No one didn’t expect to conceal the secret for many years, so it was revealed. In addition, the Sacred Domain sect forced a soul search to deal with the ancient divine corpse spirit. .

The powerful Sacred Domain sect, for the first time in Heaven Realm, received hostility and dissatisfaction from countless forces. This kind of dissatisfaction also made Sacred Domain sect even afraid to publicly attack the Dragon Sect at this time. Capture Ye Fei.

After all, once openly crusades, at such a sensitive moment, it will inevitably cause other forces to endanger themselves, and even promote the great alliance of Heaven Realm’s local forces. No matter how strong the Sacred Domain sect is, it is also impossible. Enemies with the entire Heaven Realm, dozens or even hundreds of ancient gods.

However, the Sacred Domain sect is the invincible overlord who is in charge of the Heaven Realm nine domains. Sacred Domain has countless talents and powerhouses. Soon, the Sacred Domain sect has made specific responses. Soon the anger of many ancient gods was calmed down.

It’s just all this, Ye Fei doesn’t know, and he doesn’t bother to care about it.

What he has to do every day is to accompany Zhao Yu, two people going on a scenic tour, and cherish every minute and every second they get together. Although Madman Chu has stated that he will do his best to protect Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, however, does not dare to pin his hopes on the Shenglongzong. After all, the strongest person in the Shenglongzong is the Chu Madman this one ancient god, and the Sacred Domain sect, not only has many ancient gods, but also There is a terrifying Celestial Emperor powerhouse.

“Zhao Yu, I want to leave Shenglongzong and go back to Divine State!” In the pavilion on the top of the mountain, Ye Fei looked at the distant scenery and hugged Zhao Yu’s waist. There was a strong feeling of longing.

Zhao Yu didn’t speak, just put his head lightly on Ye Fei’s shoulder, and a strong feeling of homesickness also appeared in his eyes.

The two people hugged each other silently. Suddenly, Zhao Yu’s eyelids blinked. In the beautiful eyes, there was already cold air, and that cold air soon turned into snow and ice in the sky.

The sky is full of snow, and the world is white.

“It will definitely pass. I can see that Sect Master and Supreme Sect Master are good people with cold faces and warm hearts. They will definitely protect us!” Zhao Yu’s eyes appeared. firm.

Ye Fei gave a wry smile. He did not doubt that the sect was determined to protect him, as long as Zhang Lang, the Senior Brother, and Chu Madman, the Master, were there. However, the other party is the Sacred Domain sect.

“Calculate the time, Master went to the Sacred Domain sect to deal with, should he be back soon?”

hong long long!

Just when Ye Fei was thinking about it, in the distant sky, a colorful sacred car was rushed at high speed. Under the canopy of that sacred car, there was a Sacred with scarlet gold all over. Domain ancient god, directly broke through the void of Shenglongzong and broke in.

“The Celestial Emperor’s decree is here, and the sinner Ye Fei takes it!”

Chapter 2794 Disposal

Chapter 2794 Disposal

On the colorful sacred car, an ancient god, holding an edict, this is the Celestial Emperor imperial decree of the Sacred Domain sect, which represents the authority of the Celestial Emperor, Heaven Realm Nine Great Sects, omnipotent, omnipotent .

Ye Fei was on the top of the mountain, waiting with Zhao Yu. It was not this shit decree, but the hope that the Master Chu Madman would return. As a result, it was a Sacred Domain sect who came here. The ancient god, subconsciously, Ye Fei squeezed the Celestial Emperor talisman in his hand!

This is the talisman of the young Celestial Emperor. It should be stronger than the imperial decree of the Sacred Domain sect, right? Zhao Yu also held Ye Fei’s hand tightly, as if he had made a certain determination in his heart.

If the Sacred Domain sect is really determined to deal with Ye Fei this time, even if it is dead, she will die with Ye Fei!

The imperial decree of the Sacred Domain sect shocked many people and caused a sensation in the entire Thang Long sect. Numerous Elders and disciplines turned their attention to this side. Although the Thang Long Sect is most famous for protecting shortcomings, the misfortune caused by Ye Fei in Taixu this time is too great, which makes many sects Elder dissatisfied with Ye Fei.

Among them, Fifth Elder, the Master of Zhang Wangu, is headed, and he firmly opposes sheltering Ye Fei. Now, he has finally waited for the Sacred Domain sect to punish Ye Fei. , I just don’t know what Sacred Domain sect is going to do with Ye Fei this time? Is it to be killed or abolished?

Either way, 80% of this Ye Fei is finished, and there is no need to worry about it. Ye Fei may snatch Zhang Wangu’s position in the sect. Fifth Elder is even a little happy At this time, he took the initiative to welcome him and saluted: “Elder of the Dragon Sect, I have seen Lord Sacred Domain, the ancient god, I don’t know my lord, what do you do with Ye Fei?”

“Fifth Elder, this is a bit past! When did Ye Fei become my sect rebel?” Chu Ling and Wu Yue also rushed over. Wu Yue’s status is not high and it is not easy to interrupt, but Chu Ling does not have this Scrupulous, he expressed his dissatisfaction on the spot.

This also attracted Fifth Elder’s sullen gaze, “Chu Ling, Zongmen major event, we have Elder responsible for it, you are a junior, it is better not to interrupt.”

This remark already has the meaning of reprimand, and Fifth Elder already knows that Zhang Wangu has not dared to return to the sect. There is also a large part of the reason, because Chu Ling, Fifth Elder will naturally not have a good tone, this attitude , Also made Chu Ling faintly angry and aggrieved.

It was obviously Zhang Wangu’s villainous behavior, directed at her and Ye Fei, and ended up here at Fifth Elder, is it hers instead? With Chu Ling’s fiery temper, she would not be patient, so she would continue to refute on the spot.

At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly grabbed Chu Ling’s hand and told her to step back and say, “This is the discipline. If you are a Master, you will probably not be so good. This means that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Why should we lower oneself to somebody’s level with this kind of person?”

When we talked, Ye Fei didn’t even bother to look at Fifth Elder. Fifth Elder’s face suddenly became uglier than pig liver. I can only turn to look towards the ancient gods of the Sacred Domain sect: “My lord, this child is arrogant and ignorant and has nothing to do with my Shenglongzong. No matter how you deal with him, our Shenglongzong has no objection!”

Even Fifth Elder is in his own heart, and he is eager for the ancient god of Sacred Domain to directly kill Ye Fei, the evil horse.

But the ancient god of Sacred Domain who came here looked at Ye Fei with a weird expression, “You are Ye Fei, Chu Madman’s discipline? I have to say, you have worshipped a good Master. Originally, with your actions of releasing the golden Vermilion Bird, suppressing and killing the ancient gods, even ten thousand deaths would not be able to offset your sins. However, since your Master Chu Madman is willing to leave the Dragon Sect and serve for my Sacred Domain, We won’t embarrass you anymore!”

“Sinner Ye Fei listen to the edict! The Madman Nian Chu has joined Sacred Domain, you are in the emptiness, my Sacred Domain sect, forgive you for a hundred days Within, I rushed to Holy City to participate in my Holy Sect, the first Heaven’s Chosen battle! Thank you for this!”

After finishing the edict of this Sacred Domain ancient divine sense, I don’t even read Thang Long Zong Zhu. Like people, he even took a provocative look at Sect Master Peak. After that, the colorful god car had once again smashed the heavens of the Dragon Sect. disappeared.

There is only a group of Elders left, looking at each other in blank dismay, and they don’t understand, “Ye Fei suppressed and killed the ancient gods, and the Sacred Domain sect not only did not pursue them, but also invited Ye Fei to participate. What is the battle of Heaven’s Chosen?”

“hmph, the black sheep, it is the black sheep! I ascend to the dragon sect. It is the Supreme Sect Master who can frighten the heroes. Now Supreme Sect Master, for this rebel, abandoned me Wait, join the Sacred Domain, and there will be no ancient gods from now on. I ascend to the Dragon Sect. Not only will my strength be greatly damaged, but also soon, I will fall out of the Nine Great Sects! This evil obstacle has nothing to do with the sect. The sect has paid such a big sacrifice!” Fifth Elder, anger is inexhaustible, like that, I am willing to expel Ye Fei from the sect immediately. Ye Fei’s heart suddenly became angry and looked coldly. towards Fifth Elder said: “I respect you as Elder, so I don’t follow you lower oneself to somebody’s level. If you dare to fart in front of me, believing or not I will kill you now!”


A terrifying killing intent suddenly emerged from Ye Fei’s body.

Thang Longzong is very grateful for his protection, but this does not mean that he will let this Fifth Elder wantonly insult and provocation. Hearing the many Elders in this remark, they are also looked at each other in blank dismay, and then one after another wry smiles.

“Sure enough, it’s not a kind of person, don’t enter a family! Supreme Sect Master is named Chu Madman, Sect Master Zhang Lang, self-proclaimed prodigal son is not romantic, this Ye Fei, from now on, can also be called Ye Kuangmo It’s.”

“That’s all, who called me the Sanglong Sect. The biggest tradition is to protect shortcomings. Although Ye Fei was wrong this time, the Sacred Domain Sect did too much. .”

While discussing, these Elders shook their heads and left. The atmosphere of the Shenglong Sect is also very different from other sects. Here, as long as it is not doing things that hurt the world, even if the discipline is committed A big mistake, Thang Longzong, will protect you to the end!

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