“It’s Ye Fei, it’s the Demon Ye! Wu Ping, it’s the Demon Ye!”

Wu Sheng, father and son, saw with his own eyes the amazing transformation that happened to Ye Fei, Wu Sheng’s body suddenly became rickety, much older than the day when the cultivation base was abolished.

Wu Chao originally hated Wu Ping for cutting his teeth, but when he discovered that Wu Ping was so famous that he could suppress and kill the head of the ancient god Ye Devil, Wu Chao’s bitter heart was already affected by endless fear. replace.

When Ye Fei appeared, at the highest point of the Divine Stage, a silhouette of an incomparably powerful ancient god suddenly appeared. This ancient god, with sharp eyes like a knife, suddenly passed the heavy Heaven’s Chosen and fell on On Ye Fei.

“You are the Ye Fei, the head of Ye Fei? Very good, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, my Sacred Domain is merciful, let you go, I hope you don’t let you Master is disappointed, let alone the deity, the battle of Heaven’s Chosen, now starts, since there are eleven people in you, my Sacred Domain will naturally be assigned eleven Divine Stage, you only have to defeat the Divine Stage Pass Defender , You can pass the first round test!”

“However, there is a rule for my Sacred Domain to cut the Divine Stage! Once you step on, only one person can live! So, in order to avoid the cowardly fighting and fleeing , The deity, will personally watch you and wait, if anyone escapes on the battle stage, the deity will personally kill him!”

hong long long!

When this ancient god was speaking, he had already shot, and continuously pointed at the void. Above the void, eleven blood-red arenas have emerged. On each ring, there is a strong breath. Youth powerhouse. Moreover, these young people all burned with Grade 2 bloodline Divine flame. Many martial artists couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Oh my God, peerless Heaven’s Chosen! All are peerless Heaven’s Chosen! Worthy of being the Sacred Domain sect…” Many older powerhouses are sighing, they are all from the powerful ancient tribe, ancient country, Even Nine Great Sects Elder-level figures, but because of this, their forces often take hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, before it is possible to cultivate a peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

The Sacred Domain sect, however, can take out nine people casually. This is the gap between the ordinary sect and the Sacred Domain sect.

In the ordinary sect, the extremely rare and unparalleled Heaven’s Chosen, in the Sacred Domain sect, seems to be very common.

Before cutting the Divine Stage, Ye Fei was also slightly surprised. He thought that the battle of Heaven’s Chosen this time was a battle between them, old and new Heaven’s Chosen, but didn’t ‘t expect, it is actually the peerless Heaven’s Chosen of their outer sects, and the Sacred Domain sect, these local peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pointing in one direction, I saw a young man wearing a dragon mask standing on the ring in that direction. Originally, this person did not attract Ye Fei’s attention, but as Xiaocao’s induction, a nervous voice from Dragon Tortoise suddenly came into his mind, “Zhang Wangu!”


Ye Fei’s heart was full of shock. He looked at the masked youth on the Divine Stage in disbelief, “Zhang Wangu, he is Zhang Wangu! No wonder he never returned to the sect. This person, unexpectedly Betrayed the sect and took refuge in the Sacred Domain?”

Chapter 2810, Divine Stage

Chapter 2810, Divine Stage

Ye Fei’s heart , Caused a huge wave, but did not say anything. After all, Zhang Wangu at this time was still wearing a mask, even if he said that this person was Zhang Wangu, no one would believe it.

On the battle stage, I seemed to feel Ye Fei’s gaze, Zhang Wangu’s gaze, and suddenly released a touch of cold light, and suddenly pointed to Ye Fei coldly, “Leaf demon head, I’ve heard you arrogant. Arrogant, always disrespectful to my Sacred Domain, now you dare to come on stage and fight with me?”

Zhang Wangu’s voice is hoarse, indifferent, and still carries an indescribable evil aura. , This remark, also let many people’s eyes, once again focus on Ye Fei.

The gaze of the ancient god of Sacred Domain also coldly noticed Ye Fei, “Since it’s the deity’s disciple, Ye Fei, you can go up to the battle stage No. 10 to fight. This is the deity, personally The ring for you to choose!”

The tone of the ancient god of Sacred Domain, with a hint of joking, this remark, also made many people cast extremely sympathetic eyes on Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei and Sacred Domain His grievances are already well known. Although Madman Chu joined the Sacred Domain as compensation, obviously, there are still people in the Sacred Domain who want Ye Fei’s life.

Therefore, this battle of Heaven’s Chosen will be held at the Divine Stage of the ancient divine blood battle, and the ancient god of Sacred Domain also personally decided the stage for Ye Fei. A dead end.

Little Beast King Zhebye, looking towards Ye Fei with a sarcasm, said: “Ye Fei, you dare to be fierce in Taixu, but unfortunately, this is not too empty! We The Celestial Emperor’s magical powers have not been sealed. Now this God-slashing battle stage, do you dare to go to it?”

Yes, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the ancient god of Sacred Domain specially assigned Ye Fei a ring, but There is a deep meaning, obviously to force Ye Fei to go to the Divine Stage to die.

Moreover, there are rumors that Ye Fei was able to sweep Heaven’s Chosen, suppress and kill the ancient gods in Taixu, not by his own strength, but by colluding with the golden Vermilion Bird and resolving in advance. The advantage of the seal of supernatural power, but that is too virtual, here is the Divine Stage, you can’t use Celestial Emperor talisman, can only rely on its own ability to fight against the ancient gods battlefield.

Can this leaf demon continue to create its brilliance in the land of emptiness?

Ye Fei, will he dare to step on this doomed Divine Stage?


Ye Fei used his actions to give the most powerful answer. Hearing the words of the ancient gods, he unexpectedly learned that the dragon on the battle stage The man with the mask is actually Zhang Wangu who is betraying the sect door; even if there is no ancient god, even if he knows this Divine Stage is a conspiracy against himself.

Ye Fei, no hesitation!

Only because the Shenglongzong is kind to him, he is the Shenglongzong discipline!

“Farewell, I am not afraid to fight, I just disdain, fight with cowards like you!”

Ye Fei step by step towards the battle stage, by the way, full of irony looked towards Little Beast King Zhebye, “Your younger brother Zaku, died in my hands, I just ask you, do you dare to fight with me in advance and avenge your younger brother?”


all around There is an uproar, Zaku’s death, Holy City has long been spread, people just heard that Zaku died in a small family outside Holy City, but didn’t expect it. Being suppressed and killed by Ye Fei himself, many people’s eyes are subconsciously looking towards the little beast king Zhebye on the Divine Stage.

It stands to reason that the enemy of murder is absolutely irreconcilable. Although Zaku is not a good thing, he has done all his bad things and is notorious, but he is also a younger brother of philosopher. That Zhebye, there are enough reasons to avenge Zaku.

“Ye Fei!” Hearing these words, Zhebye, like a lion that was thoroughly angered, roared and roared, but his steps were motionless, and his face was full of anger and anger. Humiliation, Zagu’s death, he had already concealed it, but Ye Fei said it in public, and it didn’t make him fight, nor did he not fight, embarrassing to die, unconsciously, he was humiliated by Ye Fei, and his name was weak. head.

At this time, a hand slapped his shoulder, Lu Mohan’s face was like a glacier, icily said: “The dying person, why bother to tell him, let’s walk the way of the living, let him Walk the path of the dead!” After finishing speaking, Lu Mohan has already stepped forward, moved towards the selected battle stage No. 3, and walked away. He never looked at Ye Fei again. It was not that Lu Mohan had forgotten the hatred. , But in Lu Mohan’s view, Ye Fei was already a dead person from the moment Ye Fei suppressed and kill the ancient god and offended the Sacred Domain sect. This remark also gave Zhebie a good step.

Zhebie immediately recovered his calm, and said proudly: “Ye Mo, it’s not that I don’t want to kill you and avenge my brother, but you, you are already a dead person, I Zhebie, I don’t bother to do something with you. !” After finishing talking, Zhebye also moved towards the sixth battle stage, and saw that on the battle stage, she was a thin woman. It seemed that she was also on the battle stage. The weak one.

Zheying’s choice also caused many people to boo. Shangluo even shook his head and said: “A big man, to bully a weak woman, this philosophical farewell is nothing but a fame!”

“Even if it is a fictitious name, it cannot change the fact that Zhebie is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Shangluo younger sister, Jialuo elder sister, this time the battle of Heaven’s Chosen, we three women, not equal to me compare , Who can beat the opponent first?”

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