“Back to Elder, we searched for the soul just now and learned that this time in Taixu, there seems to be a dark horse named Ye Fei, whose ability is enemy Lu Mohan, and it seems that he has entered the final gold Ancient Road!” The quasi-emperor bowed.

The ancient emperor of Sacred Domain immediately became interested, and said with a smile, “Lu Mohan, this person, seems to be the impeccable Heaven’s Chosen cultivated by the emperor, this Ye Fei ability is the enemy of Lu Mohan, and he is also a little talented. However, the more such a person, the more important we must check! As mentioned above, the corpse spirit, seems to be capable of countless changes, not only can become an ominous beast, but more likely, it will become a person and hide in the crowd !”

“Then Elder, what do you mean…” the quasi-emperor cautiously asked.

“hmph, not only the Ye Fei needs to check, but all those who set foot on the Golden Ancient Road must also focus on the investigation!” Sacred Domain’s ancient emperor’s eyes showed a cold color.

This ancient divine corpse spirit incident is not trivial, and there must be no mistakes. Hearing this, the quasi-emperor no longer had any scruples, walked directly over, and began to investigate those martial artists who were on the path of inheritance. This immediately caused a greater uproar.

Difan and the others’ complexion has also changed drastically. Although this time he entered the many people who are too empty, but those who can survive are only a trifling of ten thousand people. It is estimated that such a number of people will not be long. It may be their turn.

“If Ye Fei does not come out, or cannot stop the other party from searching for souls, then we can only take the risk to break through.” Di Fan and Fu Renjie looked at each other. They are both proud and arrogant generations. How can you endure others searching for souls and exposing all your secrets?

Not only the emperor and the others, there are also people in other areas. They have different minds, but the ancient emperor of the Sacred Domain sect is very cunning. He first deliberately forced the Sacred Domain sect. Everyone outside the door went to resist the ominous beast’s beast tide, lured the tiger away from the mountain, and then calmly controlled and searched the soul of the young Heaven’s Chosen present.

This makes many people, although they have a heart to resist, they have no power to resist. They can only be obediently and honestly, let the Sacred Domain sect slaughter them, and are forced to confess all their secrets. Expose to people.

Such humiliation is difficult for ordinary martial artists to accept, let alone Heaven’s Chosen from their respective regions. It’s just that Ye Fei doesn’t know about all this.

Twenty days have passed in a flash.

Stoneman, the negative sword, also appeared again, looking at Ye Fei, “Boy, your time is too virtual, if you want to gain stronger power, when you have the strength, you can rely on the ancient Let, enter the stronger fairy Demon Palace, inside, there is everything you want!”


After that, Stoneman waved his hand, Ye Fei’s feet have appeared After the transmitted rays of light, Ye Fei felt that he had left the town witch tower, and left the dark and mysterious emptiness.

When he saw things in front of him again, he found that he had actually passed through a huge void portal and returned to the Teleportation Formation Platform of the City of the Void.

In this battle, not only him, Ye Fei also saw the silhouettes of Chen Xiaoyao, Fengyun, Lu Mohan and the others. It’s just that these people’s imposing manner is stronger than when they entered Taixu.

“Ye Fei!”

Shangluo jumped up and down, looking a little more lively, blinking his eyes looking at him, unexpectedly a little more familiar breath , The realm has also been raised to the half-ancestral realm, which made Ye Fei’s heart moved and was about to ask.


In the open space in the distance, there was a sudden violent fluctuation of profound energy. There were people fighting in the city of Taixu. Take a closer look, Ye Fei even more Is startled.

The one who fought was actually Emperor Fan!

At this moment, Difan, although he did not enter the Golden Ancient Road, but relying on the harvest in the bloody battlefield, Difan also received a large compensation from Stone Race. This compensation made Difan’s battle strength more and more Stronger, the mighty Saint’s aura surprised the ancient emperor of the Sacred Domain sect.

But astonishment is astonishment, but as the ancient emperor of Sacred Domain, he still disdains to take a shot at a junior of the gods, but instead orders the quasi-emperor of Sacred Domain who follows him to suppress Emperor Fan.

But didn’t expect, seeing someone taking the lead, behind Di Fan, a large group of people who were not afraid of death jumped out and joined forces to besiege the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor. This also immediately made the Sacred The quasi-emperor of Domain became furious, and immediately burst out with all his strength, continuously, with heavy hands, Bai Shizhong, Wu Yue, and many Heaven’s Chosen from the Ji family. As well as other dissatisfied Heaven’s Chosen, were severely injured one after another and fell to the ground.

Ye Fei happened to see such a scene when he walked out of the gate of Taixu. His heart was shocked, “Quasi-emperor? Isn’t this city of Taixu that only gods can enter? “

“That was before the journey of Taixu! At the end of the journey of Taixu, martial artists of any realm can enter the city! And the quasi-emperor who shot should be from Sacred Domain Zongmen!” Shangluo explained with a solemn expression standing beside Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s heart also has a faint feeling of anxiety. Although he knew that once the journey of Tai Xu ended, the Sacred Domain sect would take them away and enter the key to the fairy Demon Palace.

But even so, the Sacred Domain sect should also be aimed at their peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Why did they conflict with Difan and the others?

And looking at the people who fell on the ground, in addition to the familiar people like Bai Shizhong Wu Yue, there are also many unfamiliar martial artists who are also fighting side by side with Difan!

It’s just that with the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor, his shots are getting heavier and more severely injured. Among the remaining 10,000 Heaven’s Chosen, almost no one dares to take action anymore to support Emperor Fan and the others.

As the number of supporters decreased, the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor’s attack became more fierce, and even more faintly aimed at Emperor Fan, shouted: “It was you just now. Because you are a born Saint, I will give you the last chance to kneel on the ground and surrender actively. I will spare you not to die!”

Difan’s expression is very determined, and behind him is even more faint There is a peculiar sacred flame burning, “In this world, there is only Saint who died in battle, and no cowards who surrendered!”

“hmph, in that case, then go to death!” Sacred Domain Quasi-Emperor Completely furious, directly ignoring the attacks of other people, slapped with all his strength, moved towards Emperor Fan and patted his forehead. He wanted to kill the chicken to warn the monkey and completely solve all the troublemakers!

Chapter 2785 is a strong shot

“This quasi-emperor is really angry, that Saint kid, I’m afraid he is going to die!”

Sacred Domain’s quasi-emperor’s Strong, completely shaken the determination of many Heaven’s Chosen to resist. After all, the young gods who can enter Taixu are the strongest young people in a certain area, and they can often use the weak to defeat the strong, and even cross-border kills.

But because of their teamwork, they still can’t help the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor, not to mention that there is a real Sacred Domain ancient emperor in front of him. Without a shot, how can you fight this battle?

No matter how you look at it, it is a must-lost ending!

“Brother, we can’t win, don’t fight, you take care of yourself!”

As the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor moved his murderous heart, several of them insisted on being side by side with Difan The powerful Heaven’s Chosen in the battle is retreating decisively, not daring to continue to take action, Difan’s expression, but there is no change, he is just serious, showing his strongest magical powers, even at the last moment, without compromise, no give up.

Seeing this scene, I also felt Difan’s determination. Even the Sacred Domain who took the shot was a little moved, “You are very spine, but no matter how hard you are, you can’t resist the realm. Gap!”

Boom ka!

The palm of the Sacred Domain quasi-emperor slammed down. He hasn’t gotten close yet. The powerful palm wind has shaken the corner of the Emperor Fan. Mouth flow blood, the body was shaking, many people who saw this scene could not help but close their eyes, not wanting to see the tragic death of Emperor Fan.


Another explosion sounded through the entire void. The eyes opened to everyone’s surprise, but they discovered that the imaginary Emperor Fan, not at all, died tragically. Instead, in front of Emperor Fan, a silhouette of a young man wearing a purple gold black robe appeared, and he directly used a black cauldron to resist. Lived the attack of Sacred Domain Quasi-Emperor.

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