Emperor Grade Blood Lotus can upgrade the martial artist’s Dao Heart from Divine Grade to Emperor Grade!

The Dao Xin is the source of the martial artist’s strength. The stronger the Dao Xin, the more profound energy the martial artist within the body can store. This is also the biggest difference between the ancestors of ordinary people and Heaven’s Chosen.

If an ordinary human ancestor casts Celestial Emperor magical powers two or three times, the profound power within the body will be exhausted, then Heaven’s Chosen human ancestor, because of its powerful Dao Xin, will cast it ten times. not feeling exhausted.

Especially Ye Fei, he has Divine Grade Dao Xin, within the body’s profound strength, majestic like a river, at this time, he refining Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, evolved the Emperor Grade Dao Xin, The profound strength of Ye Fei within the body has changed from rivers to vast oceans.

With the support of such terrifying profound strength, let alone ten times, it means to cast one hundred times, two hundred times Celestial Emperor magic power, Ye Fei will not feel the slightest exhaustion.

“On top of Dao Heart, there is Dao Soul! It’s just that you must have the realm of the ancient emperor before you can have it. For me, it is important to re-understand Divine Realm as soon as possible!”

at first Divine Realm Self-destruction makes Ye Fei strength great injury. Therefore, before the breakthrough ancestor Ji Realm, Ye Fei still intends to understand Divine Realm again and enhance the ability of self-protection.

Coincidentally, Chen Xiaoyao and Feng Yun almost chose the same cultivation method as Ye Fei. After all, their three people are not friends, but opponents. If either party is too strong, it will be against the other two. Fang, causing tremendous pressure.

So, even though Ye Fei’s Legendary bloodline has been sealed again, Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao both felt tremendous pressure, and at the same time they were holding their own breaths. Even if they were on the bloodline, they were better When you go to Ye Fei, you have to regain some confidence in other aspects.

What Chen Xiaoyao chose was to be the first breakthrough quasi-emperor before Ye Fei and Fengyun!

So, after refining Emperor Grade Blood Lotus in the same way, Chen Xiaoyao did not keep it. He simply broke out the scary side of Xiaoyao Bell. This divine bell not only has a strong defense, but also improves the perception even more Not even Destruction Sword makes it scary.

It’s just that Chen Xiaoyao is strong and strong, and the situation on one side is even more terrifying. After all, he is an ancient god rebuilt, and within the Heavenly Palace, there is an ancient god Divine Soul sealed. This Divine Soul allows Fengyun to quickly break through the realm without resorting to any external force, comprehend Divine Realm, and it is also twice the results for half the effort.

However, the cultivation of Chen Xiaoyao and Fengyun is fast, but Ye Fei’s cultivation speed can only be described as horror. His non-Destruction Sword order itself has the ability to improve perception, and it is breaking Limitation, after the breakthrough to Legendary bloodline, even though he was sealed soon, Ye Fei still discovered that this breakthrough had caused some strange changes in his body.

That kind of feeling, as if his within the body, bloodline Divine Realm not at all disappeared, but always existed. At this time, it was when he was cultivation that he was facing the fruit of the sword. The absorption speed becomes faster and stronger!

“Perhaps, this is where the advantage of Legendary bloodline lies. Having Legendary bloodline is not only as simple as having one more natural Divine Realm than others. This Divine Realm can also improve my Ability!”

hong long!

When Ye Fei was thinking about it, a brand-new Divine Realm of swords had come to his body. At the same time, Ye Fei’s body shook violently, and the realm suddenly went from the middle stage of the human ancestry to the breakthrough to the later stage of the human ancestor.

Seven days later, Ye Fei’s realm, with the help of Celestial Emperor blood essence and Divine Realm, impressively reached the human ancestor Ji Realm from the late stage of human ancestors, and formally entered the realm of quasi-emperor. !

Chapter 2854 Ambush

Chapter 2854 Ambush



Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao are very depressed. You must know that the Stoneman Celestial Emperor gave them ten days. It means that it takes them at least ten days to refining Celestial Emperor fruit and Celestial Emperor essence blood essence. In the realm of the quasi-emperor, Ye Fei actually broke through in less than seven days. This was also invisible, and once again dealt a blow to Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao.

But this has stimulated the idea of ​​cultivation of the two people even more. They are not easy to admit defeat. The stronger Ye Fei, the more they want to defeat Ye Fei and prove themselves.

“Sure enough, although my bloodline was sealed again, the condensed bloodline Divine Realm not at all disappeared, but always hidden in me within the body, which can improve my various aspects at any time Ability!”

Being able to break through the quasi emperor so quickly, Ye Fei relied on the help of the bloodline Divine Realm and the Destruction Sword order. This does not include the deduction ability of Dragon Tortoise. Otherwise, his cultivation speed, only faster!

Obviously, the legendary bloodline is not just as simple as other martial artists. Appears a Heavenly God domain first. It can also passively improve the martial artist’s perception and cultivation speed.

“It’s just a pity that there is a Void Snake Spirit within the body. I want to seal the Broken Bloodline. There is still a long way to go!” Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but say With a sigh, then with a heart move, he grabbed Dragon Tortoise from the beast seal space.

Then Ye Fei discovered that after a few days of absence, Dragon Tortoise was visibly haggard and had not emerged from the shadow of losing a lot of the ancient god Blood Lotus, but Xiaocao gave Ye Fei a surprise. . I saw that under the cultivation of Xiaocao, those two young Celestial Emperor fruits had already matured half, but the remaining half, Xiaocao had no way to ripen, because the ancient god Blood Lotus on Dragon Tortoise had already matured. It was all used up by Xiaocao.

However, looking at the gradually mature Celestial Emperor fruit, Xiaocao said that he is still a proud grass. The ponytail whip that originally hung down turned into a horn braid and was tied to his head proudly. , The only thing that made Xiaocao a little unhappy was that because there were outsiders present, Xiaocao couldn’t run out, and straightforwardly asked Ye Fei to praise and let Ye Fei raise her high!

As for Xiaocao’s achievements, Ye Fei was also full of shock. Although he could not lift high, Ye Fei still praised Xiaocao fiercely. In addition to encouraging Xiaocao to continue working hard, Ye With a big wave of Fei’s hand, another large piece of the ancient god Blood Lotus was thrown into the beast seal space, and it also made up for Dragon Tortoise’s loss.

Dragon Tortoise is full of energy in an instant, and its tail rises again.

And when I saw that Ye Fei gave a black tortoise that many ancient god Blood Lotus in one sigh. It was a situation in which the ancient god rebuilt, and I couldn’t help but cast envy. Chen Xiaoyao is even more groaned, and once again I feel a deep blow. The last two people simply what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, they simply single-mindedly, using the last time, hurry through the breakthrough!

Three days later.

With the help of Xiaoyao Zhong, Chen Xiaoyao was the first one to step into the realm of the quasi-emperor. Fengyun was a little slow enough to break through quickly, and in these three days Here, Ye Fei was not idle either, but made full use of this time and used Dragon Tortoise’s deduction ability to finally pass on the ancient divine corpse spirit to his immortal body, completely comprehended.

At this time, ten days have just passed.

In the sky, the silhouette of Stoneman Celestial Emperor also appeared again, his eyes were serious: “In ten days, you all had a breakthrough. Unfortunately, you are still not strong enough. Remember, you There is one year left, increasing cultivation base. One year later, when you think you are capable, you can crush this token. It will take you back to the fairy Demon Palace again and accept the final test of the master!”

There are three Celestial Emperor ancient orders, which fell into the hands of the Ye Fei trio. It’s just that this ancient order is heavier, and there is a huge energy fluctuation hidden in it. Hold this one. Token, Ye Fei suddenly had a weird thought, “Dare to ask the Celestial Emperor, can we return to the Demon Palace at any time if we hold the ancient decree? Even if the ancient gods or even other Celestial Emperors block it?”

“Of course! As long as you are in the Heaven Realm, you can teleport back to the Demon Palace at any time, neither the ancient gods nor the Celestial Emperor can stop it! Because this is the master of the old man, Asura Celestial Emperor personally refine it! However, this token is only valid for one year. After one year, it will self-destruct. You guys, do it for yourself!”

After that, Stoneman Celestial Emperor has already waved his hand. The strange transmission rays of light have appeared at Ye Fei’s feet. When he came back to his senses, Ye Fei discovered that he had reappeared on the outside of the tree of origin, not far away, standing with the same surprise Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao.

They also held an ancient Celestial Emperor in their hands, proving that what they experienced was not a phantom mirror, but a real existence!

It’s just this time. Under the tree of origin, there are more than three Ye Fei. When they entered the Demon Palace and fought the Celestial Emperor incarnation, the two Sacred Domains were severely injured by Chen Xiaoyao. Heaven’s Chosen, with a terrible anger, summoned all the Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen who entered the fairy Demon Palace, and killed them with anger.

Among them, Lu Mohan, Lu Chen, Wang Fang, and Zhang Bao!

They are all very powerful beings in Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen. They all have ten Grade 2 bloodlines and master the great Divine Ability of Sacred Domain. Originally, they entered the Demon Palace this time. , Should also be based on them, and any treasure in the Demon Palace should also be theirs.

And their real purpose for entering here is not for Celestial Emperor inheritance, but the Celestial Emperor fruit of the tree of origin, this Celestial Emperor fruit, but for the Sacred Domain, I don’t know how much it has cultivated Invincible Heaven’s Chosen, but Ye Fei and Feng Yun, Chen Xiaoyao, were swept away.

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