There are true and false in this, but it fell in the ears of everyone, but it was completely absurd. They were all subconsciously regarded as Ye Fei’s words of anger, and both Chu Kongren and Zhang Lang couldn’t help it. wry smile.

Yu Mountain Monarch and Yu Duo’s faces are full of anger, especially Yu Duo. He is also an ancient god of Sacred Domain anyway, with a high position, but now Ye Fei is publicly scolded as an old dog , Could not help being even more angrily said: “Fish Mountain Monarch, like this demon, do not need to be tortured, how to recruit? Subordinates suggested that this person be sent to Punishment Hall, soul search torture, fairy Demon Palace matter, naturally clear !”

“Yuduo, you dare! I’m not wrong, whoever dares to search for the soul is to be my enemy of Madman Chu!” Madman Chu suddenly broke out a terrifying killing intent, this killing Intent, Yu Duo couldn’t help taking a step back. This step also made Mountain Monarch frown and felt very dissatisfied.

But in the end, Yu Duo is the ancient god of the main line, and even his right arm, even if he knows that Yu Duo may be deliberately framed, the fish Mountain Monarch is coldly nodded and said; “This method is good. If Ye Fei is innocent, my Sacred Domain will naturally compensate him. Mad Chu, don’t be obsessed with it, otherwise, even if you befriend the Dragon Mountain Monarch, the deity will not be polite!”

Yu Mountain Monarch’s body suddenly burst out of the ancient god wave stronger than Chu Madman, which also made Ye Fei secretly worried for Chu Madman, and his heart was even more horizontal. The sound transmission said: “Master, it’s not good, you take Celestial Emperor Give me the talisman, at most I can kill the two ancient gods, and I have my own way to save my life!”

“Naughty, since you worship me as a teacher, how can I be a Master? Don’t try to protect you!” Madman Chu’s eyes widened, and he suddenly moved towards Void and shouted: “Dragon Mountain Monarch, right and wrong, please help me to judge!”

Void split, from Sacred Domain Inside, suddenly walked down again a powerful ancient god, this ancient god, wearing a purple python dragon robe, breath and fish Mountain Monarch, even more comparable. Seeing this person, Yu Mountain Monarch’s face suddenly changed, “Dragon Mountain Monarch, are you not instructed to go to Taixu to find the dragon and sheep?”

“hmph, if the deity is gone, would you? You can see, Fish Mountain Monarch, here you refer to the deer as a horse, and even my subordinates say that they are bullying!” The Dragon Mountain Monarch is undoubtedly a strong person. As soon as he appeared, he ran against the fish Mountain Monarch and looked at the same. Towards Ye Fei, he said calmly: “Ye Fei, the deity is not the old idiot who does not distinguish between right and wrong. Don’t be afraid. Now obediently and honestly, tell me what happened to the fairy Demon Palace, as long as you can provide clues to prove you You are not only innocent, but you may also have merit!”

“Ye Fei, Dragon Mountain Monarch is Sacred Domain, who has been sheltering as a teacher, although there is a small problem of greed, but you can also believe it. Madman Chu suddenly sounded transmission again.

Chapter 2865 Yin forbearance

Ye Fei’s heart is a fierce move, and he quickly stepped forward, moved towards Dragon Mountain Monarch and said: “Many thanks Mountain Monarch trust, just like Mountain Monarch In other words, I am not disrespectful to Sacred Domain, on the contrary, I still admire it. Otherwise, I would not go hand in hand when I escaped from the fairy Demon Palace with Chen Xiaoyao and Feng Yun and picked an ancient god Blood Lotus. I came here specially, dedicated to Mountain Monarch!”

Ye Fei solemnly, holding a Blood Lotus that emits a strong avenue of light, and sending it to Dragon Mountain Monarch in front of Dragon Mountain Monarch. After a glance, my mind couldn’t help being slightly trembled, “It’s actually Emperor Grade Blood Lotus!”

“What, Emperor Grade Blood Lotus?” The Fish Mountain Monarch was stared wide-eyed in shock. You know, there are three treasures in the fairy Demon Palace, one is the inheritance of the Celestial Emperor, the other is the fruit of the Celestial Emperor condensed by the tree of origin, and the third is the ancient god Blood Lotus!

Although the value of the ancient god Blood Lotus is only ranked third, due to the existence of the Nine Yin Dharma King in the Blood Cloud Mountain, it is easy to obtain the ordinary Blood Lotus. If you want to obtain the Blood Lotus of the Emperor Grade, But it is more difficult.

And an ordinary ancient god Blood Lotus, placed in Great Thousand Worlds, can be exchanged for millions of profound veins, if it is king grade, or even Divine Grade, it can be exchanged for a transformation of martial artist bloodline The spirit pill and marvelous medicine, if it is an Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, its value is even greater!

Even if the fish Mountain Monarch and the dragon Mountain Monarch are close to the Celestial Emperor level, when they saw Ye Fei’s offering, it was actually an Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, I couldn’t help but jealous. Up.

Yuduo did not believe in evil and wiped his old eyes three times in a row, but he was right. The Dragon Mountain Monarch held in his hands was indeed Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, this sample-level Blood Lotus. Even if it was Yu Duo, he had only heard it, but hadn’t seen it before, but now it truly appeared in Ye Fei’s hands. The anger in Yu Duo’s heart, to get really angry on the spot, roared sternly.

“Well, Ye Fei, this Emperor Grade Blood Lotus, which is my Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, is impossible to obtain. If you are an outer sect demon, how can you have the ability to obtain it, Mountain Monarch, I now suspect that this child must have killed my Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen for this treasure, and my discipline Lu Mohan, followed by the tragic death, Mountain Monarch, you have to be the master of your subordinates!”

The ancient god Yu Duo burst into tears, apparently not killing Ye Fei, he would never give up. If the dragon Mountain Monarch does not appear, kill an outer sect junior, even if the opponent is genius, Mountain Monarch will not Frown, but now that Dragon Mountain Monarch has intervened in this matter, Ye Fei has presented the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus in public, and Mountain Monarch feels very embarrassed.

Ye Fei did not speak either, just looked at the dragon Mountain Monarch.

Long Mountain Monarch smiled nodded, and suddenly glanced at Yu Duo coldly, scolded: “Yu Duo, you don’t have to say any more, Ye Fei’s contribution to the treasure is great. This is a great contribution to Sacred Domain. More words, don’t blame this Monarch for being polite.”

Since I have received the benefits of Ye Fei, I naturally have to help Ye Fei to speak. Although Dragon Mountain Monarch is a bit greedy for money, he has one point. Reputation, that is, once you receive the benefits, you will do everything with your heart.

Undoubtedly, the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus given by Ye Fei satisfied Dragon Mountain Monarch and praised Ye Fei in public. At this time, if the mountain Monarch continues to tear down the platform, it will not only The evil dragon Mountain Monarch will make Sacred Domain be criticized by the outer sect again.

“Okay, okay, for the merits of this child’s contribution to the treasure, he will not be held accountable for his disrespect to Sacred Domain, but what happened at the Demon Palace is of great importance. If you can rely on this child’s one-sided words and not search for the soul, how can you prove that what he said is the truth?”

Yu Mountain Monarch looked cold, glanced at Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s heart could not help but surface An anger is just that the enemy is strong and we are weak. Now he is not the time to challenge the ancient gods of Sacred Domain, and he also needs to pass the Sacred Domain if he wants to get the first Heavenly God devil bone. Ye Fei can only bury his anger In my heart, I forbeared for the time being: “If you don’t believe me, my memory will never be fake, right?”

Knowing that it’s hard to dispel Sacred Domain’s treatment of yourself if you don’t take out something. Suspicious, Ye Fei had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly he tapped his forehead and activated the memory witchcraft. In the sky, his memory in the Demon Palace clearly emerged.

It was a group of corpse puppets wearing Sacred Domain costumes, rushing out of the black fog and torturing Lu Mohan. When I saw this scene, it was not only the fish Mountain Monarch complexion greatly changed, the dragon Mountain Monarch’s body also shook sharply.

Although these corpse puppets that tortured Lu Mohan are half-faced and half-skeleton forms, as the ancient gods of Sacred Domain, they can recognize them at a glance. These corpse puppets are all dead. In the past generations of Heaven’s Chosen in Demon Palace, several of them are the invincible Heaven’s Chosen cultivated by Sacred Domain. Their death has made many senior members of Sacred Domain feel a pity.

Now, they actually turned into corpse puppets, appeared in the fairy Demon Palace, and attacked the discipline of Sacred Domain?


All Holy City martial artists who saw this scene were shocked collectively, but they didn’t wait for them to see the appearance of the corpse puppets, the guilty fish Mountain Monarch, suddenly A finger light shattered Ye Fei’s memory witchcraft, and at the same time, he slammed Tearing the Void and returned to Sacred Domain without saying a word.

Long Mountain Monarch’s expression is full of seriousness. He glanced at the Holy City martial artist all around extremely coldly, “Today’s matter, no one can spread it out! Ye Fei, don’t worry about it. , Based on the information you provided, is a great contribution! From today, you can rest assured to walk in the Holy City, who dares to refuse, just come to my Dragon Mountain Monarch!”

Then, the Dragon Mountain Monarch hurriedly, Tearing the Void, returned to Sacred Domain. Obviously, the picture revealed in Ye Fei’s memory was too big, especially the Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen of the past generations who were made into corpse puppets. It will cause a big shock to the entire Sacred Domain top management.

In such a situation, Mountain Monarch naturally does not care about framing juniors like Ye Fei. Just out of caution, Dragon Mountain Monarch still forcibly kept Ye Fei in Holy City for inquiries at any time.

But this is exactly what Ye Fei wants. After all, only in Holy City can he get the bones of the Heavenly God Demon first, followed by the Dragon Mountain Monarch and the Fish Mountain Monarch. With the departure of the top of Sacred Domain, Ye Fei walked into Holy City with Zhang Lang under the protection of Madman Chu.

In the end, only Yu Duo ancient god was left, standing at the city gate, embarrassed to death, suffocated to death, with the respect of his ancient god, to kill a junior ancestor, should not be carried With the start, can you shoot a large movie to death, but he has repeatedly targeted Ye Fei, but he has repeatedly failed. This time he has lost his face and Yu Duo feels so angry.

Of course, the most irritating thing is not Yu Duo, but almost forgotten, Sacred Domain’s first Heaven’s Chosen Yucheng, originally, he was going out this time to become famous in the first battle. What should Chen Xiaoyao do? , Fengyun, Ye Demon and others stepped on their feet, and then joined Sacred Domain with an absolutely invincible attitude, and became the strongest legend of the young generation of Heaven Realm.

But the reality is that Yucheng’s face was brutally swollen. He, the number one Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, faced Ye Fei, but he couldn’t catch a sword and was defeated. , This face was so embarrassing that Yucheng’s handsome face became completely distorted, “Ye Devil, I swear by Yucheng, must kill you…”

“Yucheng, If you want to kill Ye Demon, the deity can help you! No matter what you want, the deity can give it to you!” Yu Duogu god suddenly came to Yucheng with the same twisted and hideous face.

Chapter 2866 First Heavenly God Demon Bone

Chapter 2866 First Heavenly God Demon Bone

has already followed the Madman Chu to return to the Ancient God’s Villa, Ye Fei did not Knowing that Yu Duo Gu Shen and Yu Cheng, the number one Heaven’s Chosen in the Holy City, have been embarrassed and have come together completely.

The first thing to do when returning to the villa, Ye Fei is to solemnly thank the madman Chu: “Master, this time, many thanks to you. If it weren’t for you, I might not be able to gain a foothold in Holy City.”

Speaking of this, Ye Fei’s heart is even more self-blame. Although it is lucky to have a Master like Madman Chu who is dedicated to protecting his shortcomings, but also, Madman Chu cut off Yu Duo’s arm, just to be with Yu Duo. After the death hatred, with more than a narrow mind, I am afraid that Madman Chu will not have a good life in Sacred Domain in the future.

Seeing Ye Fei’s worries, the crazy man of Chu smiled and looked at Ye Fei and Zhang Lang proudly. If you don’t become Mountain Monarch for one more day, then he will be unable to target me, but you brat, who just got into trouble at the Demon Palace, did not hide in the Thang Long Sect to avoid trouble, and came to Holy City to do what?

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