Speaking, Chen Wei has invited Ye Fei into the core area of ​​Jubaolou, and even poured tea personally to accompany Ye Fei.

Ye Fei feels very sorry, after all, his cultivation base, but in the later period of the ancient emperor, in the eyes of the Celestial Emperor, it is like a trivial ant, but it is his ant that can make Chen Wei in the Celestial Emperor realm willing to belong It’s self-righteous, the strength of Beiluo Shimen is evident.

At the same time, Chen Wei’s words also aroused Ye Fei’s great interest.

“Yes, when I came here, I heard that there is a divine talisman city, once in a thousand years. It is the greatest opportunity for me to wait for the martial artist of the ancient emperor, so come and see how to listen to the meaning of Senior , This divine talisman city, why is there another magic city.” Ye Fei was very curious.

Chen Wei is sincere and horrified: “Young Master has broken down his subordinates. The entire Jubao Building is an insignificant peripheral organization of the division. How dare the subordinates call themselves Senior, and then Young Master can call me by name. “

“As for the origin of the fantasy city, it is also very Legendary. It is said that 10,000 years ago, Worry-Free City, which is the predecessor of the divine talisman city, had a talent, appearance, and bloodline. A mediocre young man, his surname is divine talisman, the greatest family in the city of Wuyou, the son of Li Family, and the heir of Li Family.”

“But unfortunately, Li divine talisman is mediocre, Destined to not receive the support of his family, in his 20 years, Li Clan not only united and abolished his position as the head of the family, but also expelled him from the city of Worry-free. The most sad thing is that Li Clan, even more Li The younger sister of divine talisman, as a gift, was given to a powerful divine lord of Azure Dragon Divine Kingdom as a plaything.”

“Since then, Li divine talisman’s temperament has changed drastically, and his talent is mediocre, destined to be Martial. Dao can’t have too high achievements, but no one didn’t expect, this person is on rune together, Tianzong genius! For a whole hundred years, Li Divine Talisman has traveled all over the mountains and long live, seeking the way of rune, only to return to the family, To seek justice, and to take back his younger sister from the humiliation of the nobles of the Divine Kingdom!”

“After hundreds of years, Li Divine Talisman finally runs the way of Great Accomplishment, and Push rune to an unprecedented level of horror, and combine rune and refining tools to make a rune Battle Puppet that shocks Great Thousand Worlds!”

“This kind of puppet does not require a martial artist to have talent. , Even the mediocre person, as long as he controls the rune Battle Puppet, he can kill any genius at will. Finally, one day, Li divine talisman, with such a rune puppet army, returns to the city of worry-free, a battle, and annihilated Li Clan thousands of experts, when it’s in Li divine When alisman is smug and wants to go to imperial city to pick up his younger sister. The bad news came. “

“It turns out that one year after Li Divine Talisman was expelled from the family, his younger sister, who was in the Imperial City Official Brothel, was humiliated to death by the Imperial Family, and the Imperial Family was still alive. Azure Dragon Divine Kingdom, the new country lord, power over the world, Ten Thousand Sect acknowledge allegiance! “

“The furious Li Divine Talisman, under his anger, suddenly built a million rune Battle Puppet based on Worry-Free City, which killed the imperial city, not only the Azure Dragon Imperial Family, but also Within ten days, the imperial city ten Great Family and countless dignitaries were slaughtered. However, during that battle, Li Divine Talisman also exhausted his energy. Before he could establish his own Purple Star God country, he died with hatred! “

“At the same time, before his death, Li divine Talisman still used Azure Dragon Divine Kingdom’s national wealth to create a giant rune city. This city is rumored to be the divine talisman city seen in a thousand years. , Also known as Magic City! “

“This fantasy city only appears once every millennium, and every time it appears, it will attract the Purple Star God Kingdom, Heaven’s Chosen from many top powers, come to seek opportunities! There are even more rumors that if anyone can enter the magic city, get the approval of Li Divine Talisman, and then ascending to the skies with a single leap, one thought becomes a god! “

Chapter 3054 See Liu Fei again

ascending to the skies with a single leap, become a god in one thought?

Chen Wei’s words shocked Ye Fei “Chen Louzhu, can you be more specific? What does heavenly ascension mean, and what does it mean to become a god? “

“Young Master, in fact, what it means is not clear to his subordinates. It is estimated that all the top forces in Azure Dragon Divine Kingdom are not very clear, because since the emergence of Fantasy City, there has never been anyone. Can truly get the recognition of the magic city. “

Chen Wei sighed. When he was young, he also went to the magic city to seek opportunities, but the final result has made him still full of regrets.

this remark, also Let Ye Fei become more interested in Fantasy City, “Don’t you know that Beiluo Shimen doesn’t know? “

“If the master has the heart, it will definitely unlock the secrets of the fantasy city, but like the master, even the Purple Star God country is difficult to get into the eyes of the law, how can you care about a small fantasy city? “Chen Wei shook his head to say with a bitter smile, Ye Fei was also lost in thought.

Unexpectedly, even the Purple Star God country is not in the eyes, and it can make the Treasure Tower spread all over the East Jitian, this north Luo Shimen, what kind of huge monster is it?

Unfortunately, Chen Wei is just a small host in Jubaolou, and he doesn’t know much about it. If I talk about it, I will show my feet, Ye Fei is still He got up and said goodbye, “Owner Chen, many thanks for the hospitality, it’s already late, I plan to go to the Magic City and explore it. Also, don’t call me Young Master in the future, just call me by name. “

He is not a member of the North Luo Shimen. This Young Master’s identity is also to save Dragon Tortoise. Reluctantly, Ye Fei does not want to cause more misunderstandings.

Chen Wei also understands nodded, “Don’t worry, Young Master, I still know the rules of the division. I guarantee that the relationship between Jubaolou and the division is completely unknown except for us. “

“Chen Lei, give Young Master…Young Master, this Chen Lei is my clansman, shrewd and reliable, if there is any need in the future, if I am not here, you can directly contact Chen Lei. “

Chen Lei is in charge of Tsing Yi. Usually, he is mainly responsible for the purchase of exotic animals. Otherwise, he would not see Dragon Tortoise, so he came to buy actively, but didn’t expect that Dragon Tortoise didn’t buy it. , But met the Young Master of Jubaolou, Chen Lei was unavoidable. After all, he had mistaken Dragon Tortoise for a few times as a vegetable turtle.

Until Chen Wei was relieved, Chen Lei was relaxed and immediately respected. Respectfully, I led Ye Fei out of Jubaolou again, and was about to say goodbye to Ye Fei.

Suddenly, a voice full of shock and anger suddenly sounded.

“How is it possible? , It’s you! “

Liu Fei was both shocked and angry. She didn’t expect in her dreams. Ye Fei, who thought she was mortal, would appear outside the Jubaolou.

“It’s me, and again how is it? “

Seeing Liu Fei, Ye Fei’s eyes are also slightly cold. Although this is the number one beauty of the four Divine Kingdoms, in Ye Fei’s eyes, it is no different from a vulgar fan. Not to mention Zhao Yu, Yan Bing and Bai Yanran are countless times more beautiful than her.

More importantly, Zhao Yu and the others are beautiful in people and soul, and this Liu Fei in front of him, Except for a good-looking skin, Ye Fei has no interest in this woman. Not to mention that when he left the sea of ​​stars, Elder Liu secretly hunted him down.

“Chen In charge, if there is nothing else, I will leave. “Ye Fei is slightly nodded, turning around to leave, and once again ignoring Liu Fei’s existence.

Liu Fei’s angry loving body is trembling, and her heart is even more puzzled. Elder Liu secretly kills Ye. Fei, she knew everything in her heart, but Ye Fei went to live well, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

“Feifei, does this person have a grudge against you? “

At this time, a white clothed man with an arrogant expression walked to Liu Fei’s side. On a cold day, this man was holding a folding fan in his hand, shaking slightly, and saw this man Chen Lei complexion changed, and hurriedly secretly sound transmission to Ye Fei: “Young Master, this person is divine talisman Liu Family Second Young Master Liu Ming! His elder brother, Liu Fu, is the most outstanding Heaven’s Chosen in the Liu Family. Now he has worshipped the Moon God Sect, which should not be underestimated. “

Shaking her lovable body, Liu Fei added fuel and jealousy, and simply told Liu Ming about Ye Fei’s “insult” to her in Xingchenhai, and her eyes flashed with a cold light, even though she didn’t know Why did Elder Liu fail to kill Ye Fei, but thinking of Ye Fei’s rejection and ignorance of herself in the sea of ​​stars, Liu Fei’s heart is still extremely angry.

Feeling Liu Fei’s anger, Liu Ming is delighted. After all, he has been pursuing Liu Fei for a long time, but Liu Fei has never been lukewarm. Now, he finally found the best opportunity to capture the heart of a beautiful woman.

Suddenly, Liu Ming He took a step forward, blocking Ye Fei’s path, and stared coldly: “Tortoise, Ben Shao speak, let you go? “

“I’m leaving, you dog, do you dare to bite me? “Ye Fei saw through Liu Ming’s intentions at a glance, and at the same time said coldly: “get lost!”

The martial artist who entered and exited the treasure building nearby was shocking. Who is in front of him, Liu Family Second Young Master Liu Ming, in the city of divine talisman, there is no one dares provoke. Ye Fei provoked Liu Ming, but in the face of Liu Ming’s persecution, he only responded with a slapstick?

How arrogant , How arrogant!

“Could it be that this person is also from the Great Family or sect who is the same as Liu Ming? “A martial artist was surprised. Liu Ming was also surprised. Liu Fei had already laughed contemptuously. “His name is Ye Fei, a Loose Cultivator from Smaller Thousand Worlds, but he is arrogant and does not wait for Great Thousand. Worlds is in sight. ”

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