Now, seeing this sword light stab at him again, Zheng Tai was frightened and frightened . After a word, he turned around and wanted to escape, but he didn’t wait for him to escape. It was dark. sword light has completely swallowed him, and even at this moment, he moved towards Zheng Tai’s legs.


Zheng Tai’s legs exploded in response.

“This sword was given to you by Big Brother Feng for me!”


While speaking, Ye Fei is A sword suddenly pierced into Zheng Tai’s chest, “This sword was given to you for the dead Ji family!”


blood splashed, screaming and screaming, Zheng Tai feels the most regrettable thing is that he should not mistakenly underestimate Ye Fei’s battle strength when facing Ye Fei’s broken soul, so that one move was Suppressed, suppressed everywhere, even without a chance to fight back, he saw a dark Destruction Sword light piercing his throat.

“This sword is for those ancient messengers who were killed by you, and will be returned to you!”


Ye Fei’s sword , Receiving the sword, like running clouds and flowing water, great darkness sword dao, in the hands of Ye Fei, Major Perfection, of course, this is the credit of the Void Snake Spirit.

If it weren’t for the Void Snake Spirit, the final demonization gave Ye Fei not only the heart of darkness, but also the soul of darkness. His dark sword dao would never be practiced, let alone There will be terrifying formidable power like today.

“The breaking of the Dao of Sword soul is a bad thing for me, but also a good thing… It’s a pity, the Void Snake Spirit…”

Ye Fei shook his head , Swinging a sword to cut off Zheng Tai’s head, and then walked to Ji Feng’s face and apologized: “Ji Big Brother Feng, I killed you.”

“When I was the brother, just don’t say this! Ye Fei, now that Sacred Domain assassinated us, he made it clear that he wanted to embarrass you Three Great Sects. Leave me alone and save other ancient tribes and messengers from the ancient country.” Ji Feng looked solemn and did not Blame Ye Fei’s meaning.

After all, now that Heaven Realm is sealed and the two emperors are fighting, even if there is no Ye Fei thing, their ancient tribes and ancient kingdoms will sooner or later be involved in the vortex of two Celestial Emperors fighting for the hegemony of Heaven Realm.

Ye Fei’s expression also became solemn, and directly handed Zheng Tai’s space belt to Ji Fengdao, “Well then, I will let Dragon Tortoise send you to the Dragon Sect, and I will go ahead Take a look, Xiaocao, come with me!”

After arranging Ji Feng’s affairs, Ye Fei held Xiaocao and rushed to the sky again, continuing to search for the whereabouts of the guests who came to the Thang Long Sect.

Soon, under the investigation of Divine Eyes of Xiaocao Tiandi, another group of black clothed killers of Sacred Domain were discovered by Xiaocao in advance.

It’s just this group of killers, they are all ordinary Sacred Domain disciple, not even the quasi emperor, Ye Fei will naturally not look at them. These black clothed killers are lying in the forest on the side of the road. , When preparing to ambush an ancient team that has arrived.

Nothing is heard, the top of these people’s heads are swallowed by endless darkness, and at the same time, one after another sword light arrives in a flash, killing towards the void.

Sacred Domain disciple, who was about to take a shot, didn’t even have a chance to react, and was completely swallowed by darkness, but this time Ye Fei not at all killed all these black clothed killers, but moved in his heart. I deliberately left a living mouth, coldly said: “Do you want to die or live?”

“Ye Fei, you are Ye Fei!” When you see Ye Fei’s appearance, then Sacred Domain disciple, scared the soul flew away and scattered, where I dare to resist, I just knelt on the ground and kowtowed, “Live, I want to live!”

“Very well, then you swear, must put this wooden box , Send it back to Sacred Domain as quickly as possible. It is best to deliver it to Zheng Batian in person. Tell him this is this Ye and give him a gift for his enthronement!”

Forcibly put the wooden box containing Zheng Tai’s first level into this Sacred Domain disciple, and forced this person to swear a poisonous oath with Divine Soul. Ye Fei let this person go and rushed directly to the next place where the accident occurred.

This scene also clearly fell into the eyes of the team of envoys from the ancient country. The middle-aged dragon robe headed by also witnessed Ye Fei chopping melons and vegetables and killing the Sacred Domain black clothed killer. At the same time, his mind suddenly settled, and he said with a smile in a deep voice: “It is said that the Ye Devil’s Taoist soul is broken and has become a useless person. It seems that the rumors are wrong, and I can finally make a wise choice.” /p>

Chapter 2986 Sacred Dragon Abyss

At this moment, Ye Fei didn’t know that his shot actually strengthened the confidence of an ancient emperor to take refuge in the Dragon Sect.

After solving the second batch of black clothed killers sent by Sacred Domain, Ye Fei quickly found the third, fourth, and fifth batches under Divine Eyes, the world of grass. The sixth batch!

Moreover, these killers, mainly human ancestors, as well as a large number of quasi-emperors and ancient emperors, all participated in it. Fortunately, Ye Fei’s dark sword dao has been fully practiced. There is Divine Eyes in the grassy world, you can discover the hidden place of the other party in advance.

So along the way, Ye Fei was full of surprises, not only killed many Sacred Domain killers, but also rescued quite a few martial artists from ancient countries and tribes.

At the end, the Thang Long Sect, Walkabout Sect, Xuan Nv Sect, and Three Sects powerhouse, which were found to be in the wrong place, all shot one after another and thoroughly cleaned the periphery of the Thang Long Sect, which was completely shattered. Sacred Domain intends to intercept the messenger and destroy the conspiracy to merge Three Sects.

However, the 20 ancient tribes and 30 ancient kingdoms who were originally scheduled to come to observe the ceremony, only seven ancient tribes and a dozen ancient kingdoms came in the end, less than half of them.

Others, either they were intercepted on the way they came, or they were instigated by Sacred Domain and left the Three Great Sects directly and took refuge in the camp of Sacred Domain.

This also cast a shadow over the ceremony of the merger of Three Sects.

After watching the ceremony, Ye Fei immediately found Madman Chu and asked worriedly: “Master, what happened to Ji Big Brother Feng’s injury?”

Madman Chu was full of faces Tired, but still forcefully said: “The kid of the Ji family is very terrifying. Although my legs are broken, I will take the best treasure to heal his injuries. He can fully recover in three months at most. When it’s your Taoist soul, have you ever thought of a way to recover?”

“No, even Stoneman even Celestial Emperor can’t do anything, how could I have a way.” Ye Fei smiled bitterly, feeling very depressed. .

Twin Dao souls are rare in Great Thousand Worlds, but he destroyed one, the Void Snake Spirit, who didn’t know whether it was alive or dead, which made Ye Fei very worried.

Looking at Ye Fei deeply, Madman Chu suddenly said: “The Celestial Emperor has no way, but the old man may have it.”

“Master, you have a way. “

Ye Fei’s surprise is not trivial.

Then he was beaten in the head by the madman of Chu, “shameless brat, underestimate my Shenglongzong? Don’t be afraid to tell you, my Shenglongzong has a secret that only the ancient gods of the past can know.”

“At the beginning of the establishment of the Thang Long Sect, it should actually be Saint Dragon Sect! It’s just that the Sacred Dragon is too involved. If it is reported that there is an old Sacred Dragon living in seclusion in our sect, it will inevitably cause an uproar, so Finally, it was renamed Shenglongzong…”

Chu madman whispered.

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