Of course, Ye Fei had another purpose when he came to Fairy Pavilion, “Tutu Fairy, if I want to buy all the information of the Fire Armor, how many fairy stones do I need?”

Tutu shook My own Jade Rabbit ear canal, “Fire Armor, a rateless little force! About one hundred immortal stones, you can buy it.”

“No way, since it is a rateless little force, you must Collect a hundred immortal stones?” Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao were stunned, even Qin Wushuang was a little bit heartbroken, not to mention that he had three Ye Fei foodies on him, and almost vomited blood, “Couldn’t it be cheaper? “

“This is already the lowest price for friendship! After all, you just offended the Armored Armed Forces and ransacked Zheng Liang. According to the rules, Tutu I should increase the price now.” Tutu is confident. .

Ye Fei was also surprised. He and Zheng Liang had only fought outside. The fairy pavilion received the news in an instant, and even judged his purpose of purchasing intelligence.

“It seems that this fairy pavilion is not simple!” Ye Fei secretly nodded, and finally clenched the teeth, took out a hundred immortal stones, bought a copy of the Fire Armored Army intelligence, and looked carefully stand up.

“Fire Armor! Immortal Clan battlefield forces Ranked 9th Seventeen! Command Fire Armor, first Heavenly Fire clan, son of True Immortal! He had entered the Immortal Clan battlefield within 3 years and killed the Celestial Emperor. The villain of the realm 320 Seven, the villain of the God realm fifty-nine! Even the God Sovereign Realm villain was defeated without injury, and now the score is 098! But according to reliable information, Fire Armor once ranked 150 on the battle list. The crazy sword fights three hundred moves undefeated…”

After reading this information, Ye Fei knew how powerful these Heaven’s Chosen from the Immortal Clan battlefield are, just a fire armor, The record is so sturdy, not to mention those powerhouses in the top 100.

The only thing that makes Ye Fei thankful is that Fire Armor, although his battle strength is strong, his strength is small and cannot tolerate people, so the Fire Armor is the only one in the entire Fire Armor, which is the top two in the battle list. Hundreds of experts, the rest, except for Zheng Liang, mostly belong to the first-class level of the division chief.

“Fortunately, this fire armour, can’t be considered too strong.” Qin Wushuang relaxed.

“Although it is not strong, it has a large number of people. There are more than one hundred people in a flame armour alone! With the four of us alone, it would be difficult to deal with without a killer.” Chen Xiaoyao Brows frowned slightly.

“What about the crowds, this is an immortal city, they can’t swarm all of them in, right?” Feng Yun shook his head coldly.

Of course, the strength of the Fire Armored Army is surprising, but whether Ye Fei is good, Qin Wushuang and the others did not care too much.

After all, they came to the Immortal Clan battlefield to complete the mission of Martial Ancestor! If even a small Armoured Armor cannot deal with it, then they would have failed Martial Ancestor too much.

“Let’s see now, how the Flame Armor reacted.”

Ye Fei’s pupil light, looked towards outside of immortal city.

There, the departed Fire Armored Army has gone and returned, and this time the number is larger and stronger. The leader, in addition to Zheng Liang, has a flame surrounded by a halo of fire Man, this man is the Fire Armor, first of the Heavenly Fire clan, the son of True Immortal, and even the expert in the battle list.

“Commander, the surnamed Zhou, we will hide in immortal city after looting!” A spies from the Flame Armor came over to report to the Flame Armor.

A terrifying flame emerged from the flames of the fire armor, which seemed to be able to see through countless distances. Directly, his eyes fell in the direction of the fairy pavilion, more faintly, falling on Ye Fei’s Ye Fei’s heart was shocked, and Qin Wushuang also facial expression grave, “This person’s eyes are comparable to the true eyes of my Martial Ancestor! It should be a unique ability of the innate race!”

Unlike Human Race martial artist, innate races have their own abilities, such as the Divine Eyes of Xiaocao’s heaven and earth, which is the case, and the ability of Fire Armor should be able to cross countless distances and directly lock the opponent’s fire eyes!

Then, there is a tyrannical silhouette, stepping directly into the immortal city, and moving quickly, moving towards the fairy pavilion. The speed of the flame armor is also very fast. It is obviously the god, but the speed makes many gods The emperor is beyond reach, just like Shrink The Land Into An Inch.

Seeing this, Ye Fei finally believed that Fire Armor had the ability to escape from the gods.

“Fire and speed, but what I am best at is speed!”

At the fairy pavilion, Ye Fei stood up, looking towards the approaching fire with cold eyes A, “Fire Armor, Fire Armor Commander, God Realm Powerhouse!”

“Ye Fei! Qin Wushuang! Chen Xiaoyao! Fengyun! Four newcomers who entered the battlefield, you are very kind! , Even my Fire Armor dared to rob!”

Fire Armor, step by step came, and he called out Ye Fei’s real name. Ye Fei was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted. Since he can buy the information of Fire Armor, Fire Armor naturally also has channels to collect the information of his four people. Maybe this information is also sold by Xianren Pavilion.

Ye Fei’s face went dark. The only thing that made him thankful was that neither he nor Qin Wushuang revealed the true fairyland to which they belonged.

“hmph, what about the looting! Is it possible that only you are allowed to sack us and we can’t sack you?” Fengyun coldly said.

Qin Wushuang and Chen Xiaoyao’s eyebrows are also a challenge. They are both proud people and naturally cannot tolerate the challenge of flame armor.

But Fire Armor does not look at Qin Wushuang’s trio, Huo Miao, just staring at Ye Fei, “These trio are your subordinates, take care of them. Good them, otherwise, in this battlefield of Heaven’s Chosen, if you don’t pay attention, you may fall!”

“What, we are Ye Fei’s subordinates?” Feng Yun’s face was very gloomy.

Qin Wushuang and Chen Xiaoyao groaned harder.

Ye Fei just smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Fire Armor, don’t instigate discord! They are not my subordinates, but my friends, brother!”

As recorded in the intelligence, Fire Armor is not only narrow-minded, but also good at using crafty plots and machinations. Ye Fei will naturally not be fooled, let alone treat Fengyun and the others as his subordinates.

Fire Armor’s face changed, “It seems that you know me clearly. I won’t say more about the extra words. If I provoke me Fire Armor, only two will end up!”

“One, you kneel on the ground now, cut your hands, and then compensate ten times for the loss caused by my Flame Armor!”

“Two, fight me! Just You can take me three tricks without dying, I fire armor, just assume that nothing happened before, two ways, you choose yourself!”


Talking At that time, a terrifying murderous intention burst out of Fire Armor’s body. Obviously, Fire Armor was not only narrow-minded, but also brutal.

Ye Fei ransacked the Flame Armor. Although it defeated the arrogance of the Flame Armor and made many people applaud in secret, it also invisibly angered the Fire Armor and made the Fire Armor more murderous. !

Chapter 3220 Gambling Battle

Chapter 3220 Gambling Battle

“Fire Armor, are you deceiving us not to understand the rules of the Immortal Clan battlefield? You God Lord We are in the realm of Celestial Emperor. Not to mention this kind of battle, it is unfair in itself. Immortals, the guardian of immortal city, will never sit idly by!”

After all, Immortal Clan battlefield There are clear regulations that High Rank martial artists are not allowed to shoot at low-rank martial artists, otherwise, they will violate the fairy rules and be mercilessly beheaded by the guardian immortals.

Ye Fei suddenly felt that the ten celestial stones were worth it. At least, he wouldn’t understand anything, and he could see through the bluff of the flame armor at a glance. The flames of the flame armor suddenly became completely gloomy, and he glanced at Fairy Tutu and said, “Okay, good! It seems that you newcomers are deliberately targeting my flame armor army, even the rules of immortal city. Know clearly in advance!”

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