But it is not Jialuo who is most depressed, but Lu Mohan at the end. When Ye Fei and Jia Luo dodge the hurricane blade respectively, the one who finally resisted the attack of the wind and cloud turned out to be him, Lu Mohan!

Discovering this result, the Alliance Leader of the cold alliance vomited a bit of old blood on the spot. On the spot, he could only fight his old life and burst out all the cultivation base to resist the hurricane blade. .

I have to say that Lu Mohan’s battle strength is really terrifying. Even in the face of absolute disadvantage, he still relied on his full strength to erupt and successfully resisted the wind and cloud’s hurricane blade. It just didn’t wait for Lu Mohan to show a relaxed smile.

There was a loud noise!

Chen Xiaoyao cuts his flute in the air and carries the power of endless void. It has been completely suppressed. Not only Ye Fei, Fengyun, Jia Luo felt a terrifying sound wave and killed him.

Lu Mohan, who had exhausted everything, let out a scream. He was shook by the sound wave, shaking his body, and fell out of the battle stage backwards. The Huangtian Elder watching the battle nearby was stunned. , Looked stunned.

No one didn’t expect. Lu Mohan, who was placed high hopes by them, would actually be the first to be eliminated. When this point was discovered, Lu Mohan himself had a forehead. The blue veins bulged and his head was dizzy, almost fainting out of breath.

Only at this time, no one is paying attention to Lu Mohan, the loser. Except for the emperor and the people in the Hanmeng, they sighed regretfully. All of them stared at the battle stage. Silhouette of the melee.

Of course, the one that receives the most attention is Ye Fei!

After all, the ancient god Yu Duo has already spoken himself, whoever can kill Ye Fei can become the Direct Disciple of the ancient god, equivalent to unconditionally join the Sacred Domain main line.

However, Yu Duo’s words seem to be very useless, because on the battle stage, after blasting out Lu Mohan, Chen Xiaoyao was still strong and continued to suppress the three on the flute.

Feng Yun sneered again and again, the howling hurricane was able to resist Chen Xiaoyao while continuing to attack Ye Fei and Jia Luo, and more attacks still fell on Ye Fei’s body, Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became solemn, but he did not back down. The stronger the opponent, the stronger his fighting spirit, and the raging fire burned from him.

Suddenly, Ye Fei punches with one hand and displays Sacred Dragon punch with one hand, knot seal, condense seal of life and death, layer upon layer of heavens, blasting out, directly smashing his head and covering his face, smashing into the person who is also impossible to move Kahlo.

Gallo’s face turned pale for an instant. When she came to Holy City, she absolutely didn’t expect. She would face such a result. She would actually be in the same realm and be beaten and unable to fight back. What makes Galo even more intolerable is that no matter whether Ye Fei, Fengyun, or the most famous Chen Xiaoyao, they actually don’t have the thought of having tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. Instead, all of them are horrible. .

The sound of Chen Xiaoyao’s flute has been suppressing her. The hurricane of wind and cloud, and a considerable part of its power, affects her. Finally, when Ye Fei’s life and death stamp, strikes, came down, Jia Luo only Feeling a pain in the chest, the whole person, like a kite with a broken line, was blasted out of the battle stage. Looking towards Ye Fei, it can only be described as cannibalism.

Because most of the attention was devoted to resisting Chen Xiaoyao and Fengyun’s attacks, Ye Fei simply didn’t notice where his attack fell on Jialuo until Ye Fei’s palm was printed on it. , When he met a soft, he wanted to stop, it was too late.

Everyone present also once again saw the name of Ye Demon’s fierce destruction of flowers.


Just as Jialuo withdrew, the wind and cloud suddenly turned thousands of hurricanes into a palm. Fiercely’s Sacred Dragon punches collided with Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon. At the same time, Chen Xiaoyao suddenly stopped blowing. Flute, impressively photographed Walkabout Sect’s strongest Star Plucking Hand, and banged against Fengyun’s palm!

Chapter 2818 Ultimate battle strength

Chapter 2818 Ultimate battle strength

bang! bang! bang!

Almost simultaneously, Ye Fei, Fengyun, Chen Xiaoyao, and the three Divine Ability, fell on each other at the same time, especially Ye Fei. He was busy attacking Lu Mohan and Jia Luo just now, attacking Fengyun Divine Ability formidable power, which was not very sufficient. At this time, suddenly facing Fengyun’s full shot, his body did not move, but his footsteps kept retreating uncontrollably.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyao’s attack suddenly hit Feng Yun’s body again. Feng Yun’s complexion was slightly changed, but his attack was ruthless. At the same time he was fighting against Chen Xiaoyao’s Star Plucking Hand, a hurricane broke out again. The momentum, the continuous strikes come over, the feeling is like facing a hurricane, and the formidable power of the hurricane is constantly increasing.


Ye Fei’s eyes finally showed a touch of coldness and murderous intention. Knowing that this will continue, while facing the situation and the suppression of Chen Xiaoyao’s magical powers, he will definitely be the first to be out, and once Out of the game, it would be considered a Master Chu Madman to deal with, and the ancient god of the Sacred Domain sect would never let him go.

“If you want to survive, there is only one way, and that is to win! I will win!”

hong long!

Infinite fire, from Ye Fei’s body burns, but this is not the bloodline Divine flame, but the Vermilion Bird flame! In the monstrous fire, a Blazing Vermilion Bird roared and emerged from behind Ye Fei.

At this moment, Ye Fei feels like incarnation has become a golden Vermilion Bird! He displayed the Vermilion Bird secret technique, the true body of Condense Vermilion Bird. Suddenly, his bloodline broke through the limit of Grade 2 bloodline in an instant, and even entered a certain incredible level!

At this level, the formidable power of Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon boxing has become more and more terrifying. Originally, Ye Fei could only play 20% of the formidable power of this boxing method. At this time, it’s true in Vermilion Bird. With the improvement of his body, his Celestial Emperor divine might has increased to 30%!

The 30% Emperor Wei finally made Ye Fei’s body suddenly paused when he retreated to the edge of the battle stage. Within the body, a more terrifying dragon roar came out, unexpectedly Conversely, with a more terrifying Sacred Dragon punch, buck the trend and strikes.

Besides the battle stage, all the martial artists who saw this scene were all in an uproar. Originally, in the eyes of many people, since Lu Mohan and Jia Luo were out, the third one was definitely out. It is Ye Fei.

However, Ye Fei proved himself with his battle strength!

The real body of Vermilion Bird, which is far more than ten Grade 2 bloodline, is also the first time that the terrifying power of this Vermilion Bird secret technique broke out in front of the world. The moment Ye Fei’s double fists blasted out , I saw the hurricanes all around, bursting out of thin air, unable to withstand the Prestige of Saint Dragon that filled the sky. At the same time, Chen Xiaoyao’s Star Plucking Hand, also at this time, broke out the strongest formidable power.

The flute breaks the void, and the void catches the stars!

The invincible Heaven’s Chosen of Walkabout Sect has attracted the attention of countless people since the moment he shot it, and it has also made more people deeply shocked. At this time, many Talents know that the peerless Heaven’s Chosen also has strong and weak points.

Undoubtedly, Ye Fei, Chen Xiaoyao, Fengyun are the strongest group of people!

Then, the entire void was fiercely shocked. Ye Fei and Chen Xiaoyao’s attacks fell on Fengyun at the same time. No matter how strong the wind and cloud is, his body is uncontrollable, crazy moved towards battle stage The edge keeps receding.

Seeing that Fengyun is about to be blasted out of the battle stage by Ye Fei and Chen Xiaoyao inadvertently. Fengyun’s indifferent expression showed a strong expression of anger for the first time. He raised his head and uttered the gods. The general roar and the infinite cloud energy had already gathered behind him, forming a god of the sky, completely burning his bloodline.

Ye Fei was shocked to see that Fengyun had actually mastered the secret technique of breaking the limit of Broken Bloodline. His Celestial Emperor’s magical powers and formidable power were stronger, which not only resisted the Sacred Dragon punch. The attack was the other way round, a hurricane blade slashed towards Chen Xiaoyao’s body.

Chen Xiaoyao’s face suddenly changed. Suddenly, the flute in his hand grew longer in the wind, and the flute turned into a terrifying divine spear. Chen Xiaoyao’s hair was flying, white clothed like armor, he picked up his gun, yelled, the whistling spear glow, the powder and the void, shaking the world, and even a single shot shattered the blade of the hurricane.

Ye Fei was surprised to see that behind Chen Xiaoyao, there was also a vague illusory shadow, like an Immortal King appeared. On the battle stage, the three Heaven’s Chosen all have the ultimate battle strength of breakthrough ten Grade 2 bloodline!


When this point was discovered, the martial artists who watched the game were all shocked, including the peerless Heaven’s Chosen of Sacred Domain, and Yu Duogu, all with extremely shocked eyes , Looked towards battle stage.

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