The light gate there has not disappeared. After the young Celestial Emperor’s incarnation was accidentally refining by Ye Fei, it took a long time before there was a Stoneman who slowly passed the light gate. Coming out from inside, a strange looking towards Ye Fei said: “Congratulations, you have passed the test of Celestial Emperor! According to the agreement, this soul crystal belongs to you!”

Stoneman moved away the soul crystal that was once seated. , The golden Vermilion Bird who was stunned with Dragon Tortoise, immediately screamed, and fiercely moved towards the soul crystal rushed over.

Secretly watching Dragon Tortoise’s every move with great vigilance, but seeing Dragon Tortoise lazily squatting on the ground, refining the blood bead within the body very hard, not at all, the meaning of continuing to lower the black mouth , Golden Vermilion Bird was shocked, “This black servant has changed his sex, such a treasure, he won’t fight for it? This Old Ancestor knows, the black servant must be trying to catch it, and I want to wait for the ancestor to relax his vigilance, and then go black. Mouth, the ancestors will not be fooled!”

So the golden Vermilion Bird hurriedly stopped, staring at Dragon Tortoise, like a thief, but didn’t notice it. , There is already a little girl, with her horns braided into the sky, her short legs, and even faster than Dragon Tortoise, she pounced on the soul crystal, and ka-cha took a bite. There was also a very happy expression on his face.

The golden Vermilion Bird was grief-stricken. On the spot, the beak moved towards the ground and hit it, “Why am I so stupid? Why am I so stupid!”

Dragon Tortoise has a black mouth, but didn’t expect that Xiaocao is most interested in that stone.

Ye Fei quickly pretended not to see it again, and continued looking towards Stoneman and said: “Senior, besides the soul crystal, is there no other reward?”

“Of course! Enter! Zhenwu Tower, those who pass the test, can be promoted to the realm of half ancestors! Defeating the Heavenly Emperor, you can also get the ancient god Blood Lotus! And you, defeating the Celestial Emperor, can also get Celestial Emperor asylum, but you still need to experience A test!” Stoneman looked towards Ye Fei coldly. He is a natural Stone Race following Celestial Emperor, but Ye Fei beheaded Celestial Emperor incarnation, Stoneman would not have a good face.

It’s just about Stoneman’s attitude, Ye Fei doesn’t care, as long as he can get rewards, “Then dare to ask Senior, what other test do I need to go through?”

“Very Simple, give you ten days, a breakthrough half ancestor! If you succeed, you will get a reward. If you fail, you won’t get the Celestial Emperor’s reward. Can you dare?” Stoneman gave Ye Fei a slightly provocative look. .

In fact, the test of Zhenwu Tower is not at all. He is only dissatisfied with Ye Fei’s killing of Celestial Emperor incarnation. Only then did Stoneman want to teach Ye Fei a little, and deliberately give Ye Fei an increase. Difficulty.

At this moment, Ye Fei doesn’t know this either. Although Stoneman feels a little targeted, Ye Fei still nodded and said in order to get rewards: “Please also Senior for advice!”


“hmph, really is aiming too high, overestimate one’s capabilities! It seems that this person can defeat the master’s incarnation, it is completely good luck, it is just a good luck to get the secret technique of Asura Demon Race!” Stoneman coldly shook his head. The gaze that looked towards Ye Fei was even more unkind, and I didn’t bother to continue talking to Ye Fei, but with a wave of his hand, Ye Fei was sent into a strange world.

“Remember, you can only stay in it for ten days!” Stoneman said indifferently.

Entering the Celestial Emperor blood pool again, Ye Fei has a wry smile on his face. It seems that he has a very bad impression in Stoneman’s mind, “It would be great if the cheap stone was there…”


Inexplicably, Ye Fei remembered something, and then hurriedly suppressed this idea, and has worked hard to cultivation in this blood pool, which is different from the previous blood pool, which enhances the bloodline power. This blood pool, enhances It is the realm of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei only then learned that different Celestial Emperor origins also have different purposes.

“It’s just that, why do the same Celestial Emperor have two different Celestial Emperor origins?” Ye Fei was unavoidably puzzled, and the golden Vermilion Bird said angrily: “Silly bird! Not simple, the two Celestial Emperors, simply not the same person, have different origin attributes! It is estimated that the two blood pools are both the ancient Celestial Emperor, the beheaded enemy, and then turn their origins into this A pool of blood!” With the golden Vermilion Bird, Ye Fei couldn’t help but have one’s hair stand on end, but it was also secretly nodded. If it weren’t, this piece would be too empty and not so dangerous. Even the Sacred Domain sect does not dare to openly occupy it, but every once in a while, he summons Heaven’s Chosen from Nine Great Sects, enters to die, uses human life, and collects the keys to enter the fairy Demon Palace!

“On the surface, the journey of Taixu is an excellent recipe for the selection of Nine Great Sects by the Sacred Domain sect. In fact, secretly, it is full of bloody conspiracies. There is still use!”

Ye Fei was cultivating silently while thinking, and with his cultivation, the origin of the howling Celestial Emperor, like a raging wave, rushed into his within the body madly.

Suddenly, Ye Fei felt that her within the body, a certain seal, began to collapse, and within the space belt, there was also a cheering excitedly sword intent fluctuation.

It is not a Destruction Sword order, I feel the origin of the powerful Celestial Emperor, and completely awakened at this moment. Ye Fei feels a little nervous, and he is sure in an instant!

Chapter 2781 Celestial Emperor Talisman

“No Destruction Sword order, suck me! Fiercely suck!”

Ye Fei is in a great mood.

Within ten days, if he wants to refining enough Celestial Emperor origins by his own strength, there may be some problems, but if there is a Destruction Sword order, then there is no problem.

Moreover, the function of this Celestial Emperor blood pool is not only to enhance the realm, but also to crack the seal. This also makes Ye Fei surprised and inexplicable. In addition to the Destruction Sword order, Ye Fei thought about it. He simply released the Ghost God cauldron. Behind him, two forms of a cauldron and a sword were formed. At the same time, this Celestial Emperor blood pool was madly absorbed and refining.

Seeing Ye Fei’s hands, Dragon Tortoise needless to say, immediately rushed into the blood pool, and began to use the blood pool inside to continuously refining the power of the blood bead, and as the power of the blood bead continued to swallow , Dragon Tortoise’s bloodline level has also begun to soar wildly, from the monster dragon bloodline of Grade 9 to Grade 10, then Grade 11, and Grade 2!


When the bloodline was upgraded to Grade 2, Dragon Tortoise’s blood of the demon dragon suddenly took place at this moment, a strange change The breath of the god Dragon Qi radiated from the body of Dragon Tortoise. It shocked Dragon Tortoise himself.

The golden Vermilion Bird is heartbroken and feels injustice, “This black servant has done nothing, but it is cheap. This Old Ancestor is a cow and a horse, but there is no return…”

“si si, you’re not bad if you didn’t kill you, you really want good!” The Void Snake smiled grimly, it needs bloodline, not the source, so it can only stare at it, and at the same time, it’s stunned. Waiting for the 5% qi and blood promised by Ye Fei, the mood can only be described as bitterness. Naturally, the golden Vermilion Bird cannot be better off.

It’s just that the Void Snake Spirit hasn’t finished the irony yet. After seeing the Dragon Tortoise bloodline ascending, it seems to have become more beautiful. Xiaocao cheered, and threw aside the soul crystal he was holding for a half. , Ran over happily, hugged Dragon Tortoise and started rolling around, very happy.

Looking at the grass and gnawing halfway, it is no longer needed. The golden Vermilion Bird instantly shines, and then sneaks a glance at Ye Fei. Ye Fei pretends to close his eyes without seeing it. The golden Vermilion Bird Pulling down the old face, quickly picked up the unneeded soul crystal from the grass, swallowed it into his mouth, and began to frantically refining.

With the refining of the soul crystal, the golden Vermilion Bird’s bare tail and wings finally grew bright fire feathers, and the golden Vermilion Bird cried with excitement on the spot, “Growing hair, this Old Ancestor Finally the hair grows!”

With that sad tone, Ye Fei felt like she was standing upright, but then she was full of joy. Under the dual absorption of the Destruction Sword Order and the Ghost God Ding, Ye Fei not only accumulated a large amount of Celestial Emperor origin, which can be used slowly in the future, at the same time, it finally continued to have the powerful energy of the breakthrough god Perfection.

Ye Fei immediately used this energy to break the Martial Dao shackles within the body, and at this moment, in one fell swoop, he stepped into the realm of God-Sovereign Perfection, that is, the half-ancestral realm!

Half ancestor, that is, half-step human ancestor!

“As long as I can go further and comprehend Dao Xin, in an instant, I can step into the realm of the real ancestor!” Ye Fei’s mood was full of excitement. The human ancestors realm is a realm that hundreds of millions of martial artists can hope to never break through.

And such a realm is already in front of Ye Fei’s eyes.

“By the way, it is said that after defeating the young Celestial Emperor, I can also obtain an ancient god Blood Lotus!” Suddenly, Ye Fei remembered something, and his heart became even more excited.

The ancient god Blood Lotus, he had seen it in the Chu State imperial mausoleum. At the time, Lu Mohan was also for the ancient god Blood Lotus. Succeeded.

“The eight-armed demon dragon Senior once said that the ancient god Blood Lotus also has a grade. At the beginning of the Chu State imperial tomb, I got the king grade Blood Lotus. I don’t know this time I was in Tai What kind of Blood Lotus can you get?” Ye Fei was full of expectations.

At this moment, Stoneman’s indifferent voice came from outside, “Ten days have come, Ye Fei, are you still not coming out?”

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