“In addition to these fragments of life, Killing Heaven Senior also left the real body of the fairy demon, complete Taoism, a Divine Armor, and a virtual step!”

” The footwork used by Lu Mohan to escape just now was the virtual step of the Demon Sovereign he asked from the mouth of Killing Tian Senior. It was just that kind of pace, incomplete, because, to cultivation a complete immortal demon body, the most critical point is that it must Have a soul bone!”

There is no soul bone, only the Heavenly God magic bone first. Even if it is the real body of the immortal demon, it is also a fake, it is difficult to exert too much formidable power!

“It’s no wonder that I use the immortal body, it’s easy to fight against supernatural powers, but against Taoism, it’s not good at all. The fundamental reason is that I am not an innate race, within the body impossible, and have soul bones, so Before he died, he insisted on digging out his soul bone and giving it to me!” Ye Fei understands that the ancient divine corpse spirit is not only asking him to help revenge, I want to help him become a real fairy and demon body!

“Tiantian Senior, don’t worry, I will repay your grudges! Although I have no ability to kill the Nine Yin Dharma King, but I can, kill Lu Mohan first, let You are safe in the soil!”

Gently pushing away the golden ancient coffin, Ye Fei put the corpse of the ancient divine corpse in it, and then he called back Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, strode the meteor, and hand-held The coffin walked out of the Dragon Abyss and rushed directly in the direction moved towards Huang Tian.

In the memory of the ancient divine corpse spirit being tortured, Ye Fei once “seen” Lu Mohan showcasingly. Under his matchmaking, the Nine Yin His Holiness has united with the Emperor and became the Emperor. Two ancient gods powerhouse!

It was Lu Mohan who also fled to the emperor!

So, if you want to avenge the ancient divine corpse spirit, you want to take back the remains of the Sacred Dragon, and restore your Dao of Sword soul, Ye Fei, you have no choice but to go to the emperor!

Of course, before heading to the emperor, on the way to pull the coffin, Ye Fei took out that strange piece of ancient jade, gently squeezed it, and suddenly, within the ancient jade, it was like Two screams of sorrow and pain were heard faintly.

Chapter 2991 The ancient god pulls the coffin

But Ye Fei doesn’t care, just pulls the ancient coffin while holding the ancient jade.

In a small city on the outskirts of Longzhiyuan, many martial artists quickly saw an extremely astonishing scene. There was an ancient young emperor wearing a purple gold black robe, pulling the coffin and walking, meeting the mountains and the city. Stepping on the city, straight on the ground, leaving behind a huge coffin Ancient Road.

Those who are interested have even noticed that the direction this Ancient Road points to is the Emperor Tian, ​​the latest stronghold in the small city.

“Emperor, this young man, he actually wanted to take the golden ancient coffin to the emperor, is he not dead?”

Know that, in order to prevent anyone from entering the dragon Yuan, disturbed Lu Mohan to refine the giant dragon puppet, Huang Tian, ​​but sent an Elder from the ancient emperor realm. Personally take charge of this small border town.

When someone heard that someone was actually pulling a golden ancient coffin from the Dragon Abyss, the Elder of the ancient emperor realm, suddenly and completely furious, “Where is the rat, dare to offend my emperor!”


This ancient Elder Huang, with Huangtian’s discipline, came strong, but just halfway through, his pupils suddenly shrank violently, and his eyes became more intense There was extreme horror and fear.

“Ye Fei, are you the head of Ye Devil?”

“Lu Mohan, can you escape here?” Ye Fei asked coldly.

After experiencing the initial fear, the emperor Elder quickly calmed down, and a cold grin appeared on his face, “Ye Fei, do you think you are still the strongest Heaven’s Chosen ever?” You are just…”


Ye Fei coldly spit out the word, the great darkness sword dao, shatter void has been cut, the powder is in the sky, Pity this ancient god Elder, who doesn’t even have Celestial Emperor supernatural powers, how can he withstand the Daoist attack of Ye Da dark sword dao?

pu’ sound, the sky is bloody, the corpse of this ancient Elder Huang has exploded in the air.

“I don’t even know if I have a Taoist soul. It seems that Lu Mohan has not escaped here. If you want to kill this person, you must personally go to the emperor to go!” Ye Fei muttered , Continue to pull the golden ancient coffin, moved towards the direction of the emperor, strode forward.

All around the small city, there are also part of Huangtian’s discipline, but at this time, they looked at Ye Fei who was pulling the coffin, and at the crushed corpse of Elder on the ground. For a while, there was no one. Use courage to stop Ye Fei, even if you say something cruel.

Many people’s hearts are full of tremendous shock.

“Ye Fei, really is my Heaven’s Chosen, the strongest Heaven’s Chosen in Heaven Realm, Ye Fei Ye Devil!”

“Oh my God, it is said that he was offended by a battle in Taixu The Divine Lord of the Outer Realm has shattered his Dao soul and became a waste, but why his battle strength is stronger than the rumors?”

“Have you heard that, the Demon Leaf, not only did not become To be a waste, he still took a mouthful of ancient coffin to kill the emperor, crazy, completely crazy!”


Since the small town, there have been countless rumors. Words, like hurricanes, madly spread everywhere in Heaven Realm, but Ye Fei turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye. He just pulled the coffin while silently cultivating the real body of the real fairy. At the same time, in his hand, the strange ancient jade, It is also pinched tighter and tighter, it seems that it may be crushed at any time.

Until the 3rd day when Ye Fei pulled the coffin and walked, there was a terrifying and mournful scream in the distant sky, as well as the ancient spirit that contained endless anger and killing intent.

This caused countless Heaven Realm martial artists who followed Ye Fei to watch the excitement, and their hearts trembled.

“An ancient god, an ancient god has appeared!”

“Fish Mountain Monarch, Yu Duo, are you finally willing to come to see me?” Ye Fei also stopped cultivation and lifts the head, looked coldly towards the void, only to see the two ancient gods with killing intent, it is the fish Mountain Monarch and Yu Duo ancient god, their eyes are very crazy, “Ye Fei, we dug you The ancestral grave, or the woman who killed you, you want to torture us like this, today we are fighting to die…”

“Kneel down!”

Ye Fei suddenly shouting coldly Loudly, the power of the ancient jade was directly mobilized. The fish Mountain Monarch and the ancient god Yu Duo were planted with soul insects. Through the ancient jade, the life and death of these two ancient gods can be controlled.

“Ye Fei, you dare!”

Fish Mountain Monarch and Yu Duogu roar at the same time humiliating and angry, but under the control of the soul worm, they hate it in their hearts Together with Ye Fei perish, but the body was kneeling on the ground involuntarily, and then there were two loud slaps that suddenly hit the faces of the two ancient gods.

“Fish Mountain Monarch, Yu Duo ancient god, I have no time to talk nonsense with you. If you want to live, you will pull the coffin for me. A year later, I will give you your freedom. If you want to die, you will continue to resist. I promise, it will cause you to die in great pain! Now, get up and pull the coffin for me!”

Ye Fei’s face is cold, killing intent boiling.

This killing intent made even the ancient gods Mountain Monarch and Yu Duogu feel scared witless, and they didn’t dare to continue resisting. Instead, they stood up with complex expressions and angered together: “Ye Fei, this is what you said, one year later, give us freedom, let us pull this coffin!”

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