So all they can do is to leave everyone behind , let these men first attract and delay time, and then they can calmly break through these traps and enter the real Moon Clan Immortal Palace .

It’s just this kind of thing, they can do it, but Ye Fei relentlessly pointed out that Yue Qin’er’s complexion is very ugly.

Be aware that, further behind, there are some smart wolf races and moon races who are also breaking through here, and at the same time, as the queen, actively or passively resisting the wicked people behind.

When they heard that Yue Qin’er and Lang Xuan actually had the thought of abandoning them as chess pieces, the faces of these Yue and Wolf races were very ugly.

Wolf Profound roared even more, and roared, “Don’t listen to this person’s nonsense, I, Wolf Profound, definitely won’t abandon the same clan! If you want to survive, just give me a desperate way to stop the villains behind, and give Let’s break through the obstacles in front and buy time!”


When we spoke, this wolf mysterious had already turned into a terrifying Divine Wolf of several hundred meters and sent it in the void The foot ran wildly. Yue Qin’er also yelled angrily, Ruo Yue Gong Fairy, flutteringly, jumped on the back of Lang Xuan in a flash.

The actions of the two immediately reminded everyone that the Moon Race and the Wolf Race are natural allies. Not only are they in the same fairyland, but more importantly, the Moon Race is good at attacking far away. , The wolf clan is good at close combat, if the two are combined, the formidable power will double!

It’s just a general situation. The wolf clan is arrogant and refuses to be incarnation as a wolf, so that people will step on them. After all, it looks like a mount, which is too demeaning.

But facing the death threats of countless wicked people, and Ye Fei’s first move, Lang Xuan took the initiative to let go of his pride.

Other wolf races naturally followed suit, turning into larger or smaller Divine Wolf, and began to join forces with the moon race.

Moreover, the two teamed up, battle strength is really terrifying.

At least, it is difficult for the villains who are chasing to kill the targeted Heaven’s Chosen easily. At the same time, the wolf mystery transformed into Divine Wolf is even more miraculous, catching up with Ye Fei speed.

Ye Fei was taken aback, “These experts on the merit list are really difficult! However, my speed can not be trifled with!”

Ye Why did Fei dare to come to the Immortal Clan battlefield alone? He relied on his incomparable speed advantage. When he discovered that the wolf mysterious was about to catch up, Ye Fei immediately urged the Martial Ancestor, the speed once again, the breakthrough limit, in an instant, He opened the distance from Lang Xuan, and at the same time, a huge Immortal Palace appeared before his eyes.

Besides the Immortal Palace, Ye Fei also accidentally saw two acquaintances.

“Simon Xiong, Fire Armor, it’s you!”

Chapter 3237 Destroyed? vitality!

Chapter 3237 Road to End? vitality!

No wonder, when the wicked appeared and the crowd fought, Simon Xiong and Fire Armor disappeared. It turned out that these two people abandoned the crowd and fled ahead of time. They also took advantage of the time when the Moon Clan and the Wolf Clan resisted the wicked. The remains of immortals arrived in advance.

I have to say that Ximen Xiong is not only talented in battle, but also not weak in his ability to escape. “Sure enough, no one is weak in the battle list!”

Ye Fei secretly whispered.

Then, he felt a huge wolf roar behind him, but it was not aimed at Ye Fei, but an angry moved towards Ximen Xiong roared, “Ximong Xiong, damn it, I take you as a friend , I even promised to help you deal with Ye Fei. As a result, we were in trouble, and you escaped ahead of time!”

Forget it, these two people didn’t even say hello, which made Wolf Xuan more angry. On Lang Xuan’s back, Yue Qin’er was also sinking, coldly said, “Ximen Xiong, Huo Jia, don’t you give me an explanation for this matter?”

“haha, it’s up to you Now, what is there to explain! I am not a member of your Moon Clan Wolf Clan, so naturally I have no obligation to help you resist the wicked! Besides, you two, are you also abandoning your subordinates and ran away first?”

Ximen Xiong is arrogant in his words. After all, he is not only the powerhouse, but also the Elder of the ecstasy league, so he is not afraid to tear his face with the moon clan and wolf clan.

The flame armor next to him also said in Yin Yin, “Moon Sect Lord, Brother Wolf! We did not do this thing right, but you had better think clearly about how we fell into this villain Isn’t this surnamed Ye’s trap caused by this?”

“If he hadn’t auctioned off the Immortal Palace map, how could we be fooled and step into the trap set by the wicked?”


As the flame armor said, a terrifying fire suddenly burst out of his body, like an angry Raging Flames Monarch, walking towards Ye Fei step by step, Ye Fei’s face suddenly sank, coldly said, “Say so , It’s all my fault? Fire Armor, I don’t think you are stupid, and the excuses made are even stupid.”

After all, people who came to the Moon Palace were willing to do so, and had nothing to do with Ye Fei. So, even if they had torn their faces with Ye Fei, Yue Qin’er and Lang Xuan did not use this excuse to target Ye Fei.

“Now that the enemy is strong and I am weak, you idiot, you don’t know how to unite, join hands against the enemy, and are still here to instigate discord and fight in your nest! If you are me, you will never be with you idiot! “

Ximong Xiong’s face suddenly changed, he was deeply moved by his arrogance and stupidity.

Yue Qin’er and Lang Xuan were also lost in thought, putting aside their grievances. Ye Fei’s words were undoubtedly correct. When the wicked might come over at any time, at this time, they continue to fight inwardly. , Will only die worse.

Ximenxiong took a deep breath and shouted angrily: “Fire armor, come back, it’s not time for infighting!”

“But…” Fire armor issued Unwilling to roar, you know, here he was the worst injured and the heaviest loss, but Ye Fei, because of the speed advantage, was unharmed, and the fire armor almost vomited blood.

Unfortunately, not only Ximen Xiong chose to compromise temporarily.

Yue Qin’er and Lang Xuan are also smart people. Naturally, they know that the internal fight is wrong at this time. They also quickly compromised. Lang Xuan even coldly said, “Now the enemy is now, we don’t care about you for the time being. Ximen Xiong, let me introduce the situation of Immortal Palace!”

Wolf Mystery, it was a command tone. Although Ximen Xiong was unhappy, he resisted his anger in the face of the threat of the wicked, said solemnly, “This Outside the Immortal Palace, there is an immortal formation blocking it! We tried many times, but couldn’t enter!”

“Can the six of us work together and can’t break through?”


Wolf Profound raised the giant claw, and suddenly Tearing the Void, also tore to the fairy formation outside the Immortal Palace, but the fairy formation immediately broke out with a strong rune fairy light, and actually countered the wolf mysterious attack. Come here.

“Oops, this fairy formation actually hides rune!”

Yueqiner complexion changed.

Among the fairy formations, rune is the most difficult to break. It can be said that this fairy formation will continue to exist as long as the rune does not die.

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