old man hearing this was furious, “No matter how strong the Sacred Domain sect is, looking at the Great Thousand Worlds, it is just an ordinary sect established by the trifling Celestial Emperor. The old man will give fifty Duo, it’s enough!”

“Senior, that’s not good! Too few, after I go out, there is no way to explain it, and if I help Senior, Senior will not give me that many Blood Lotus, It’s not a big loss for me.”

When I spoke, Ye Fei’s eyes, a greedy expression, flashed by, and the old man’s gaze was so vicious that he quickly caught this point in his heart. I couldn’t help laughing, “Really a stupid kid who wants to blackmail the old man, and he did such a crappy, humble Human Race. It really is greedy, whether he is an ancient god or a small human ancestor!”

Without giving Ye Fei a chance to bargain further, the old man waved his hand again. The same fifty Divine Grade Blood Lotus and twenty Emperor Grade Blood Lotus fell in front of Ye Fei. There was no problem after checking again. Ye Fei is not polite, and all is in the bag.

The old man impatient said: “Junior, the promised ancient god Blood Lotus has been given to you. Now, you should be able to activate the witchcraft to help the spirit of the old man summon, right?”

When talking about the spirit of the ancestor witch, the old man’s tone was obviously agitated. Ye Fei’s heart became more vigilant, but on the surface, he looked calmly and glanced at Dragon Tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise also blessed his soul suddenly, his black mouth opened, and with a dry howl, two rows of tortoise tears rolled to the ground, “So hungry…”

“Eat! Eat! Just! I know how to eat! I feed you every day, and I don’t eat the profound veins enough, but I still have to eat the ancient god Blood Lotus. I will take these Blood Lotus as a tribute to the Sacred Domain sect. Where is the excess? !” Ye Fei had a hate iron for not becoming steel expression, but secretly he was with Dragon Tortoise, peeking at the old man’s face, but seeing the old man’s solemn expression, it was obviously a little stiff.

Helpless, the spirit of the ancestral witch of summon still needs Ye Fei. Anyway, giving it twice is also given. In order to further stimulate Ye Fei’s inner greed, the old man beckoned again and again, another fifty Divine Grade Blood Lotus, ten Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, fell in front of Dragon Tortoise, forcibly said with a smile: “Meeting is fate, this little turtle bloodline is good, these Blood Lotuses should be regarded as an old man’s meeting gift.”

I didn’t finish talking, Dragon Tortoise has a black mouth like rain, you are not polite, swallow all the Blood Lotus in one bite, and plan to save it for later digestion. Both Ye Fei and old man I watched Stayed.

“Eat?” Xiaocao also felt a little surprised.

Ye Fei immediately spoke again, this time without Dragon Tortoise translation, he seems to have understood the “meaning” of Xiaocao, and said in surprise: “What, Xiaocao, you also want to eat the ancient god Blood Lotus? You still have to A hundred plants?”

Xiaocao’s face was blushing and a faint feeling. If he agreed, he had done a bad thing. If he did not agree, it seemed that Ye Fei would feel very disappointed. Look like.

Just when Xiaocao was tangled, the old man couldn’t bear it, and finally couldn’t help the angrily roared of complexion ashen: “Junior, you have to blackmail the old man. When will everyone be a witch? , Does the old man still harm you? You quickly summon the spirit of the ancestor witch, as long as you succeed, the old man will immediately fulfill his promise and give you all the remaining ancient god Blood Lotus.”

Obviously The old man was not stupid either, he was knocked twice in a row, and he couldn’t react any more, he was in vain as a wizard who once crossed Heaven Realm.

The attitude of the old man also let Ye Fei know that it is impossible to continue blackmailing. Fortunately, the ancient god Blood Lotus has enough. Ye Fei said nothing, and suddenly took Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, take back the beast seal space together.

“Senior, since we can’t agree, don’t talk about it, Junior is goodbye!”

With a brush, Ye Fei has already started the space movement and continues moving towards Blood Cloud Mountain The deepest part of the man rushed over, too witch old man, dumbstruck instantly, until Ye Fei activated his supernatural powers and disappeared in place, the old man suddenly woke up.

“Not good, the old man was fooled! You are simply not stupid, you are just pretending to be stupid and want to deceive the old man’s blood lotus!” The anger on the old man, incomparable gigantic, especially I thought that he was actually bewildered by Ye Fei’s honest smile. Four times before and after, he had given out two hundred Divine Grade Blood Lotus and fifty Emperor Grade Blood Lotus.

A breath of bad breath came out of the old man’s mouth almost on the spot, and then the entire Blood Cloud Mountain resounded through the old man’s roar like a madman, “Little thief, evil barrier, old man committed evil In my whole life, I have never seen such a hateful demon like you. How did you find that old man is going to be against you? You have to take the old man Blood Lotus, where to go!”

Chapter 2838 Nine Yin’s Fury

Chapter 2838 Chapter Nine Yin’s Fury

“Before me, Sacred Domain didn’t know how many young supreme talents were sent to explore this blood cloud mountain , If you are really a pure summon spirit of the ancestral witch, you only need to seduce one of them and teach him the magic of the witch, but those who go deep are all dead, and this blood cloud mountain is also regarded as a dead end , Dare to ask, what did you do with those people?”

Ye Fei used the space to move, while coldly looking at the old man who was chasing behind him. At this time, the old man was furious. , Has turned into a sinister’s strange-eyed evil spirit again. Under the huge strange eyes, there is a big sharp mouth. When its big mouth opens, the smelly mucus flows out, making haha’s strange laughter. .

“gā gā gā, how are those people? Of course they have eaten! The old man has been trapped here for so many years, he can eat or not, drink or drink, and finally, a few living creatures come in , How can old man not have a big meal! It’s been a long time since I had eaten meat, but the meat of the ancestors still has a bad taste. It only tastes good when the ancient emperor, the ancient god’s meat! When I was too strong, Witch Clan, In the golden palace of the old man, there are many delicious ancient emperors, and the ancient gods are slaves. Their blood is the best nourishment for cultivating the blood lotus. Their meat is also very delicious!”

roar roar roar!

A scream of roar appeared from all over the Blood Cloud Mountain, and Ye Fei’s eyes also seemed to have a splendid building, which was the unique golden palace of the Wu clan!

Inside and outside the palace, there are powerful magic wizards everywhere. These wizards, through sacrifices, borrow Power of Heaven and Earth, and possess a stronger battle strength than ancient emperors and ancient gods.

Even, they also worked out the method of summon ancient emperor and ancient god heroic spirit, controlling these dead heroic spirits, fighting for them, and arresting the ancient gods and ancient emperor of Human Race everywhere as slaves.

Then the picture turned, Ye Fei saw again that these captured ancient gods and ancient emperors, within the body, were brutally planted with a scarlet seed. Soon, these seeds , Began to take root and sprout, becoming a blood lotus witch!

This is the way that the sorcerers cultivate Blood Lotus. It is bloody and cruel. When seeing this scene, Ye Fei’s scalp is numb, and he suddenly feels severe pain in his body.

He was amazed to see that, I don’t know when, he actually became a member of the ancient gods who were used as fertilizers, his within the body, the blood lotus madly absorbed him His blood, his life, began to grow rapidly, and this growth was even more rapid than simply pouring in the blood of the ancient gods.

Suddenly, the hotness of his chest made Ye Fei wake up from this terrifying phantom.

“Break for me!”

Ye Fei roared loudly, the dazzling sword light burst out all over his body. This sword light tore the golden palace and also shattered this The world is just a moment, but Ye Fei has a seed in it. He has been tortured for hundreds of years as uncomfortable. His expression becomes more and more solemn, and his consciousness immediately enters the beast seal space, “Xiaocao, are you ready?”


The grass is inside, eating the profound veins, and hearing Ye Fei’s words, the grass walks away with short legs, and suddenly rides the Dragon Tortoise majesticly. Waving Divine Beating Whip again and rushed out.

hong long!

At this moment, the world changes color, in the sky, like a faint preaching voice, Xiaocao once again summons the whip of the avenue, a small body, struggling to lift , Fell vigorously, and was chasing Ye Fei’s weird-eyed evil spirits. They immediately made a sharp cry of fear and anger. At the same time, they opened their mouths. Countless guardian evil spirits were attracted by its big mouth and crowded into a ball. A shield of evil spirits was formed, resisting the impact of the whip of Xiaocao Avenue.

Ye Fei was taken aback, but he also knew that the Eye of No Space was stagnant in the void, even if Xiaocao had Divine Beating Whip, it was impossible to be the opponent of this Old Monster.

After all, there are too many evil spirits here, Old Monster can order other evil spirits at any time to protect him from disasters, Xiaocao, but it is impossible to summon the whip of the road.

“But fortunately, this Old Monster does not have a fleshy body. Xiaocao’s Divine Beating Whip is his biggest threat! As long as I am not surrounded by these evil spirits, I don’t need to be afraid of this old ghost! , Let’s go!”

Take advantage of the whip of the avenue, to push the old man back again, Ye Fei once again launched the space shift, Dragon Tortoise also carried the grass and rushed back at the fastest speed. After leaving the beast seal space, the old man did not catch up this time, but opened up, devouring the evil spirits scattered by the grass, frantically devouring the evil spirits, while making a bitter voice in his mouth, “My soul of the Nine Yin Ether Sorcerer Swear, when I get out of trouble, it will be your death date! Boy, there is a kind of leave your name!”

“Young Master, my surnamed Lu is named Mo Han! Sacred Domain Yu Jiang ancient god’s discipline, Dragon The ancient sheep god is my uncle! My Sacred Domain has a Celestial Emperor. If there is a kind, you will come to seek my revenge!”

Ye Fei did not look back, continuously activated the space movement, finally completely After passing through this dangerous mountain of blood and clouds, Jiuyin Taiwu’s strange eyes also instantly showed a strong look of hideousness, “Well, Lu Mohan, I remember Jiuyin! Even if the old man kills. If you don’t die, you must be cursed!”

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