“Fifty cents, I am Wang Bai’s friend. Wang Bai appreciates you so much. That proves that your singing must be unique. Just sing, I will listen to you!”

Ye Fei full The face is firm, and he has decided to endure some noise bombardment.

The magic donkey also turned anger into joy, and his huge long face looked at the sky deeply, not only owed, but also very shameless, giving Ye Fei the illusion of seeing Wang Bai in a trance. , A donkey song that shook the world, resounded through the void.


As soon as he heard this sound, Dragon Tortoise rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth again, and quickly passed out. The sugar bottle gourd in Xiaocao’s hand fell to the ground, tears were already rolling in his eyes, and Zhao Yu’s face became pale as paper again.

Hearing this noise directly up close, Ye Fei felt even more uncomfortable, as if there were countless ants crawling, but when he not at all backed up, his face showed a touch of determination and madness .

“The same is Human Sovereign. Wang Bai can do it, and I must do it too! And Wang Bai’s talent is not under me. He can endure such singing and even live with the magic donkey. It means that there must be something peculiar about this singing!”

If it is pure noise, I believe no one can bear it. Since Wang Bai can bear it and get along with the magic donkey so harmoniously, it means that, There must be something worth paying attention to in the singing of the magic donkey.

Forcibly resisting the uncomfortable heart, Ye Fei began to hypnotize herself forcibly. This is not noise, this is not noise, but an incomparably beautiful singing. Of course, this method is also boring and learned from Wang Bai before, Ye Fei I never expect, will come in handy in this way.

While wholeheartedly hypnotizing himself, Ye Fei realized that besides the harsh noise, the song of the magic donkey seemed to contain something else. It was magical and made him feel The body is not so uncomfortable anymore.

“This donkey song, of course, is weird!”

Ye Fei’s mind was shaken, and while continuing to endure the harsh sound, Ye Fei began to listen carefully to this peculiarity with his ears The noise of Ye Fei’s expression in my eyes, the huge donkey face of the magic donkey, the whole ass began to shine, under the excitement, the head of the magic donkey is higher and the singing voice is louder, not only scared. Within a thousand li, the ominous beast disappeared, and Zhao Yu even retreated to the entrance of the god tomb at the fastest speed, taking Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, and was extremely worried about the void in the distance.

Only Ye Fei, still alone, stood at the nearest place to the magic donkey, listening to the magic donkey’s singing carefully, and even watching every change of tone of the magic donkey.

The more you pay attention, the more shocking Ye Fei’s expression is. He found that after slowly adapting to the harsh noise of the donkey, he actually found a very strange combination of sound waves in this song .

Chapter 2897 Congenital Blood Essence

Chapter 2897 Congenital Blood Essence

“This donkey song has an anamorphic sound!”

The more you listen, the more you find out of the ordinary, but the premise is that someone must be able to endure the harsh donkey voice. Ye Fei can’t imagine how much perseverance Wang Bai used to be able to From this noisy donkey roar, I can hear the mysterious rhythm, but I have to say that sometimes Wang Bai’s strange flower still gives Ye Fei a huge inspiration.

For example, now, he has passed this donkey song, and gradually figured out seven consecutive different accents, and these seven accents are all aimed at the Martial artist’s Divine Soul and even the bloodline.

This is also the reason why Dragon Tortoise suddenly fainted when he heard such a surprised donkey song, because with Dragon Tortoise’s bloodline, it could not withstand such a musical impact.

Even more how, the donkey’s voice was unpleasant. Suddenly, the donkey sang a song. It was sour and refreshing. Ye Fei finally understood why the Lord Nine Heavens Sword mentioned the magic donkey. With fear.

It can be said that if it weren’t for being used to being with Wang Bai before, and already able to endure Wang Bai’s almost crazy narcissism, he would never endure such a bad and uncomfortable donkey song. of.

Ang Ang!

Seeing Ye Fei from the very beginning’s repulsive singing, to gradually accepting the singing, and even immersed in it, the magic donkey’s huge long face, a rare happy smile, just this smile, in the small In Cao’s eyes, but undoubtedly the great mouth opened by the Great Demon King, Zhao Yu, who was also scared, quickly covered Xiao Cao’s eyes, looking towards the distant void with the same worry.

What makes Zhao Yu feel very strange is that Ye Fei seems to have gone through the first hardships there. At this time, she actually danced with her hands, as if she meant to sing and dance with the donkey.

“Wang Bai’s big pervert!” In Zhao Yu’s opinion, Ye Fei will become like this. Even if it is not broken by Wang Bai, it is definitely crooked. Otherwise, how could it be so unpleasant? sound.

But I don’t know, at this time, the more you look at Ye Fei, the more pleasing the magic donkey is. Not only does the singing voice become louder, in the sky, there is also a huge magic donkey, singing and dancing in the void.

It’s just that the magic donkey is too violent. The entire void trembles violently under its feet. At this moment, the entire Holy Mountain seems to shake, no matter where the ominous beast is, all Under the magic hoof of this donkey, shiver coldly.

“This donkey song has changed again!”

Ye Fei was shocked. At this moment, he listened more carefully to the changes in the song of the magic donkey. Originally, he did not understand the rhythm, but with As the donkey song became more and more exciting, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly felt majestic and heroic.

In front of his eyes, the person singing and dancing is no longer a magic donkey, but is a powerful silhouette, invisible to the realm, invisible to the face, Ye Fei just sees, clothes whiter than Snow’s back, facing him, stepped out one after another mysterious step.

“Wang Bai, is that you! We are brother, Human Sovereign of common origins, why don’t you dare to look at me face to face, why don’t you talk to me?” Ye Fei muttered. Shout loudly.

But the white silhouette did not look back, but not only was walking in the void, among the ancient paintings on the sarcophagus of the gods, I heard the donkey song from far away, Divine of Nine Heavens Sword Lord Soul, suddenly an inexplicable cold.

“It’s him, it’s definitely him, the damn pervert who claims to be a really handsome guy, he definitely appeared again. I don’t know if the younger brother named Ye Fei can beat that guy… “

Lord Nine Heavens Sword, sad, as the lord of the sword palace, she has seen countless powerhouses and faced countless difficulties, but when facing Wang Bai, Nine Heavens Sword lord , But it seems Huarong pales, Liushen has no master.

dong dong dong !

Above the void, Wang Bai still doesn’t look back, he just keeps using his back, repeating a rhythm, Ye Fei’s heart is also immersed at this moment He knew that the reason why Wang Bai left this image must have his intentions.

“Maybe, this rhythm may be a wonderful step!”

Ye Fei began to observe Wang Bai’s silhouette carefully. During this period, the magic donkey kept singing, The harsh sound, the trembling sky collapsed, and the earth trembled. Undoubtedly, the steps of the devil donkey were more subtle and shocking than Wang Bai’s.

Even if Wang Bai has tried his best to imitate and deduce, the formidable power on display is like the gap between the fireflies and the sun and the moon, but Wang Bai’s actions are not at all in vain.

Through Wang Bai’s silhouette, Ye Fei can master the mysterious in the rhythm of the magic donkey more quickly, and Wang Bai’s silhouette is the best key to unlocking the mysterious.

“Could it be that this is what Wang Bai wants me to see. He has deciphered part of the mysterious part of the song of the magic donkey, so he wants to teach this part of the mysterious to me?”

Ye Fei began to concentrate attention completely to stare at every step of Wang Bai. At the same time, his footsteps also moved in the void with Wang Bai’s silhouette. At the same time, with every step taken, his feet would explode Strange light.

When following Wang Bai’s footsteps and completing all the movements in accordance with the rhythm of the magic donkey, Ye Fei was suddenly shocked to discover that countless light spots suddenly appeared in his mind.

When these light spots are concentrated, it happens to be the place where Wang Bai’s footsteps fell, which is like a node, but Ye Fei spends energy to connect all these nodes.

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