The golden Vermilion Bird after grief and indignation seems quite calm, but Ye Fei knows that behind this calmness, there is actually endless sadness and anger.

Sighed, Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just silently followed the golden Vermilion Bird One and walked into the deepest part of the palace, where the smell of blood is stronger, and there are broken corpses everywhere. Obviously, the people of the palace , The resistance was very fierce.

Only facing the black clothed Armored Soldier from the scorching sun, the palace was still defeated, and everyone was cleansed the bloodiest. However, to Ye Fei’s surprise, he was within this bloody palace. , The golden Vermilion Bird, left a secret road.

“This secret road was prepared when I was crowned the king. I know, only my wife and my trusted subordinates!” Golden Vermilion Bird’s scarlet eyes, until I saw it The secret road is not bloody, it has recovered a little luster.

Knowing that Golden Vermilion Bird felt uncomfortable, Ye Fei didn’t say anything, but followed behind him silently. The two walked into this secret passage together, and there was actually a small heaven inside. When I walked into the heavens, a terrifying divine light suddenly slashed over.

“Leaving the sun, the same Imperial Family, do you really want to kill the master’s heirs, quickly?” The roar was actually a strong old man with first-born horns, with old man eyes Crimson, just a broken arm, looked weak.

Seeing this old man, Golden Vermilion Bird exclaimed excitedly, “Tie Niu, you really are not dead! Where are my wife and children, away from the hot sun, why do you want to destroy my palace?”

“Master, you are Master, how could it be possible, that group of black clothed Armored Soldiers did not mean that you betrayed the Divine Kingdom, have you been betrayed by the God Lord and killed in Heaven Realm?”

The old man with a broken arm and horns rushed over excitedly, looking at the golden Vermilion Bird, he was about to kneel down, and in the distance, there was a woman’s cry.

The woman is very gentle, but she still has a pair of horns on her head. The grass and Dragon Tortoise she is looking at are very curious, and she is pregnant.

Seeing that my wife is okay, the golden Vermilion Bird’s red eyes have returned to normal color. I hug the woman and introduce to Ye Fei: “virtuous brother, this is me Wife, she is the princess of the Demon Ox tribe in the animal world!”


Ye Fei only then knew that as the Imperial Family of the Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom, everyone Since childhood, there will be a large number of martial servants to follow, and the golden Vermilion Bird’s martial servant is the Ox Demon Race of the animal world.

At the same time, from the mouth of Demon Ox old man, Ye Fei also knew the cause of the tragedy in the palace. Because in Heaven Realm, the power of the sacrifice of Asura Celestial Emperor was too terrifying, not only killed the four Divine Kingdoms and all the ancient gods, but also killed a large number of Divine Kingdom youth Heaven’s Chosen.

Even though these Heaven’s Chosen are not the strongest batch of Divine Kingdom, but the death of so many ancient gods and Heaven’s Chosen, the three major Divine Kingdoms at one time, still put a huge pressure on the Lord of Heavenly God .

So, in order to alleviate this pressure, Lord Li Heavenly God, under the instigation of Li Hot Sun, pushed all his faults on Li Huo’s body, and even gave an order to treat Lihuo Prince’s Mansion as To scapegoat, execute the whole family unto the third generation, to apologize to the three Divine Kingdoms.

Chapter 3018 Killing with a sword

Chapter 3018 Killing with a sword

The method of leaving the Heavenly God Lord is really vicious. He used a mad mansion At the bloody price of hundreds of people executing the whole family unto the third generation, they successfully blocked the mouths of all three Divine Kingdoms.

Lihuo Palace, has become the biggest victim of this incident!

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the golden Vermilion Bird, once again turned into a young man in a fire robe, Yang Tian roared: “Uncle Seventeen, you are so cruel! You could force me to fight for the throne back then, but now, I have passed away and can no longer pose a threat to you. Why, you must sacrifice me and sacrifice me to conceal your faults?”

The first battle of Heaven Realm, the fault is not in the golden Vermilion Bird, Rather than being away from Heavenly God, lusting for interest, he will seize the Demon Palace inheritance and monopolize Asura to cut the Divine Stage. However, Asura Celestial Emperor divine sense incarnation drives the Demon Palace to retreat, and kills the three Divine Kingdoms and all Heaven’s. Chosen, the ancient god.

Such a sin, only to be away from the Lord of Heavenly God, to cover up his own faults, and to give an explanation to the three Divine Kingdoms, to leave the Lord of Heavenly God, without the slightest hesitation, to hold the black pot away. On the head of the fire.

The affection of the Imperial Family makes Ye Fei scared.

The fierceness of the palace made Ye Fei more vigilant, “This person from the sky has a vicious method. If I want to kill the sun, this person has to guard against it.”

” Leaving the Fire Big Brother, our sorrows have changed. What we have to do now is to take the sister-in-law and leave as soon as possible!” Ye Fei reminded in a deep voice.

“Yes, leave, where is Fu Li, where is Fu Li?” Li Huo came back to his senses, but was shocked to discover that the hidden heavens are only his wife and Tie Niu. people.

Fu Li, the most important and trusted one, is completely gone.

“Iron Niu, where is Fu Liren?”

Lihuo’s expression became agitated, with one-armed Demon Ox, even more ashamed to kneel down, “Master, belong It’s useless to download, Master Fu Li has been caught by the black clothed Armored Soldier in order to cover us. In the near future, he will be in the city and be questioned publicly!”

“What, Fu Li is going to die? No, I don’t believe it. Fu Li has followed me since he was seven years old. He is called the master and servant. He is really brother. No, I’m going to save him!” Li Huo breathed fire with his eyes and he was about to rush out of the palace, but his wife , But it is tightly pulled.

“Husband, you can’t go. The black clothed Armored Soldier in the city, to be less, there are a thousand people, and there are ten ancient emperors who are in charge. You can ignore yourself and also take care of our unborn children. Ah…” Sad tears appeared in the woman’s eyes.

The expression of Lihuo showed fierce pain and struggle, “Thousands of years ago, I had already dropped Fuli once in order to avoid the throne fight. If I leave Fuli again this time, I will still be a human being. Is it?”

This remark also silenced the woman.

Looking at the tragic situation in the palace, Ye Fei suddenly sighed, “that’s all, but ten ancient emperors, leave the Fire Big Brother, rescue Fu Li, give it to I’m fine, you and sister-in-law, wait for my news here.”

In the end, in Heaven Realm, Golden Vermilion Bird also helped him a lot, and Lihuo’s identity is special, if he appears , Must be recognized, maybe, it will let the Lord of Heavenly God discover the second space-time passage of Heaven Realm, and seal it again.

So, Ye Fei decided to take the shot himself and help the golden Vermilion Bird One time.

“Do you want to enter the black clothed Armored Soldier’s military camp alone?” Tie Niu’s eyes widened, he naturally saw that Ye Fei was from the low-level Smaller Thousand Worlds.

Although some Smaller Thousand Worlds, there is no shortage of powerful Heaven’s Chosen, but for Heaven Realm, Iron Bull still knows very well, the ancient gods there are weak and pitiful, and Ye Fei, but the ancient emperor That’s it.

Tie Niu was about to speak, persuading Ye Fei not to die in vain. Unexpectedly, when he heard this, Li Huo happily said: “Ye Fei, are you really willing to enter the barracks to rescue Fu Li?” Very good, if you take action, I’m relieved, Tie Niu, you take Ye Fei there!”

This command almost made Tie Niu stupid, and he couldn’t help but stare at him again. Ye Fei looked up and down, but he didn’t realize what was special about Ye Fei.

I glanced at Tie Niu a little bit, but Ye Fei frowns saying: “Senior is injured, and you can give directions, but don’t interfere in my battle, I am afraid I am injured.”

Tie Niu a groan, Ye Fei has turned around and quickly walked out of this secret road. Only Princess Demon Ox is left. She looked at Ye Fei’s back with great concern, “Husband, how do I feel this boy is too much Being arrogant, even if he is talented, he comes from Smaller Thousand Worlds and went to the barracks of the black clothed Armored Soldier all by himself. I am afraid of him…”

“Madam, you are worried about the wrong person. “Li Huo said a big truth.

After a while.

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