evil spirit immediately uttered a painful and sharp scream, looking towards Xiaocao, as if he had seen something terrifying, and roared in anger.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise also looked towards Xiaocao in shock: “Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip, in addition to the ominous beast and Divine Soul, can even fight evil spirits?”

After being surprised, Ye Fei was ecstatic, and hurriedly pointed to the grass and said: “Xiaocao, continue to fight, give me a fiercely fight! Kill one, reward 10,000 sugar bottle gourd!”

” Huh!” Xiaocao waved his hand, indicating that he is a young grass that he is pursuing now. Ten thousand sugar bottle gourd, this kind of trick to coax young children, has no attraction to Xiaocao.

After listening to Dragon Tortoise’s translation, Ye Fei’s face went dark, but he still gritted his teeth and said: “hundred thousand bunch!”


tone Barely fell, Xiaocao’s body was already burning with six-color divine light, and a string of big hearts appeared in his eyes. At this time, in front of Xiaocao’s eyes, there were no fierce and ugly evil spirits. It was a string of lively sugar bottle gourd, Xiaocao’s fighting spirit was immediately aroused like a fire.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, they also saw once again that the vine whip that the grass swung out of the grass has erupted into a Heavenly Dao whip with endless divine runes rays of light. !

This whip should be the real Divine Beating Whip!

It’s just that Xiaocao is still young and can’t fully utilize the terrifying power of Divine Beating Whip. This is the case. When such a one is beaten out by Heavenly Dao first, the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus is transformed into The evil spirit also screamed in fear, not only did not dare to attack Ye Fei again, but also kept backing away, trying to escape.

This scene also made Ye Fei more and more suspicious that this evil spirit is not as simple as guarding the ancient gods and evil spirits, but finally, seeing Xiaocao condense a complete Divine Beating Whip, Ye How could Fei allow this evil spirit to escape easily.

The raging fire erupted from Ye Fei’s body and directly formed the real body of Vermilion Bird. At this moment, Ye Fei’s battle strength suddenly reached its limit. He did not wave the Destruction Sword. Order, the giant sword is like a mountain, breaking the sky and the earth, forming a mountain range of swords, blocking the retreat of the Emperor Grade evil spirit.

Dragon Tortoise is also like a wall. From behind Ye Fei and Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise stands tall, resisting other evil spirits. Attacks on Ye Fei and Xiaocao, no worries, just listen When the little grass screamed, the small body, already holding the huge whip of the avenue like a sky pillar, hit the Emperor Grade evil spirit with great force.

The Emperor Grade evil spirit suddenly uttered a miserable scream, even with its virtual ability, it couldn’t resist the lash marks of the avenue, and its huge body with strange eyes cracked open.

But he did not completely die. Instead, in the split strange eyes, there appeared an old silhouette wearing black sacrificial robes and gray hair. At this time, this silhouette looked even more terrified. Looking at Xiaocao, but also at Ye Fei.

Chapter 2835 The Last Sorcerer of the Wizard

Ye Fei and Xiaocao also looked at the evil spirit that suddenly turned into a human form with a frightening look.

“Ghost?” The dragon scales all over Dragon Tortoise’s body are erected at this moment, and the grass that has always been afraid of ghosts, swish, quickly grab the tail of Dragon Tortoise and pinch Dragon Tortoise His neck looked very nervous and scared. Dragon Tortoise suddenly regretted it.

Ye Fei also calmed his mind. While comforting Xiaocao, he looked at the evil spirit coldly and said, “Don’t be afraid, Xiaocao, he is not an evil spirit, nor a ghost, but a witch!”

The reason for this judgment is that Ye Fei discovered that the sacrificial black robe on this old man is actually an ancient dress unique to the witch clan. It was once in the land boundary. When Ye Fei ruled the witch clan, When he became the Witch Emperor, he once wore similar costumes.

At the time, he thought that it was just the yellow robe of the Witch Sovereign. Later, he learned that it was actually the costume that the most noble person of the Witch clan can wear. Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart moved. In the corner of the space belt, he took out the Witch Emperor’s outfit that had not been used for a long time. It was also a black robe wearing a black sacrificial black robe with a bone crown and a scepter in hand.

This is the Witch Emperor!

When Ye Fei wore such costumes, his entire imposing manner changed at this moment, from a rough martial artist to a noble witch emperor who sacrificed to heaven and earth!

The gray-haired old man also looked at Ye Fei and the clothes on Ye Fei with an extremely shocked look. Suddenly, he seemed to be irritated, and his mouth was obscure. The unpleasant voice seems to have been countless years, and I haven’t spoken.

“You…do not…qualify…emperor!”

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhanh Unlike a ghost, Xiaocao’s courage gradually grew, but he still only dared to hide behind Ye Fei, secretly looking towards the front from his fingers.

Ye Fei’s expression is full of cold arrogance. At this moment, not only the breath of the Witch Sovereign appeared on his body, but also a vast breath of Human Sovereign, looking coldly towards old The man said: “Is I qualified to be the emperor? If you say it, it doesn’t count, but the witches say it! Since the witches are willing to recognize me as the emperor, then I am the emperor of all wizards!”

“The wizard…he he he…” The gray old man’s gloomy face suddenly smiled. It was a mocking smile and a sad smile. Then, he seemed to think of something, his face Suddenly he became pale again, and a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes: “In this Heaven Realm, there are still witches?”

His words gradually became moving and coherent.

Ye Fei’s heart inevitably also developed some vigilance. Looking at this person, and thinking of the origin of the emptiness, he inevitably had a bold conjecture in his heart, and couldn’t help but ask: “Before answering you, you should answer my question. Who are you, and what happened to these guardian evil spirits of the ancient god Blood Lotus?”

Xiaocao is nervous again. He tightened Dragon Tortoise’s neck tightly. After all, besides the old man, there are many evil spirits here. I don’t know if there is a ghost hidden in it. The more I think about it, the more scared the grass is, the corner of Dragon Tortoise’s eyes , Two tears of grievance appeared, and he secretly vowed that he would never mention the word ghost in front of Xiaocao.

“Hehe, guardian evil spirits? Yeah, don’t you mention it, old man is about to forget, we are too Witch Clan already extinct, now we are a group of lonely ghosts, a group of lonely ghosts, a group of Celestial Emperors Punished sinner!”

The look of the old man became more and more frustrated. He even faintly carried a trace of madness and a trace of sadness, but soon his tone became passionate, his expression became aloof, and he pointed to himself coldly and said: “I, the descendants of the ancestor witch! Mage too wizard! As for the evil spirits you see, they are all the souls of my wife Witch Clan!”

wu wu wu, wu wu wu!

The wind blew and the ghost cried.

The guardian evil spirits all around, as the old man who claimed to be the descendant of the ancestral witch pointed his finger, the appearance of these evil spirits changed drastically, from various monster forms to human forms. It’s just that none of them have feet.

More than half of the body was submerged in the blood lotus plants, and all of these people who appeared were like puppets, with dull faces, except for crying, they were full of resentment.

Ye Fei became more shocked, and couldn’t help looking towards the only old man who could keep his mind. “The sorcerer family, what happened? Why, you will become evil spirits, and even more so Linked with the ancient god Blood Lotus?”

Give a deep look at Ye Fei. The old man didn’t answer this question, but looked at Ye Fei hopefully and said: “This question will come later. Answer, since you are also a witch, you should, too Witch Clan for me, dedicated your life, now, in the name of the descendants of the ancestor witch, let you submit to me, you are still your witch emperor, but you must listen to my orders! Kneel down, worship heaven and earth, and swear an oath to the ancestor witch!”

The look of the old man, the majesty of the change. It looks like an emperor overlooking the world. Obviously, this old man’s position in Witch Clan is very unusual, otherwise he would not have lost his memory in other Witch Clan. After turning into an evil spirit, he can still maintain spiritual wisdom. .

But what makes Ye Fei funny is that even at this point, this old man is still carrying the shelf of the descendants of the ancestor witch, wanting to make him acknowledge allegiance, his arrogance, as if to make Ye Fei Saw another dragon and sheep.

Furthermore, Ye Fei is not a witch clan. It’s just a coincidence that has been recognized by the witch clan. Perhaps in the eyes of the witch clan, the identity of the descendants of the ancestor witch may be extremely noble, but in Ye In Fei’s eyes, this old man is not as important as an Emperor Grade Blood Lotus.

“Xiaocao, let’s go, let this descendant of the ancestor witch, sober up here!” Ye Fei picked up Xiaocao, and stepped on Dragon Tortoise, turning his head and leaving, half a bit There is no nostalgia.

All around the evil spirits transformed by the wizards of the great wizard, there was an uproar. Although they lost spiritual wisdom, the instinct of the evil spirits still maintained the awe of the descendants of the old man. When they found Ye Fei They seemed disrespectful to the old man, they turned into evil spirits and roared.

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