy had grasped his own hand too thinly, he still sighed and strangled Ye Fei in his heart. He had all his heart, and a kick on the spot, fiercely stepped on the back of Ye Fei’s instep, Dragon Tortoise squeezed out the tears of the pain on the spot, secretly thought he didn’t have a black mouth, why did Shangluo step on him?

Follow it.

Strong resentment and anger erupted from Zhang Wangu, “Now, all shrimp soldiers and crab generals want to step on our peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Unfortunately, you are destined to be just a game. A joke!”


The flame of Divine Dragon, once again turned into a Divine Dragon angry hand, wrapped around Zhang Wangu’s arm, that angry hand, when fighting Ye Fei , There is another difference, not only the entire rage hand armguard, but also one of Zhang Wangu’s arms are wrapped, and the position of the back of the hand also shows five sharp dragon teeth.

This is the Divine Dragon rage, the real murderous form.

During the battle with Ye Fei before, Zhang Wangu was not good at killing Ye Fei on the spot and was charged with the crime of mutilating the same sect, so he didn’t display such a state, but faced the situation like shrimp soldiers and crab. Zhang Wangu has no scruples about the provocation of generals. A dragon hand, with an infinite astral qi dragon seal, blasted towards Feng Yun’s chest in an instant, as if to be direct, pulling out Feng Yun’s heart.

On the steps, the little beast king Zhebye, suddenly coldly snorted disdainfully, “This sky is still the heaven of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen! Newcomers, even if they are talented, should be a little self-aware!”

His this remark, a pun, is both a mockery of the situation’s overestimate one’s capabilities, but also a sarcasm of Ye Fei secretly. How could Ye Fei not be able to hear it? With his cold eyes, he gave Zhedong a cold look. “How about a bet?”

“How to bet?” Zhebie looked at Lu Mohan and the 9th layer of the corpse next to him, and suddenly had a lot of confidence.

“Just bet on which one of them wins. If you lose, let the other side attack once!” Ye Fei’s body showed an anger, “I bet on the wind and the cloud to win, do you dare to gamble?”

Zhe Bie complexion changed, hesitated about Ye Fei’s affirmative tone, but side Lu Mohan was sneaked, and said flatly, “Betting with him! That situation is my emperor’s famous waste, but he has a crazy personality. Proud, the senior and junior brothers who have repeatedly provoked stronger than his, can also be regarded as the scum of my emperor!”

What, this situation is actually the emperor’s waste, scum?

Many martial artists are surprised. They look at the situation out of the ordinary and think that it is another dark horse. But Lu Mohan’s words let everyone discover that this situation might just A fool with a problem in his head.

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