These are the core strengths of the Divine Dynasty. Beside the ancient Emperor Chiyue , there was a young man with an arrogant expression. At this time, this arrogant young man was looking at the sky with excitement.

On the sky, there is a team of martial artists, riding a mountain-sized Demonic beast, coming down on the clearing of imperial city.

When the Demonic beast landed, the dust blown by the strong wind quickly covered the ancient emperor and the others, but the ancient emperor was not angry. Instead, Respectfully moved towards Baoyan handed his hands: “Chiyue, I have seen the emperor’s envoy! Chiyue is useless and can’t suppress the demon leaf. As a last resort, I can only alarm the emperor. Please forgive me!”

Hearing Chiyue’s words, Demonic beast, within Baoyan, came out of the sacred Huangtian old man. This old man, dressed in a green suit, exudes a powerful ancient Prestige of Sovereign. Yuegu Sovereign Dao: “Chiyue, Huangtian handed over the entire Divine State to you, and you disappointed Huangtian too much! However, even if Ye Demon had a trouble in Sacred Domain, he still dared to come to Divine State to make trouble, then absolutely not. Tolerate it, Chiyue, what good strategy do you have?”

“Good strategy?” Ancient Emperor Chiyue was stunned.

It took him a lot of money to invite the ancient emperor of Huangtian. Doesn’t Huangtian want to deal with Ye Fei and completely eradicate the immortal spirits?

How did the ancient Emperor Chiyue know what status Ye Fei is in Heaven Realm now? Not only is there the support of Shenglongzong behind him, but the madman ancient god Chu is also the Master.

The madman of Chu is even more open to say, which ancient god dared to attack Ye Fei, he dared to perish together with each other, for this reason, even if he knew Ye Fei was related to immortal spirit clan, Huangtian couldn’t The ancient god powerhouse was sent, but an ancient emperor was secretly sent to deal with the Divine State.

The ancient emperor was also very cautious. Seeing that the ancient emperor Chiyue hesitated, he immediately smiled and calmed down: “You don’t have to worry about the red moon. Although the demon leaf is strong, Our ancient emperor still has a huge gap. I can tell you clearly, as long as you can kill the Ye Devil, as long as you need, medicine pill, treasure, and cultivation technique, we can give you, or even let It can give you a chance to break through the ancient gods in the future!”

The promise of the emperor is not unreasonable. Even if the rigorous schemes and deep foresight are like the ancient emperor of the red moon, the expression becomes excited. For the ancient emperor Yue, the biggest wish is not to keep the emperor, but to breakthrough the ancient god!

So, even if he knew that Huangtian was probably murdering a person with a borrowed knife, the ancient emperor of Chiyue, he quickly made up his mind, said solemnly: “My lord, I know what to do I have done it, I promise that Demon Ye will die by my hand!”

The promise of Emperor Chiyue completely inspired the ancient Emperor Chiyue’s fighting spirit, and even this kind of fighting spirit has already Let the ancient Emperor Chiyue, unable to tolerate other Overlord level palaces, joined forces to kill Ye Fei.

Because, it is very possible that Ye Fei will be scared away, and the opportunity to kill Ye Fei will be lost. Only by beheading Ye Fei, the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon, can he gain the benefits of the emperor. There is a possibility of a breakthrough ancient god.

So while respectfully, the ancient emperor of Emperor Tian was invited into the Imperial Palace, the ancient emperor of Chiyue, facing the imperial city, and even the entire Divine State, announced a war letter for the first time.

This book of war was delivered to Qing State and Ye Fei as quickly as possible. At the same time, it was to force Ye Fei to fight.

At the same time as the writing of the battle, the ancient emperor Chiyue, even more, gathered all the troops of the Divine Dynasty. Once Ye Fei refuses to fight, the ancient emperor Chiyue may launch the Divine State, and even All the forces of the Overlord level palace, fight either the fish dies or the net splits with Ye Fei.

The news spread.

Divine State was shocked, and Martial Sovereign was shocked.

It was Ye Fei. I couldn’t believe that the ancient Emperor Chiyue would come on such a move. Originally, he wanted to preemptively, defeat them separately, and gradually disintegrate the palace of the Overlord level of Divine State.

But the sudden strength of the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon brought together the Divine State and all the soldiers and horses of the Overlord level palace, but Ye Fei’s hopes fell through.

He knew that he had to challenge.

If there is no fight, the ancient Emperor Chiyue will use all the soldiers and horses of the Divine State to fight the Qing State. When the time comes, with the power of Qing State, it is simply impossible to resist the crush of the entire Divine State. .

The best way is as the ancient Emperor Chiyue said in the battle book, both sides, this battle, the winner is king!

“I have decided, I accept the battle book of the ancient Emperor Chiyue! After ten days, I will go to the imperial city to completely settle grievances with the ancient Emperor Chiyue!”


Ye Fei’s body showed a powerful fighting intent, but this time, no one agreed with him. Even the most radical Zhao Qianjun looked at him solemnly, “Ye Fei , Have you really decided? The ancient emperor Chiyue has always shown that the enemy is weak, this time he suddenly became so strong, most likely, this is a trap!”

“Ye Fei, then he is the ancient emperor. Even if you can win, you can guarantee that after the victory, the other overlords of Divine State will not join forces and take your life while you are weak?”

Lei Zu, King Pan, Blood Slaughter, Du It was worried.

Zhao Yu even tightly grasped Ye Fei’s hand, worrying: “Ye Fei, don’t go!”

Lightly patted Zhao Yu’s hand, Looking at the worried people again, Ye Fei’s expression remained firm and said: “No, this is a rare and good opportunity to resolve grievances and avoid bloodshed on both sides. As for traps, There is no threat to the current me!”

After all, he still has the ancient decree of the Celestial Emperor, which can be sent back to the Demon Palace at any time. This is Ye Fei’s biggest trump card!

I also have this hole card. Even if he knows that the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon’s battle book is uneasy and kind, Ye Fei still decides to take a risk!

Not for anything else, just for Qing State, to bleed less!

Chapter 2911 The Eve of the Battle

Chapter 2911 The Eve of the Battle

After ten days, the imperial city will fight!

The news of Ye Fei’s challenge quickly spread throughout the Qing State, which not only soothed people’s hearts, but also showed Ye Fei’s determination to defeat the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon.

As soon as the news came out, Divine State shook again, and the imperial city of Akazuki was overcrowded in an instant. Numerous Divine State martial artists rushed to imperial city from various places, hoping to witness it with their own eyes. This determines the Divine State. The Peak of Destiny.

At this time, Ye Fei and Zhao Yu are walking into the Ye Family. Unlike others, Ye Family, not at all, exists in the Qing State, but always stays in the immortal spirit family. Within the heavens.

These heavens have also become the foundation of Ye Family.

Only when he walked into the heavens, Ye Fei saw a tall sculpture, which was his own statue. Beside the statue, there was a little grass, a statue of Dragon Tortoise.

At this moment, Ye Jian, Ye Xiaochan, Ye Shanshan and the others are standing near the statue, looking at Ye Fei with a worried expression, “Ye Fei, you really decided to accept this Is the second Chiyue ancient emperor challenged?”

Ye Jian’s expression was full of solemnity.

Ye Fei can understand this feeling. In fact, what he really worried about was not the ancient emperor Chiyue, but the emperor who stood behind the ancient emperor.

It is also for this reason that Ye Fei suddenly decided to accept the ancient Emperor Chiyue’s war script. It is just these words that Ye Fei will not tell Ye Jian. Even if he does, it will only let Ye Jian was worried.

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