However, Wu Yue was no longer angry and did not kill these guards. Instead, he maintained a certain measure. After all, this is the Wu Family, Wu Yue’s family, “Wu Ping, follow me in. Get up now, this palace is owned by you and my brother!”

As the Core Disciple of the Thang Long Sect, he is also a god. Of course, Wu Yue is impossible to submit to humiliation. Since the family tore down his house, he simply took this palace , As his new home.

“Wu Ping? This is the wretched Wu Ping. Unexpectedly, even he came back.” At this time, many guards noticed that Wu Yue was also following a somewhat familiar silhouette.

This silhouette is actually the most famous wimp in the family, Wu Ping.

It’s just that they don’t know that Wu Ping is Ye Fei pretending to be Ye Fei. Before they retreat, they directly taunted: “Wu Ping, I didn’t expect you to come back as a waste and follow Wu Yue, very good. , For the matter here, we will immediately report to Super Young Master!”

These guards quickly retreated.

When I first came to Wu Family, in order to avoid showing his horse’s feet, Ye Fei was not very good at talking, but just stuffed his head, followed Wu Yue into this luxurious and somewhat excessive palace, waved away the maid, Sitting on the golden chair, he said, “Wu Yue, do you have any grudges with that super Young Master? What happened to Wu Ping?”

Wu Yue sighed and said, “Wu Ping is my cousin, that is, you. My cousin is good at everything, but he is too kind and has no talent in himself. What’s even worse is that he himself is the only son of the former family. He has been bullied since he was a child, so he has become taciturn and cowardly. . Even though I brought him to the Thang Long Sect, he was also disheartened to Martial Dao, but he was at ease in the ancient country affiliated to the Zong Sect, and he was so peaceful and happy.”

My cousin, even Wu Yue couldn’t help but sighed. Ye Fei only understood why he saw Wu Ping who became Wu Ping, and even the guards of the Daojun realm of several families dared to ridicule.

“What about Wu Chao, what kind of grudges does he have with you?” Ye Fei continued to ask, since it is the brother, if Wu Yue is wronged in Wu Family, Ye Fei can’t ignore it.

Wu Yue also understood the meaning of Ye Fei, and shook his head slightly and said: “Wu Chao is the son of my uncle. When he went to Substitute Patriarch to die in battle, my father and uncle participated in the fight for the owner of the family. Family grudges, Wu Chao relied on his talents to be higher than me. He had troubled me several times, but I got a fortuitous encounter in the Dragon Sect. The bloodline has been upgraded to Grade 11, which is no longer worse than Wu Chao. Besides, I still have cousin pain Me.”

When I mentioned my cousin, Wu Yue and the jade small dragon actually showed an extremely stubborn smile. Ye Fei’s scalp was tight when I saw it, and I couldn’t help feeling for this cousin too. A bit curious.

And when Ye Fei was talking with Wu Yue.

The injured guards also used the fastest speed to report Wu Yue’s return and recapture to the Wu Family’s strongest genius, Wu Chao!

Wu Chao is more than 30 years old. Compared with the lifespan of martial artist for hundreds of years and thousands of years, he is still quite young. Since he is young and naturally energetic, not to mention the fathers of the two, there has been resentment.

Although Wu Yue’s father had already died in battle, Wu Chao still inevitably transferred the hatred to Wu Yue. Therefore, when Wu Yue went to Shenglongzong, Wu Chao naturally took Wu Yue Father and son, the only residence in Wu Family, raze to the ground, built the most luxurious palace, and this palace happened to be the place where Wu Chao and a group of friends usually find fun.

Now I heard that as soon as Wu Yue came back, he took the palace back. Wu Chao’s eyes suddenly showed a cold light, “Well, Wu Yue, you just came back and took my Even if the palace is over, I dared to bring back Wu Ping’s wimps, and they all came with me, but I want to see, all these years, he has been in Shenglongzong, what abilities he learned!”

Immediately , Wu Chao rushed over with a large group of people, aggressive, moved towards Wu Yue’s residence. Naturally, this scene could not be hidden from the other Elders in the family.

When I heard Wu Yue’s return, many of these Elder’s expressions were weird. Especially when I heard that Wu Yue brought Wu Ping back, it is inevitable that these Elders had different thoughts in their hearts.

“I heard that Wu Yue joined the Thang Long Sect and left dogshit luck and became a Core Disciple. This time he brought Wu Ping back. Could it be that he, like his father, also deliberately intervened this time Patriarch election?”

After all, Wu Ping is cowardly, but Wu Ping’s father went to Substitute Patriarch. When Wu Yue came back, it happened to be a critical period for the selection of the heir of the Patriarch. This is unavoidable. Crooked.

Suddenly, many Elders moved their minds, and they came out of divine sense one after another, hiding in the sky and peeping.

It’s just these Elders who think that the divine sense they have discovered is very secretive, but they don’t know that their actions have long been seen clearly by Divine Eyes.


Xiao Cao quickly reminded Ye Fei, and at the same time opened his hand, looking at Ye Fei with a very cute and innocent look, Ye Fei felt I was speechless for a while, knowing that it was time to take Xiaocao out to buy sugar bottle gourd.

“But before that, I still need to wait for Wu Yue to solve the Wu Family matter first.” Ye Fei eyes flashed, reminding Wu Yue, but at the same time, it has been looked towards outside the palace.

Chapter 2798 The Sad Cousin

Chapter 2798 The Sad Cousin

Outside this palace, there are already standing guards from Wu Family, still together Surrounded by a young Master dressed in luxurious clothes, Wu Yue went out to take a look, his face immediately became cold, coldly said: “Wu Chao, this is my residence, what are you doing with this group of gang of scoundrels? “

Although Wu Yue wanted to laugh when he was in the Dragon Sect, Wu Family is still very energetic. After all, this is his home. Ye Fei was also silently nodded, and took the initiative to step aside. Since it is a family affair, Wu Yue should be allowed to solve it by himself.

Wu Yue’s words also shocked many friends who followed Wu Chao, and shouted: “Wu Chao, listen to us, this kid scolds us, we are all Aristocratic with good looks Family, if you don’t solve this matter today, we will break our relationship from now on”

No one wants to admit that they are gang of scoundrels, even this group of people, most of them are typical dudes. Hearing this remark, Wu Chao’s face looked like pig liver, and he was bleeding angrily. “Wu Yue, you have joined the Thang Long Sect. You really have been able to endure. Now you immediately apologize to your brothers, otherwise, I will You look good!”

“hmph, kowtow can save our loss, let him slap himself a hundred times!” A certain Aristocratic Family Young Master, extremely cold and arrogant opened the mouth and said , Wu Chao did not even think and agreed: “Okay, just do what the brother said! Wu Yue, what are you waiting for, don’t kneel down, first slap yourself a hundred!”

wow hahaha!

The guards all around laughed jokingly, but didn’t realize that Wu Yue was also a member of their Wu Family, and the insults Wu Yue received were actually the insults to the entire Wu Family.

Ye Fei shook his head secretly, “A family can fight inwardly, but if they don’t even have a backbone, they will only show prestige to clansman, but outsiders are as weak as a dog, that’s too sad. “

The laughter all around suddenly stopped. Many guards, including Wu Chao himself, looked towards Ye Fei with incredible gazes, “You are Wu Ping? You are useless, when will we talk? It’s up to you to interrupt, give me a hand!”

“Yes, Young Master!”

A certain Taoist guard, apart from anything else, has already walked towards Ye Fei and raised up The slap is a clear sound, but this slap did not hit Ye Fei’s face, but Ye Fei. When the guard came over, he threw away and took a slap. The guard who drew it backed back in succession. Go! I, Wu Ping, no matter how frustrated, I am also the son of the former Patriarch, Young Master of Wu Family, Wu Yue, what crime should this minion commit below?”

Wu Yue secretly gave Ye Fei a thumbs up and cooperated. The coldly snorted and said: “hmph, according to the family rules, this kind of slave must abolish the cultivation base and be expelled from the family!”

The guard who shot out suddenly face deathly pale, and then I remembered Wu Ping Despite his cowardly personality, he was the only heir of Substitute Patriarch, and his status was not comparable to that of a small guard. The guard immediately collapsed on the ground in fright, and looked at Wu Chao pleadingly.

Wu Chao’s eyes became more and more indifferent, and at the same time he glanced at Ye Fei with a little surprise, “Ping brother, as the saying goes, it’s good to hit a dog. It depends on the owner. You and Wu Yue don’t pass by me. If I agree, I took my house and beat my dog, then don’t blame me Wu Chao, I don’t care about brother, you two beat my dog, today, I will break both of your legs !”

“Wu Chao, dare you to move my brother, I Wu Yue destroys you!”

When Wu Chao was about to move Ye Fei, Wu Yue immediately looked like an irritated Old Hu , Roared, and rushed up with the dragon stick. Wu Chao was actually not afraid. Behind him, the hurricane roared and formed a troll of wind. This troll tore the sky with his bare hands, and left and right, moved towards Wu Yue. Come.

Ye Fei was even more surprised to see that when Wu Chao was urging his supernatural powers, he also exploded with the power of Grade 11 bloodline. It’s no wonder that when Wu Yue mentioned Wu Chao, his tone of voice Jealous.

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