At the same time, Ye Fei felt even more that countless information appeared in his mind. These information, like streamers, kept flashing before his eyes.

“These streamers are very likely to be the Celestial Emperor’s perception of the various Martial Dao magical powers. As long as I can understand these streamers, maybe I can comprehend the Divine Realm of my sword!”

Ye Fei’s mood became slightly agitated. Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, so that the Destruction Sword order temporarily stopped the absorption of the Celestial Emperor fruit, but instead focused on improving his perception. Ye Fei felt, Under the promotion of the Destruction Sword order, his perception seems to have entered an unspeakable level.

In this state, the streamers that emerged in front of Ye Fei’s eyes are no longer rays of light, but one after another horrible sword light, which constantly surfaced in his mind, just these The composition of sword light is too complicated. A sword light is equivalent to a divine runes of innate swords. It is not so easy to understand.

Now, what Ye Fei needs most is time. Not to mention the two escaped Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, they will attract the other Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen at any time, and only the tree of origin remains. Of the three Celestial Emperor fruits, Ye Fei did not want to give up the fight!

“If I want to obtain other Celestial Emperor fruits, I must comprehend the Divine Realm as quickly as possible! Big black, come out and help!” Ye Fei was ruthless in his heart, urging the Destruction Sword order However, it was not enough to improve the perception, so he simply grabbed the Dragon Tortoise, which is delicious and lazy, in the beast seal space, and directly urged the Emperor Artifact to turn Dragon Tortoise into the form of a crystal ball.

Then Ye Fei started to urge the Emperor Artifact. In an instant, he felt that as the perception improved, his deduction ability had also been maximized.

Look at the sword light that comes to mind at this time. It is no longer sword light, but paragraph after paragraph, the understanding of sword dao, and this understanding is better than Ye Fei once in Chu State The imperial mausoleum, the memory of the sword dao of the first emperor of Chu, is still vast. After all, the first emperor of Chu was just a sword slave by the ancient Sword God Celestial Emperor.

At this time, what Ye Fei felt was a real Celestial Emperor, and his understanding of sword dao!

Although this Celestial Emperor is not a specialization in sword dao, he has also learned countless magical abilities and comprehend countless Divine Realm, but Ye Fei still peeped at a corner of this vast Divine Realm, suddenly , Clear comprehension has reached the true meaning of sword dao Divine Realm!

Chapter 2844 Bold Ideas

Chapter 2844 Bold Ideas

“so that’s how it is, this is sword dao Divine Realm!”


The real Sword Domain is not able to successfully condense all the sword dao learned by oneself, fuse together, it also needs its own understanding of the essence of sword dao. And if you want to clear the essence of the sword, you need to integrate your own Essence, Qi, and Spirit, but this is not the real Sword Domain, the real Sword Domain, in addition to these, it also needs the most important One point is that the previous Comprehend Laws and will need to be integrated.

It can be said that Divine Realm is to unify all the fighting parts of itself to form a whole, which is the same as chopsticks, one chopstick can easily break, but if it is ten Roots, a hundred chopsticks, tied together, it is difficult to break.

This is also the difference between Sword Domain and Sword Soul.

Sword Soul only incorporates the Martial artist’s Essence, Qi, and Spirit, while Sword Domain incorporates everything from Martial Dao, both are incomparable!

When Ye Fei clear comprehension reached this point, behind him, the immortal Sword Soul suddenly resembled the Vermilion Bird One reborn in the fire, and an amazing transformation took place again. The entire void, at this moment It seems to be filled with endless sword intents, and Ye Fei is the core of all sword intents.

This power is the power of Sword Domain!

“From now on, the immortal Sword Soul that I have understood is not Destruction Sword Domain! As long as my heart of war remains, my Sword Domain will never die!”

hong long!

Ye Fei stood up from the branch, his whole body, like a sword soaring to the sky, rushed straight into the sky, and at the same time, with one hand, quickly moved towards the tree of origin, fifth A Celestial Emperor has finally caught it.

This is also the last mature Celestial Emperor fruit among the seven Celestial Emperor fruit. Ye Fei naturally wants to be the first to seize the fruit, but it is not only the one who wants this Celestial Emperor fruit. Ye Fei.

Almost at the same time that Ye Fei understood the Sword Domain, at the top of the tree of origin, Fengyun suddenly rushed down with the monstrous hurricane Divine Realm, with one hand, also grasping the Celestial Emperor Guo, Ye Fei’s face is black, “Fengyun, first come first served, you go find another Celestial Emperor fruit!”

“Joke! The remaining three, this one is mature Yes, I don’t want the familiar one, but I ran to find a new one?” Fengyun did not show any weakness, and the big hand continued to move towards the Celestial Emperor and went out.

Ye Fei immediately turned around, suddenly condensed the sword light, the infinite sword light, with the power of the indestructible Sword Domain, slashed to the rear, trying to block the approach of Fengyun, Fengyun was coldly snorted, without The weak erupted out of the hurricane field and collided with Ye Fei’s sword light.

Just when the two were fighting and getting close, suddenly, the ancient divine corpse spirit broke through and said with a big smile: “Don’t fight, I still need Celestial Emperor fruit, repair Divine Spark, this Celestial Emperor fruit, just to my liking!”

Get out!

Ye Fei and Fengyun suddenly joined forces and directly slammed the ancient divine corpse spirit to one side. The ancient divine corpse spirit’s face was hard to look at for an instant, and he was about to get angry. Suddenly, there was a terrifying spear glow with sharp metal. Divine Realm, pierced the void, and fiercely turned into a giant claw, moved towards that Celestial Emperor and caught it.

It turned out to be Chen Xiaoyao. At this time, the successful Divine Realm of the comprehended gun wanted to take the opportunity to capture the Celestial Emperor fruit. The ancient divine corpse spirit was completely angry, and directly a Purple Gold divine fist. Just moved towards giant claw and blasted over.

Ye Fei and Fengyun also joined forces again, moving towards Chen Xiaoyao blasted the sword, but Chen Xiaoyao was laughed heartily. Suddenly the flute in his hand was cut into the air, causing cracks in the sky and blocking Ye. Fei and Fengyun’s combined blow, “Ye Fei, Fengyun, and this ancient god Senior, since we are all interested in the Celestial Emperor, it’s better to fight another battle. Whoever is the strongest will get this Celestial Emperor fruit. How?”

“No need to fight, here is my highest realm, and I should get the Celestial Emperor fruit!”

The ancient divine corpse must take the Celestial Emperor fruit. Fengyun was coldly snorted, and blocked: “You only have Remnant Soul now. The power you can restore is up to the middle of the ancestors. This Celestial Emperor fruit competes with battle strength, not realm!”

“I think so too! Ye Fei, what do you think?” Chen Xiaoyao said a little dignifiedly. He glanced at Ye Fei again. Ye Fei felt a terrible headache. There were four of them, and there were only three Celestial Emperor fruits here.

Two of them are still immature, and the effect is greatly reduced. If the four of them all want this Celestial Emperor fruit, the most violent conflict will inevitably erupt.

If in the outside world, facing this situation, Ye Fei would have rushed to a melee, but here is the fairy Demon Palace, except for the four of them, the sinister old man, and The Heaven’s Chosen of the Sacred Domain sect is a huge threat. If it can’t fall out, it’s the best.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly moved, and his eyes subconsciously looked towards the other two Celestial Emperor fruits that were not yet mature, and asked quietly in his heart: “Xiaocao, did you see those two fruits? Do you have a way to ripen them?”


In the Beast Seal Space, Xiaocao holds his head up, and he is very confident, even if it is given to Xiaocao It looks like, after all, as an immortal spirit clan, what they do best is to cultivate spirit flowers and grasses. Even if they have never cultivated Celestial Emperor fruit, Xiaocao is still full of strong confidence.

This confidence also gave Ye Fei a reassurance and a bold idea in his heart.

So Ye Fei suddenly backed away and gave up the fight for this Celestial Emperor fruit. At the same time, said resolutely: “Chen Xiaoyao, Fengyun, don’t you think it’s weird, this big tree of origin is There are only seven fruits that came out, and two of them are still not mature!”

“What’s the matter, it must be that the Celestial Emperor fruits were not mature before, so the Sacred Domain sect did not pick them. , But deliberately left them here.” The ancient divine corpse spirit said, even he himself felt that he did not believe it. After all, even if there is no mature Celestial Emperor fruit, there is a certain chance to understand the Divine Realm. How can people stay and let them grow here?

Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao are both more cautious. When they heard Ye Fei’s words, they immediately thought of a possibility, “Ye Fei, you mean, this tree of origin may be Celestial A test of Emperor inheritance?”

“Why impossible! This is the fairy Demon Palace, Celestial Emperor Inheritance Land, who would plant a tree of origin here for no reason, and deliberately put such precious Celestial Emperor fruit, put it in front of us! Take a step back and say, even if this is not a test, don’t forget, behind us, there are more than a dozen Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, and other ancestor Heaven’s Chosen, their Although the strength is not equal to me, the gap will not be too much. If the four of us are fighting here or even fighting, these people will suddenly unite and launch a sneak attack on us……”

Next, Ye Fei did not say, but Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao are both smart people. Although the ancient divine corpse spirit is carefree, they are not stupid. They naturally know that if what Ye Fei said may come true, it will cause them What a threat.

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