All around the city wall, several powerful powerhouses have come out, moved towards Ye Fei together, and Ye Fei’s face has become colder.

“If you can be a good emperor, I can let you go again, but unfortunately, your actions have offended me! It has also offended the people of the entire Sky Martial Country!”

bang !

I can’t be too lazy, Ye Fei’s body has already heard the horrible sword sound that is not Destruction Sword, forming an invisible sound wave of the sword, shaking the square, the martial artists who rushed up, just feel the whole body There was a sharp pain, and the body had burst into masses of blood mist.

The face of the flame youth also suddenly showed a thick color of fear, and he backed away in horror: “You are who, you know my identity, I am the prince of the Scarlet Moon Kingdom. My father, but the country… Lord…”

Before the voice fell, all around the whistling sword sounds suddenly gathered, forming a special sound wave sword, piercing the young man’s throat and cutting him off. His head, a blood-sparkling human head, rolled down on the city wall.

The prisoners who were about to be executed were all stunned. Then, I didn’t know who yelled, “Okay, good kill! Kill these dog officials, kill this without us Be a shit prince!”


The death of the flame young prince also made the entire imperial city a sensation. When many people feel happy, it is even more so. I couldn’t help but looked towards Ye Fei with a worried look. Although this person killed the prince, he was relieved, but next he would face the monstrous wrath of the Lord Scarlet Moon!

“Where is the rebel, dare to kill my son!”

At the moment when the flame youth was killed, the Lord Scarlet Moon who was enjoying himself in the Imperial Palace had already With terrible anger and murderous intention, he immediately rushed out of the Imperial Palace and arrived at the imperial city.

Chapter 2883 Changes to the sky

Chapter 2883 Changes to the sky

The Lord of Scarlet Moon came a step too late. When he came over, he only saw There were corpses all over the floor, the blood-sparkling head of his son, and countless ragged martial cultivators, embracing and celebrating.

This immediately caused the Lord Scarlet Moon to become completely angry, and the cold pupil light, even more instantly, concentrated on Ye Fei’s body, a killing intent that soared to the sky, covering the whole Void.

“What’s wrong with my son, you are going to kill him!” Kingdom Lord Scarlet Moon, the killing intent was boiling, but he didn’t immediately take action, because he looked at the young man in black Purple Gold robes, faintly , I feel a little familiar.

It’s just that Ye Fei left the Chiyue Divine Dynasty and was still a martial artist looking at the Divine State, very small martial artist. When he returns now, he has experienced the vicious danger and the test of the fairy Demon Palace, Ye Fei’s temperament has changed dramatically.

It is a kind of calmness that the sky does not collapse and the ground does not sink. It is also a kind of invincible self-confidence. It is also this kind of self-confidence that makes the Lord Scarlet Moon a lot more solemn. Flick, in the Imperial Palace, all the guards left to him by the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, all walked out indifferently, and completely surrounded the three Ye Fei.

The number of these guards is small, only 300, but their battle strength is extremely terrifying, because they are all gods! Anyone is enough to easily crush the native martial artist of Qing State.

When these three hundred martial artists formed an army and slowly approached, even if they were the ancestors, they would change their colors, but what disappointed the Lord Scarlett was that they faced these Surrounded by the gods, not only Ye Fei was indifferent, and even the two women who followed Ye Fei had a calm expression.

It feels as if the enemy in front of you simply doesn’t exist, and the Lord of Scarlet Moon is insignificant like the air. Since becoming the Lord of Scarlet Moon, he had never received such contempt, and Lord Scarlet Moon was finally completely angry.

“Kill me!”


Hearing the command of the Lord of Scarlet Moon, these three hundred gods shouted at the same time and moved together Kill towards Ye Fei, Ye Fei still doesn’t even look at it. His Divine Consciousness just covers the imperial city, constantly searching for the breath of Zhao Sheng.

Behind him, Zhao Yu suddenly lifted his bare hand, and the roaring fire and ice had already frozen the approaching god, the fleshy body, but Divine Soul was silent and burned into fly ash.


Another exhilarating sound of the piano was played by Shangluo. The former Fairy Maiden Luo, now the Saintess of Xuantian, once the piano sounded, heaven and earth resonated, many The gods didn’t know what was going on, they had fallen into a deep illusion. Some of them suddenly went mad and killed the friendly army around them, and some suddenly showed a weird smile, resolutely slapped themselves and fell to the ground.

The army formation composed of three hundred gods and monarchs, in an instant, under the joint hands of Zhao Yu and Shangluo, collapsed.

A deep fear appeared on the face of King Scarlet Moon, looking towards Ye Fei, the only one who didn’t make a move, angrily roared: “Who are you, why are you going against my Scarlet Moon Kingdom? !”

“Why? Ask them why! Why, you know that rebellion will die, why do you want to rebel?” Suddenly, Ye Fei pointed at one of the Loose Cultivator.

This Loose Cultivator, but the Earth Zun Early-Stage, is weak and negligible, but when Ye Fei’s words are heard, his face still shows a huge color of anger, “Can’t live anymore, why Not against?”

“Impudent, these untouchables are just the remnants of the previous dynasty, the beasts of worst than a pig. You actually killed my son for a group of beasts and opposed my Divine Dynasty, Chiyue Lord Scarlet Moon, blood light appeared in his eyes, but he was a wise man. He discovered that three hundred gods could not resist the two women around Ye Fei, Lord Scarlet Moon, and even his own country. No more. With a loud roar, he turned around as fast as he could, trying to escape from imperial city and back to Chiyue Divine Dynasty.

“Even your own imperial city can be discarded, and even the most important subjects can be treated as livestock. I have to say that you, the Lord of the country, have been too failed and too cruel!”

Looking at the running away of King Scarlet Moon, Ye Fei shook his head secretly, with one eye, instantly locked the King Scarlet Moon, and it also stagnated all the space near him, and then, there was a bright light sword light, directly, across the throat of the Lord Scarlet Moon.

“You asked me why I was against you, now I tell you, because the owner of this land, not you, but me, is the entire land boundary and the entire Sky Martial Country!”

“You are, Ye Fei… Ye Devil, you are finally back…” Kingdom Lord Scarlet Moon clasped his neck tightly, his eyes full of fear and regret, now, He finally understood why he would feel familiar looking at Ye Fei.

At one time, on the imperial city of the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue, there was also such a young man, wearing a black purple gold shirt, driving the ancient divine corpse spirit, sweeping the imperial city, unbeatable.

Originally, Ye Fei did not show up for several years. Many people thought that Ye Devil’s head died or fell in other heavens. Now it seems that Ye Fei, not only did not fall, but also became. More powerful.


The body of the Lord Scarlet Moon slowly fell to the ground, and at the same time his head was hung on the city wall by Ye Fei, facing After all the imperial city people, Ye Fei’s body suddenly showed a powerful quasi-sovereign aura.

“I am Ye Fei, the Ye Devil in your mouth. Now, I announce that I will abolish the Scarlet Moon Country and rebuild the Sky Martial Country. Do you have any objections?”

No When the voice was heard, all the eyes of imperial city were focused on Ye Fei.

Suddenly, a loud voice resounded through the imperial city.

“Rebuild Sky Martial Country, I Zhao Sheng, support to the end!” Somewhere in the imperial city, the former Sky Martial Country emperor Zhao Sheng, with heavenly punishment Lu Mingyue, and Zhao Qianjun, silently Came out.

“My half-dragon human clan, support the reconstruction of Sky Martial Country!” Another street of imperial city, Long Jiaojiao, walked out with a group of powerful half-dragon humans.

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