talking, Fengyun and the ancient divine corpse spirits both showed a strong murderous intention. Ye Fei was very depressed when he saw it. He was kind and old, but things got worse. Bad?

Just when Ye Fei thought that the two might have to fight on the spot, suddenly, the black fog in the distance was surging again. Obviously, it was not only Fengyun but also other people who found this place. I am about to find here, and it is very likely that it is those Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen.

The complexion of the ancient divine corpse spirit changed color first, and suddenly looked towards Fengyun said: “It’s a battle is teaming up, you give me a word!”

Obviously, it’s just the Remnant Soul state The ancient divine corpse spirit is still full of scruples for Sacred Domain. This is also true for the situation that has already killed Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen in advance.

Fengyun also coldly nodded and said: “Let’s join hands first, but before that, we have one more thing to do!”

“Well, to show my sincerity, I I am willing to share the tree of origin here with you!” The ancient divine corpse nodded and said coldly, but Ye Fei was moved in the heart of listening, and hurriedly looked towards the ancient divine corpse and said: “Wait, this tree of origin, Should I have a share?”

In the end, it was me who contributed to the cooperation between Fengyun and the ancient divine corpse spirit.

The ancient divine corpse spirit is also very happy, Weng said: “Yes!”

Fengyun is a bit hesitant, but considering Ye Fei’s battle strength, and the ancient divine In the end, the threat of the corpse spirits teamed up did not express opposition, but the body turned into a gust of wind, and suddenly moved towards the valley and rushed in.

“Boy, hurry up and follow him, the tree of origin can condense Celestial Emperor fruit. It contains Celestial Emperor’s various perceptions of Martial Dao’s magical powers. Having Celestial Emperor fruit can help you faster Comprehend Divine Realm!”

The words of the ancient divine corpse made Ye Fei’s mind shaken. He finally knew why Fengyun suddenly exploded killing intent to him when they first met. Obviously Fengyun was not only thinking To keep his secret, I want to swallow the Celestial Emperor fruit here!

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly made up his mind, this kind of Celestial Emperor fruit, he must get it! At this time, even without the urging of ancient divine corpse, Ye Fei has rushed into the valley at the fastest speed.

Not long after, Ye Fei also quickly saw the tree of origin. It actually grew on the bones of a huge Celestial Emperor, and it was an incomparable gigantic first Heavenly God demon. Bones.

“It’s the bones of my Asura Demon Race! He really killed the messenger sent by Elder!” The spirit of the ancient divine corpse has a trace of trance and sadness, which is the sadness of the fall of the same race.

Ye Fei was also taken aback. He thought that this skeleton was a young Celestial Emperor. As a result, it turned out to be a young Celestial Emperor, a Celestial Emperor Asura that was beheaded.

It’s just a pity that this Asura skeleton is different from the ancient divine corpse spirit. Although the ancient divine corpse spirit has died, the Divine Spark is still there. It always maintains a trace of resurrection. And this Celestial The Emperor’s skeleton, not only the Divine Spark was destroyed, but all the essence has been absorbed by a towering emerald green tree. Ye Fei feels a great pity. If there is a complete Celestial Emperor skeleton, Ye Fei can completely make the grass. Wake up, summon out the Celestial Emperor’s corpse spirit, in this way, he can walk unhindered in the entire Heaven Realm.

“Although I can’t get the bones of the Celestial Emperor, it’s not bad to get the Celestial Emperor. In this way, I can turn my Sword Domain into a real Sword Domain!”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei immediately raised his eyes and looked towards the towering tree. There were dozens of branches and branches on the tree, just like the passages. , And at the end of the branch, there are energy fruits the size of one after another washbasin growing, “These are the Celestial Emperor fruits. Except for the strength fruits, you can choose the rest of the Celestial Emperor fruits at will. !”

“Wait a minute, the fruit of the hurricane belongs to me, you can’t move it!”

Suddenly, Fengyun also opened his mouth. A hurricane appeared under his feet, taking him, Suddenly moved towards the top of the tree of origin rushed over, where there was a green fruit exuding the breath of wind, which was grabbed by Fengyun.

At the same time, the ancient divine corpse spirit also rushed towards a fruit exuding a heavy aura, which is the fruit of the earth, which contains immense power.

Ye Fei’s eyes quickly scanned the fruits. He found that there were seven Celestial Emperor fruits still remaining on the branches at this time. Except for the two green ones, they did not emit anything. Energy fluctuations, the rest of the fruits are all ripe!

After that, Ye Fei even sensed the fruit of a strong sword breath on one of the branches, and his expression suddenly became excited. The figure also moved, and quickly rushed under the fruit, which was about to be picked on the spot.


When approaching the fruit of this sword, Ye Fei suddenly felt that a sword intent that was as majestic as an abyss burst out of this fruit, trance During this period, he had the illusion of facing the young Celestial Emperor again.

Ye Fei only then realized that it is not so easy to obtain these Celestial Emperor fruits. It is very likely that when they rushed into this valley, the test of the fairy Demon Palace had already begun.

But Ye Fei did not give up. The stronger the sword breath this fruit exudes, the more it can explain its preciousness. Immediately, Ye Fei let out a low roar, and an infinite sword light burst out of his body, and directly moved towards the branch of this Celestial Emperor fruit.

The Celestial Emperor fruit also burst out infinite sword dao divine light instantly under the attack of Ye Fei. This divine light, like circles of waves, fiercely slapped on Ye Fei, unexpectedly Ye Fei has a feeling of being unstable and falling from a tree.

Chapter 2842 Chen Xiaoyao takes action

“The really strong sword energy, the fruit of this sword, is about to form the Divine Realm!”

This It is an extremely rare process. If the fruit of this sword is allowed to grow, perhaps, it may still become refined! However, it is a pity that the fruit of this sword encountered Ye Fei. The stronger the domain it broke out, it also proves the preciousness of this fruit. How can Ye Fei be intimidated by this small domain of the sword?

“Unless you metamorphose into a real Divine Realm, otherwise, the fruit of this sword, I will decide!”

hong long!

The whole branch , All trembling at this moment, Ye Fei took out the Destruction Sword order, and directly made the sword order into an incomparable gigantic, forming a terrifying giant sword of several hundred meters. Then, Ye Fei raised the sword and slashed forward, endless The domain of this sword light instantly shakes violently, but the fruit of this sword is really hard to obtain.

It actually resisted instinctively, forcibly broke out a stronger Domain, and pushed out the Destruction Sword order. Ye Fei’s old face was red. This is his first time in sword dao. Was suppressed.

He quickly looked towards the other two directions. When he saw the ancient divine corpse spirit, he tried very hard to get close to the fruit of the earth, the wind and cloud of the rebirth of the ancient gods, and struggled with the fruit of the hurricane. During the confrontation, Ye Fei was finally relaxed.

“Fortunately, although Fengyun and the ancient divine corpse spirits are powerful, only Remnant Soul remains and the other has just broken through the mid-term ancestors. I am not afraid that they will be the first to compete for other Celestial Emperor fruits. “

Originally, Ye Fei wanted Dragon Tortoise to go out and grab the remaining fruits. However, seeing the powerful Domain erupting from these fruits, Ye Fei decisively dispelled this idea, just obediently. and honestly, struggle with the fruit of this sword.

hong long long!

The infinite sword energy wraps Ye Fei, as if the whole person is incarnation and has become a Divine Sword. Ye Fei carries the incomparable gigantic non-Destruction Sword order, step by step, and keeps approaching. Furthermore, the domain of all around will be strengthened a bit, and at the same time, Ye Fei’s body will also burst out stronger sword energy to fight against the domain of all around.

Furthermore, the fruit of this sword has not yet given birth to spiritual wisdom. It can only passively block Ye Fei from approaching, but cannot actively initiate an attack. Instead, Ye Fei walks while constantly waving. Without Destruction Sword’s order, they slammed forward fiercely, and the domains were smashed to pieces like this. Ye Fei’s footsteps finally came to the fruit of the sword.

“Celestial Emperor fruit! There really are Celestial Emperor fruit here! hahaha, only those Celestial Emperor fruit, what leaf demon head, what situation, we can step on them with one move!”

“Hey, that’s not right! There are other people on the tree of origin!”

Just as Ye Fei was about to take off the fruit of the sword, suddenly, the valley Inside, three powerful silhouettes came in again, two of which were Heaven’s Chosen from Sacred Domain, and the other was Chen Xiaoyao.

Although they were monitored by Sacred Domain, due to the special figure of Walkabout Sect and the name of Chen Xiaoyao, these two Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen did not dare to embarrass Chen Xiaoyao casually, on the contrary they also used Chen Xiaoyao first broke through the Taixu black fog and seized the idea of ​​Celestial Emperor fruit.

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