golden Vermilion Bird One was stunned, and suddenly nodded and said: “Well, now that you have decided, the ancestors are not reluctant, Ye Xiaozi, take care. If you die, old The ancestor will avenge you. If you do not die in a year, the ancestor promised to give you an unexpected good fortune. The ancestor is gone! Scum!”

The golden Vermilion Bird, turned into a giant flame bird, rushed higher and higher, and soon broke through the void, disappeared in this world, that is, when the ancestor of Vermilion Bird left, a certain corpse on the ground , Then suddenly jumped up, “Finally left, scared me to death.”

“See if you dare to play Vermilion Bird randomly!” Bai Shizhong and Ji Feng looked at them with contempt. Looking at Wu Yue, Ye Fei and Di Fan looked at each other with bitter smiles, and were speechless about what Wu Yue had done.

At this time, the energy of the Celestial Emperor talisman in Ye Fei’s hands was finally exhausted, and the Celestial Emperor projection that stood up to the sky also slowly disappeared until the Celestial Emperor projection disappeared, Taixu City In addition, the ominous beasts who almost ran away got up from the ground one after another, and the Taixu returned without looking back. The tide of the beasts disappeared instantly.

The eight-armed demon dragon and Rain Dragon, who were also crawling on the ground, were full of strong shock in their hearts. Together, they rushed into this city of emptiness and found Ye Fei, but they didn’t. Know what to say.

Ye Fei also looked at the two Dragon Race ancient emperors apologetically, “Two Seniors, I’m in trouble again, but don’t worry, I won’t be involved in the Dragon Race this time. You agree that from now on, I will leave the Rising Dragon Sect.”

Rain Dragon complexion changed, but the eight-armed demon dragon is full of anger, “Stop talking nonsense! Whether to leave the Rising Dragon Sect, you say no Forget it, but the master is nodded! Besides, I am not afraid of things in the Dragon Sect. This time, the Sacred Domain Sect has done too much!”

“Ye Fei, what’s the matter , Let’s go back to the Sacred Dragon Sect first. It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time. The ancient god in Taixu’s Sacred Domain is not only one.” Rain Dragon also muffled nodded, and his body suddenly turned into a huge Divine Dragon with wings. Weng said: “Now you are all on my back, I will take you away.”

No one moves, all the people of the Emperor Fan, including Chu Ling and Wu Yue, are all looked towards Ye Fei, Ye Fei also took a deep breath, but thought of Zhao Yu who was still in the Dragon Sect, and the Celestial Emperor talisman in his hand, Ye Fei was still solemnly nodded and said: “Okay, I will return to the sect with you! Ji Feng , You also return to the Ji clan, believe me. There will be nothing wrong!”

Even if something happens, he still has Celestial Emperor talisman in his hand, which can instantly kill the ancient gods!

This is also where Ye Fei dares to return to Thang Long Sect. Anyway, he even suppresses and kills the ancient gods of Sacred Domain sect. If Thang Long Sect wants to punish or threaten him, at worst Just suppress and kill again!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei did not hesitate to step on the back of Rain Dragon first. This surprised both Rain Dragon and the eight-armed demon dragon, but also secretly admired Ye Fei’s courage. People who dared to suppress and kill the ancient gods, but such an enchanting discipline, ascending dragon school, is it really acceptable?

Chapter 2789 Huizong

Chapter 2789 Huizong

In Ye Fei and the others, stepped onto the back of Rain Dragon and quickly left Tai At the time of emptiness, in the depths of Taixu, a grieving roar suddenly heard, “Junior Brother Junior Brother, why are you dead, what happened in the city of Taixu?”

Yes, it is the ancient god who has sealed many Heaven’s Chosen bloodline and supernatural powers. This ancient god, rigorous schemes and deep foresight, has counted the ancient divine corpse spirit, will sneak into the emptiness, kill people and suck blood, so he does not hesitate to use all young people The life of the god is used as bait to catch the ancient divine corpse spirit. But he also miscalculated, that is, didn’t expect, the golden Vermilion Bird who was once imprisoned, would actually escape, still in the city of Taixu, making an uproar.

At this time, this ancient god who walked out of Taixu is not only bloody, but also has countless traces of corpse scratches on his body. It is very shocking, but he is holding a A huge head, the head of the ancient divine corpse spirit!

It was also during the battle with the ancient divine corpse spirit that gained the upper hand. This ancient god sent his Junior Brother back to the city of Taixu to calm the turmoil, but didn’t expect Such an accident happened.

The fall of an ancient god, even in the Sacred Domain sect, is a very serious matter. The returning ancient god immediately released an infinite sense of divine, and then he saw one With a rather embarrassing sound, he quickly ran to this side, and with a plop, he knelt in front of the ancient god.

“Thanksgiving Dragon School Disciple, Zhang Wangu, pay homage to the ancient god Sacred Domain!”

This creeping kneeling is actually the peerless Heaven’s Chosen Zhang Wangu. After seeing Ye Fei’s crush and kill of the ancient gods, Zhang Wangu frightened the soul flew away and scattered. He simply did not dare to return to the Dragon Sect, but hid in the city of Taixu, looking for opportunities.

And this opportunity was soon waited by Zhang Wangu. There was another ancient god in the Sacred Domain sect, who killed the corpse, and returned strongly. Zhang Wangu didn’t hesitate, so he showed up. He pushed his butt high, kneeled on the ground respectfully, and knocked his head several times.

It’s just all of this. Ye Fei, who returned to the Thang Long Sect, didn’t know. In fact, when the golden Vermilion Bird was fierce, everyone except Emperor Fan and the others was at large. Ye Fei also simply doesn’t have time to pay attention to Zhang Wangu, the sinister villain.

Now what he cares most about is the attitude of the or Saint Yuzong Sect towards this matter, as well as the Thang Longzong, whether he will choose to shelter him, or sweep him out, or even suppress him, Give credit to the Sacred Domain sect.

I also understood this point. When I was halfway, Ye Fei not at all let Difan and the others, also followed to the Shenglongzong, but halfway through sound transmission, let Difan find As an excuse, together with Fu Renjie and Bai Shizhong siblings, we returned to Divine State first and arranged everything.

At the same time, Ji Feng also decided to take the youth of the Ji royal family and return to the ancient clan, and then look for Ye Fei. As for Shangluo, as early as when the golden Vermilion Bird was raging, he was taken by the Xuannvzong expert. In order to escape too early, Ye Fei didn’t have to worry about Shangluo’s safety. Only Chu Ling and Wu Yue were still following Ye Fei at this time.

The three of them are all with one’s heart set on speeding home, wishing to rush to the Dragon Sect at once, so as to avoid any accidents.

However, it is a very long journey from Taixu to Shenglongzong. Even if the Eight-armed Demon Dragon and Rain Dragon are on their way, it took a full half a month to rush back to the control of Shenglongzong. Of the region.

In this period of time, there was news of the fall of the ancient god of Sacred Domain in the Taixu Land. It has already spread throughout most of the nine regions of Heaven Realm, and it is estimated that only the Divine Dynasty such as Chiyue Divine Dynasty. I don’t know what Heaven and Earth turning upside down happened outside.

When the news came back to Shenglongzong, the whole sect was in an uproar.

Sect Master Zhang Lang was shocked and stunned for several minutes. He couldn’t believe it was true. “Everyone, Elder, this is absolutely impossible! Then Ye Fei is only in the late stage of the gods, even if he In Taixu, there is a fortuitous encounter and a breakthrough of the half ancestor, and it is basically impossible to suppress and kill the ancient gods!”

“Sect Master, the words cannot be said too absolute, in the realm of Ye Fei, it is impossible to suppress and kill Kill the ancient gods, but don’t forget, this child released the Sacred Domain sect and suppressed the golden Vermilion Bird in the emptiness. The Vermilion Bird was very fierce, and he pecked the ancient Sacred Domain sect to death on the spot. The emperor, this matter is absolutely true.”

Someone in charge of intelligence Elder, who stood up to say solemnly, this remark, also immediately angered a certain Chinese clothing Elder present, and immediately shocked him. roared: “Ye Fei has long heard that this evil obstacle is the demon. How long has he joined the Sacred Dragon Sect, he has been troubled by the Sacred Domain Sect. Now he has also provokes the Sacred Domain Sect. , Can’t ask for it!”

“Five Lao, everything must not be too absolute. Ye Fei hasn’t come back and the matter has not been clarified. We will expel the discipline from the sect. If this matter is spread, Isn’t it a joke?” In the theme, Zhang Lang’s expression was a bit ugly, and he secretly regretted that Ye Fei should not be taken to the Shenglongzong. Helpless, this order, It was his Master who ordered it by Supreme Sect Master himself, and Zhang Lang couldn’t decide what to do with Ye Fei. Thinking of this, Zhang Lang simply waved his sleeves and let these Sect Elders retreat temporarily.

Zhang Lang himself once again embarked on the Shenglongzong, the tallest and simplest mountain. On this mountain, there is a grassy cottage that leaks everywhere. Who can think of the Shenglongzong? The strongest ancient god, the previous generation Sect Master, lived in such a place.

“Master, I came to see you again, this time I ascended the Dragon Sect and had a big trouble…” Zhang Lang handed over and looked towards the Caolu, but in the Caolu, there was a kind eyebrow The old man, his clothes washed white, was alone, looking at the sky in a daze. After a long time, the old man turned his head and sighed: “What you said, the eight-armed demon dragon sound transmission through the soul, I’ve already told me in advance.”

“Ai, I’ve got a scourge in the Thang Long Sect! If I changed to other Sects, if there was such a discipline under the door, I would have been slapped into meat sauce. But we are different from the Shenglong Sect. Since the establishment of the Sect, I have only two words that are the most famous. Zhang Lang, tell me, which two words are they?” asked the old man.

Zhang Lang not even think promised: “Of course it is to protect the shortcomings! I, Shenglongzong, may not be the strongest in Nine Big Sect, but it must be the shortest! As long as the discipline, it is not doing harm to the world. Regardless of what happens, I, Shenglongzong, will carry it down for him! I think that Wu Yue was framed by the emperor at the beginning, and this incident was agitated. Our Shenglongzong has not resisted Wu Yue, and finally It proves Wu Yue’s innocence… Wait, Master, what do you mean…”

Speaking of this, Zhang Lang suddenly stopped and looked at the old man in shock. After all, Wu Yue was only framed. Peeking at the princess scrubbing, and Ye Fei, but rumored, released the golden Vermilion Bird and killed an ancient god of the Sacred Domain sect!

“Could it be that Ye Fei has caused such a catastrophe, Master, do you have to protect your shortcomings to the end?”

Zhang Lang asked in surprise, but what he saw was the old man Ling Ran’s eyes, “If you want an old man to protect his shortcomings, he must have the ability to pass the order. When Ye Fei comes back, let him come to the Caolu to see me. Remember, it’s step by step, without any external force. , Come up and see me!”

Chapter 2790 looks back and smiles

Chapter 2790 looks back and smiles

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