“Master, what sword dao is that, I seem to have never seen it before!” Zhang Lang asked in surprise.

“I don’t know!” The old man, the old god, looked at Ye Fei’s condensed sword dao light with a bit of surprise, “but this kind of sword dao is very mysterious, single-wheel sword dao, this child has entered the gods! But Sword Dao alone wanted to walk through the Sacred Dragon Road, but it was impossible. For how many years, the old man has allowed no less than 50 peerless Heaven’s Chosen to set foot on this road, but the only one who can really walk through is You are alone.”

This remark also made Zhang Lang’s face solemn, “So, Ye Fei has a great possibility of failure, and if he fails, what do you plan to do Master?”

“If he fails, the old man will fulfill his promise to Old Partner and kill this person with his own hands!” The old man, the ancient god, suddenly burst out with murderous intention, this murderous intention , So that Sect Master Zhang Lang shuddered subconsciously.

Don’t look at the old man at this time with kind eyebrows and good-looking eyes. When the old man was young, he was stronger and more fierce than him. The name of the old man was Chu Madman!

At this moment, Ye Fei didn’t know either. The moment he set foot on Sacred Dragon Road, he faced an invisible crisis. Leaning on Taiji Sword Road to clear the way, he even more breathed and walked. Finished the journey of one third.

It’s just that when Ye Fei stepped onto the middle section of the Sacred Dragon Dao, he suddenly felt an invisible heavy mountain, fiercely’s oppression on his body, and his ear came again. The ancient and indifferent voice, “Your meaning can carry my meaning!”


The ancient dragon roar, vast and boundless, seems to come from the ancient time and space , Shocked Ye Fei’s mind, and when Ye Fei’s mind was shaking, his whole body actually started to waver, and seeing it, his footsteps were about to be unstable, and his body had retreated.

Suddenly, Ye Fei roared, and in his mouth, dragon roar was also issued. He urged the Emperor Artifact to decide, and once again borrowed the power of Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei’s whole person, as if At this time, it turned into a huge Dragon Tortoise, supporting the ground on all fours, carrying the blue sky, and walking resolutely.

Dongdong dong!

The each step he walks is as heavy as a mountain. Every step he takes, the ancient dragon roar from the void becomes more and more terrifying. Ye Fei’s body is getting heavier and heavier, and his spine is getting more and more stiff. He is like a heavy sword that it would rather break but cannot be bend, and Divine Tortoise that walks on a mountain, walking step by step. After this heavy mountain road.

“Well, this kid, it would rather break but cannot be bend. Seeing him, I seem to see what I was like when I was young!” Zhang Lang’s beard was flying, making no secret of it, to Ye Fei’s appreciation.

The ancient god old man sneered, “You’re young and frivolous, who hasn’t? Old man will only be mader than you when he’s young. Isn’t he living in this grassy cottage now? The real test is now. It just started!”

The old man suddenly pointed his hand, and the mountain road in front of him suddenly became infinitely extended. It seems that I can never come to an end. Ye Fei, who was walking, suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost all senses, and he couldn’t even communicate with Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.

In front of his eyes, there seems to be only a lonely mountain road, winding and rugged, full of thorns, and what’s more disturbing is that no matter how Ye Fei walks, it seems that he will never be able to walk this way. The end of the mountain road.

In normal times, faced with such a test, Ye Fei would have enough patience to finish this mountain road, but at this time, he just suppressed and killed the ancient gods and caused a catastrophe. , The old man, the ancient god of the Dragon Sect, came for him.

Naturally, in Ye Fei’s mind, it is difficult to have a different mind. Could it be that the old man deliberately tricked him into this mountain road, and then trapped him, waiting for the Sacred Domain sect powerhouse to deal with?

If this is the case, then if he does not charge ahead as soon as possible, he will inevitably face disaster.

But in Ye Fei’s heart, there is another voice telling him that this may be just a test of the ancient god old man, rather than deliberately trapping him and handing him out.

At this time, if the Celestial Emperor Talisman is used, it is him who actively abandon the sect, not only offends the Sacred Domain sect, but also becomes enemies with the Dragon Sect!

“Now, it depends on how Ye Fei chooses!” The old man’s eyes are still cold, but Zhang Lang’s nervous palms are sweating. He admires Ye Fei very much, naturally. Hope Ye Fei will betraying the sect door.

But when Ye Fei got into trouble, his Master suddenly used the Sacred Dragon Dao to trap Ye Fei, let alone Ye Fei, anyone would have doubts, and thus Choose to deviate.

Then Ye Fei, when will he choose to deviate?

The breathing of Zhang Lang, the ancient emperor, faintly became tense.

On the road of Sacred Dragon, Ye Fei’s face also became extremely struggling, and even several times, he couldn’t help but wanted to take out the Celestial Emperor rune, rush out of this mountain road, and then take Looking at Zhao Yu, he went out of the Dragon Sect.

But in his heart, he can’t get past this hurdle. In the end, when he was in difficulty, it was the Shenglongzong who helped him, so that he was able to frustrate Lu Mohan’s conspiracy in the Chu State imperial tomb and reunite with Zhao Yu.

Now, just because of the suspicion in his heart, he has to use the Celestial Emperor talisman to betray the sect, reasonable in every circumstance, which is very inappropriate. Moreover, he is in the Dragon Sect, There are also two friends, Chu Ling and Wu Yue.

Although there are despicable villains like Zhang Wangu in the Dragon Sect, but thinking of the relationship with Chu Ling and Wu Yue, there are also eight-armed demon dragon and Rain Dragon secretly taking care of him.

Mr. Ye Fei decided what.

“People are not worthy of me, I am worthy of others! I cannot defect to the sect with unnecessarily suspected! Also, if the Sacred Domain sect really wants to kill me, trifling a Celestial Emperor talisman, also I can’t keep my safety!”

Since betraying the Thang Long Sect is death, not betraying is also death! That is so, it is better to be vigorous and bet him one step. Ye Fei also believes that for so many years, he has looked at people’s eyes.

Whether it is the Eight-armed Demon Dragon, Rain Dragon, or Sect Master Zhang Lang, they are not like that kind of villain. Otherwise, knowing that he has merged the eyes of Sacred Dragon, Sect Master Zhang Lang and the old man, may kill him.

So, what else is there to hesitate?


Ye Fei’s footsteps, fall again, continue moving towards the endless Sacred Dragon road, climb again!

And this climb will take three days, five days, ten days, and twenty days!

Such a long time is enough. The Sacred Domain sect responded and sent a powerful ancient god to come to Xingshi to inquire about the sin. Ye Fei’s heart was disturbed, but the footsteps still kept on. He continued , Moved towards the more distant mountain road, start climbing!

Chapter 2792 Worship me as a teacher

Twenty days, 30 days, 40 days, fifty days!

On the long mountain road, only Ye Fei walks alone. During this period, Ye Fei has not thought of giving up, nor has he suspected it. This may be a trap.

But he believes more, he sees people’s eyes, after all, if the old man wants to catch him and appeal to the Sacred Domain sect, he only needs to catch Zhao Yu, but the ancient god The old man didn’t do this, but set up this test. Ye Fei’s heart has a glimmer of hope, and this glimmer of hope, along with the mountain road in front of him, grows longer and becomes more firm.

“It has been fifty days. If the Sacred Domain sect really came to ask the teacher, it should have been there long ago, but now, I haven’t had an accident. It seems that my guess is correct! This is not a trap, it is just a test of the sect to me.”

Ye Fei’s eyes became clearer and clearer, and his pace became firmer and firmer. Suddenly, he was planning to continue walking on repeatedly. At that time, a mountain peak appeared in front of his eyes. On the mountain peak, two silhouettes stood.

It is Sect Master Zhang Lang, as well as the old man.

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