ancient god of Xiaoyao wanted to resist, but soon he was shocked to discover that the Dragon’s Might of the Sacred Dragon Celestial Emperor was too strong to allow him to resist. The huge dragon claw had fallen. Originally, he had already He is about to be beheaded by the ancient gods of Zhantianmen and Myriad Poison Sect.

But at the moment when the dragon claw fell, the ancient gods of Zhantianmen and Myriad Poison Sect, their bodies were blown into mud under the dragon claw.

“Xiaoyao Senior, Profound Girl Senior, you guys go back quickly, here, leave it to me!” Sacred Dragon’s mouth suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

The moment I heard this voice, the ancient god Xiaoyao and the ancient god Xuanwu were all stunned. Madman Chu and Zhang Lang were even stupid on the spot. They were actually within the body of Sacred Dragon, I heard Ye Fei’s voice.

“Ye Demon, this is Ye Demon’s voice!”

“This Ye Demon head struck by lightning, he, he, he actually made a Celestial Emperor Sacred Dragon ……”

Sacred Domain seniors, all scared the soul flew away and scattered.

The remaining ancient gods of Beasts God Sect and Raging Fire Sect are even more frightened. “The Heaven Slashing Gate is over, Myriad Poison Sect is over, and we are also miserable!”

“No, old man can’t die, old man is an ancient god, how can old man…” The ancient god of Beasts God Sect actually yelled, and he changed his body into the fastest Golden Wings Great Peng, want to escape this battlefield.

“Did you escape? Two old dogs, your hands are contaminated with my Three Sects disciple, how much blood, today, use your head to pay tribute to my Three Sects disciple, in the spirit of heaven, kill !”


It is another Sacred Dragon claw, which falls ruthlessly. In an instant, he shoots the ancient god of Raging Fire Sect into a pile of meatloaf. At the same time, Ye Fei’s As soon as his mind moved, the huge body of Sacred Dragon suddenly began to accelerate, and in an instant, he rushed to the ancient god Beasts God Sect transformed into Golden Wings Great Peng.


The huge dragon claw, fell again, gently moved towards the front, and the void along the way burst every inch. In the end, only a piece of bloody mud remained, proving Here, there used to be an ancient god.

This scene also deeply shocked the Four Great Sects, as well as the soul of Sacred Domain disciple, the Fish Mountain Monarch and Yu Duo Gu, and they were terrified on the spot. Moved towards Ye Fei, kneeling. Down.

“Lord Lord!”

“Lord Lord Mighty!”

Chapter 3008 The death of Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3008 The death of Celestial Emperor

“Ye Fei, the real Ye Fei, that demon, that scourge, how could he become a Sacred Dragon, how could he suddenly possess Celestial Emperor-like power?” Yu Mountain Monarch and Yu Duogu The thorough acknowledgement of allegiance undoubtedly proved the identity of this Sacred Dragon.

It is really Ye Fei.

When seeing the ancient gods of Four Great Sects, the seniors of Sacred Domain all showed a look of fear, and Four Great Sects Elder and the disciplines collapsed in an instant.

After all, Four Great Sects are just servants of Sacred Domain. Many people are not really working for Sacred Domain. When Sacred Domain is strong, they can fight each other. When Sacred Domain is weak, they will be controlled by Ye Fei. Sacred Dragon crushed, and in an instant, the formation of Four Great Sects collapsed completely.

“Sect Master is dead, and the ancient gods are also dead!”

“Demon King, Ye Fei is the real Demon King!”

“Quickly Run, Demon King Ye is here, and if you don’t run, you will die…”

Four Great Sects, defeated like a mountain, along with many Sacred Domain disciples, their faces are scared, but there are also People don’t believe in evil, the former Holy City City Lord suddenly shouted furiously, “Ye Fei, this City Lord doesn’t believe it, you can really control the fleshy body of this Celestial Emperor! Give this City Lord to death, and you will pay my son’s life!”

The son of Holy City City Lord is Zheng Shaoyang, the Huahua Taisui who commits any imaginable misdeed of Holy City. Therefore, Ye Fei and the Holy City City Lord have the vengeance of murdering their children. Therefore, everyone else can escape. Only the Holy City City Lord continued to rush forward with a bitter expression.

Seeing this, Ye Fei smiled indifferently, “Back then, Zheng Shaoyang, broad daylight, used words to insult my woman, you City Lord, but indiscriminately, chased after me. It’s a good calculation! I use Sacred Dragon to give you and destroy!”


Ye Fei’s within the body, the holy eyes bloom with divine light, follow With his thoughts, Sacred Dragon once again raised the huge dragon claw, like the trial of the dragon, descending into the world, the kind of terrifying power, so that the Stoneman Celestial Emperor, who is also the Celestial Emperor, was shocked, not to mention it. The resentful Holy City City Lord.

As soon as the claws of Sacred Dragon fell, the City Lord of Holy City woke up from the huge resentment, “It’s actually true! This demon, he really mastered the Celestial Emperor Power, not good, grandfather, save…”

“Ye Fei, you are not enough to kill my great-grandson, don’t you think you can kill me grand-grandson?”


Zheng Batian, who was photographed in the distance, finally stabilized his figure. In the end, he is a Celestial Emperor, and he also has a Celestial Emperor-level rune Battle Puppet bodyguard. Although he accidentally suffered a sneak attack, He was only slightly injured.

But in the next scene, Zheng Ba Weather’s lungs burst. Simply ignoring Zheng Batian’s warning. Since the Holy City City Lord is asking for death, Ye Fei can do, of course. It is to perfect this person.

“Today, I will send you father and son to reunite!”

The huge Sacred Dragon’s claws are pressed down, and the void is collapsed. The body of Sacred Domain City Lord is even more direct Under the dragon claw, it was photographed into a pile of meat.

Sacred Domain senior executives, daunted!

Holy Lord Zheng Batian, his eyes were cracked, “evil creature, evil creature! The great grandson of the emperor died in your hands, and the biological grandson of the emperor died in your hands, surnamed Ye Yes, the emperor will not kill you today. He Yan stands between Heaven and Earth and will die for the emperor!”

hong long long!

The Celestial Emperor’s mighty prison, anger like madness, and huge anger, made Zheng Batian again control the rune Battle Puppet and rushed back to this battlefield.

But what greeted him this time was not a cheer of victory, but a huge exclamation. Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon claws, even at this time, suddenly turned into a huge Dragon Boxing.

“Look up, this is the real fist, Sacred Dragon punch! Roar, Sacred Dragon is in the sky, don’t use the dragon!” Sacred Dragon roared, and Lingkong displayed a set of terrifying punches.

Anyone who sees the Thang Long Sect discipline of this boxing method trembles, and it is clear that it is a complete Thang Dragon Boxing, which is also a Sacred Dragon boxing.

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