
Without too much explanation, sometimes facts speak louder than words! Therefore, after discovering that the ancient gods present were still willing to support themselves and support the Dragon Sect, Ye Fei finally stopped hiding. Behind him, the strong rays of light appeared again.

At this time, behind Ye Fei, the rays of light appeared more clearly.

The ancient gods present, including Stoneman Celestial Emperor, all stared wide-eyed in amazement. You know, Ye Fei’s Dao of Sword soul was melted by the sun-shooting bow. One person, but all the ancient gods present, witnessed it with his own eyes.

But now, everyone thinks that the Dao Soul is broken and will become a useless Ye Fei, and a brand new Dao Soul emerges behind him.

Even as the senior of Sacred Domain, Dragon Mountain Monarch is dumbstruck on the spot, “This is impossible, your soul is broken, this Monarch has seen it with my own eyes, how could it still exist, and the form is not Yes!”

“Yes, Ye Fei’s Dao soul should be the Dao of Sword soul, how could it suddenly become the black White Dragon snake Dao soul?” The ancient god of Xiaoyao and the ancient god of Xuanwu, It also felt incredible, and even thought it might be some kind of illusion.

Only wind and cloud, seeing the Taoist soul emerging behind Ye Fei, he seemed to have thought of something, his body was shocked, and he cried out in shock, “I see, Ye Fei, what you have, is actually Twin Dao Soul! Your within the body has not only the Dao of Sword soul, but also this peculiar black White Dragon soul!”

“No, this is not called Dragon Snake Dao soul, I I prefer to call it Tai Chi Dao Soul!”

This soul is Ye Fei and the Void Snake Spirit. The special Dao Soul created by the fusion of the eyes of Sacred Dragon is also Ye Fei’s greatest secret.

Helplessly, his Dao of Sword soul has been melted and catalyzed when resisting the sun-shooting divine bow. He had no choice but to expose the Taiji Dao soul.

When I saw the black and white ups and downs of the Tai Chi Taoist soul, the ancient god of Xiaoyao and the ancient god of Xuanwu, I was completely shocked, and Dragon Mountain Monarch vigorously wiped his eyes three times.

Kuangren Chu and Zhang Lang were in ecstasy, “Twin Dao Soul, Ye Fei actually has a Twin Dao Soul, so you are not at all injured, your battle strength is still there, and your talent is still there. ?”

“Yes, Master, my talent is still there, and my battle strength is there too! Leaving the sun, thinking that you can destroy my Taoist soul, you can make me a useless person. One day, I will make him regret it!”

The revenge of Dao Soul being destroyed, I have to avenge it!

Sooner or later, he will go to Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom to find Li Jiao Sun and recover the account!

“Xiaoyao Ancient God, Xuanwu Ancient God, Dragon Mountain Monarch, Celestial Emperor Senior, now you believe that what I said is true, right?”

Ye Fei’s eyes宓目 vinegar pie ㄊ 詈笥 懔詈笥 懔詈喓鄣 Na 砩 Xi Song 斓 郏獠 Nuo to lure people to hold Xie Yu 窭 ⑽ ⒌ 阃 return to the collapse of the corpse, concave heat, swelling, swelling of the face Lang Xi joked and waved the oblique plaque to pray for election!

At the same time, Ye Fei didn’t want to say that Stoneman Celestial Emperor also understood very well. He didn’t continue to ask, where is the second space channel.

Dragon Mountain Monarch asked even more ecstatically: “very good, Ye Fei, your battle strength is not damaged, and you have discovered the second space-time channel. Then this Monarch is completely relieved, Young Master. Ye, I don’t know the next step, what are you going to do?”

Long Mountain Monarch’s attitude has changed rapidly. He knows that although Ye Fei is not as good as him now, with Ye Fei’s talent and temperament, Entering the Great Thousand Worlds, you will surely shine. It will be sooner or later to surpass this ancient god. Therefore, Dragon Mountain Monarch is very interesting.

The ancient gods of Xiaoyao and the ancient god Xuan-nv both looked at Ye Fei with a smile, “Ye Fei, let’s talk, we must do our best to help if there is anything we need!”

“Xiaoyao Senior, Xuannv Senior, I really want to ask you to help!”

Ye Fei is also doing my part. There is no free lunch in the world. If Walkabout Sect and Xuannvzong do nothing, just do The passage to Great Thousand Worlds told them that it was too cheap.

Moreover, the threat of Sacred Domain is like a sacred mountain, always suppressed in Ye Fei’s heart, “Two Seniors, my request is very simple, I think, Shenglongzong, Walkabout Sect, Xuannvzong , Form an alliance with Stone Race, and then fight the threat of Sacred Domain together. I don’t know what the two Seniors think?”

“What, an alliance with Stone Race?” Zhang Lang’s eyes lit up first. I quickly understood the purpose of Ye Fei. Now that the Heaven Realm is sealed and the Celestial Emperor returns, if the Three Sects cannot be guarded by the Celestial Emperor, it is estimated that it will not last long before it will be completely destroyed by the Sacred Domain.

But if Three Great Sects can form an alliance with Stone Race, then Sacred Domain wants to retaliate, but also consider the feelings of Stoneman Celestial Emperor. The madman of Chu was the first to applaud, “Yes!”


“I have no objection!”

“As long as the Senior agrees!”

The ancient gods of Xiaoyao and the ancient god Xuanwu both looked expectantly Stoneman Celestial Emperor and Ye Fei were even more nervous. It was his wishful thinking to let Three Sects form an alliance with Stone Race. As for whether it can be, it all depends on how Stoneman Celestial Emperor chooses.

While speaking, Ye Fei also moved towards the stone puppet with a wink, hoping that the stone puppet could say a few words, but it’s a pity that the Stoneman Celestial Emperor has already slapped his thigh before waiting for the stone puppet to come over and hug his thigh. , Shoot the stone puppets and the big bluestone, and fly out, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

“Ye Fei, are you asking for an alliance or threatening this emperor? If the old man is not in an alliance with Three Sects, would you not tell the old man where the second space-time channel is? “

Stoneman Celestial Emperor, faint smile.

Chapter 2981 Embarrassed as a traitor

Chapter 2981 Embarrassed as a traitor

“Celestial Emperor misunderstood, Stone Race and Three Sects are allied, it is love, not with Three Sects The alliance is also based on self-interest. Therefore, even if it is not an alliance, if Stone Race wants to leave, I will tell you the location of the space-time channel.”

Ye Fei has a serious look , He knew in his heart that in the realm of the Stoneman Celestial Emperor, it was useless to threaten it. Therefore, he can only try to show his potential and sincerity.

Stoneman Celestial Emperor took a deep look at Ye Fei and shook his head flatly and said: “My Stone Race is impossible and Three Sects alliance; after all, the power of your Three Sects is too scattered, even if it is It is difficult to form an alliance with Sacred Domain’s opponent, but…”

“But what, as long as we Three Sects can do it, we must obey!” Chu Madman, the ancient god of Xiaoyao, the ancient god of Xuanwu, All became tense.

Now that the Heaven Realm is sealed and the Holy Lord is back, it is when Sacred Domain is at its strongest. They all understand Ye Fei’s painstaking efforts to make Stone Race. After all, it is difficult for the Three Great Sects without the Celestial Emperor. Those who fight against Sacred Domain, unless, Three Great Sects, give up the foundation of Heaven Realm, and all migrate to Great Thousand Worlds.

It’s just that Sacred Domain is not removed. Even if Three Great Sects is determined to migrate, Sacred Domain will never let Three Great Sects leave Heaven Realm smoothly.

At this time, the attitude of Stoneman Celestial Emperor became very important.

Seeing that the ancient gods of Three Great Sects all spoke up, Ye Fei also bowed his hand again, said solemnly: “Please also Celestial Emperor to help me Three Sects, through the difficulties, as long as I have Ye Fei do When I arrive, I will never refuse!”

“haha, Ye Fei, this is what you said, old man didn’t force you, well, from your perspective, old man can help you, but The old man has two conditions.”

“First, your Three Sects must be concentrated. It is best to merge the Three Sects to form a new sect. Only in this way can you unite and fight against Sacred Domain! ”

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