The foot of the fire armor was sturdy kick on the most important part of Yuebuqun, and two sound of broken eggs were heard. Yuebuqun was already mournful scream and fell to the ground. Crazy rolling.

Fire Armor’s dying counterattack shocked the wicked, and then a roar of anger came down, “Damn, I let your dog bite the dog, you broke the rules and kicked the other’s eggs. , Kill him for me!”

The wicked man headed, full of anger, shot on the spot and killed the flame armor, and then looked towards Yue Buqun with pity, “Yue Not group, you are very good, very obedient, but unfortunately, in this Immortal Clan battlefield, the villains are all restricted, so if you lack any parts, it is probably impossible to grow again…”

pu !

It’s okay for the wicked person not to say this. Hearing this, Yue Buqun was in severe pain. He suddenly rolled down two lines of sad tears. Without humming, he vomited blood and fainted on the spot. .

At the same time.

Xian inside the formation.

Relying on the grassy Divine Eyes and the special feeling of Immortal Spirit Energy, this rune fairy formation simply can’t hold Ye Fei.

However, considering that there is Wolf Profound behind him, Ximen Xiong glare like a tiger watching his prey, Yue Qin’er is also unknown to me, Ye Fei of course will not be stupid, and directly lead these people through the fairy formation. But deliberately full of steps.

Langxuan, who is in charge of monitoring at the rear, coldly said immediately, “Ye Fei, we warn you, it is best not to play tricks, otherwise, we will join hands and kill you easily!”

” hmph, if you have the ability, you come to break this time! If not, then roll aside!” Ye Fei’s heart is a little heavy.

At this time, they have reached the end of the fairy formation, but here, there are two channels, one is golden light and the other is starlight.

Yue Qin’er finally couldn’t calm down, and asked in a cold voice, “Which of the two roads is the correct way to Immortal Palace?”

Ye Fei No Answer, he just closed his eyes silently, as if he was feeling something, but his heart was actually communicating with Xiaocao.

Yue Qin’er’s expression was obviously unhappy.

Ximenxiong said grimly, “Ye Fei, we will give you three breaths. If you still refuse to say that the road is safe, we will treat you and Yuelin’er , Throw them into a passage to explore the way.”

“Ximongxiong, if you dare to do this, I will let you not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death, don’t make a living, the one on the left is The way to survive, the right is the dead end!”

Ye Fei pointed his hand to the left, but when everyone was attracted by the left passage, he suddenly rushed, moved towards the right passage, and rushed quickly.

It’s just that, before he rushed over, the terrifying sound of Wolf Profound’s terrifying sound was heard behind him, “Stupid, I want such a method, let us be fooled!”

“haha It turns out that the right is the way to live, Ye Fei, you are still too naive, die for me!” Ximen Xiong also laughed wildly, and an amazing killing intent appeared on his body.

He wanted to kill Ye Fei a long time ago, but he had to use Ye Fei to break the formation to endure until now. At this time, the immortal formation was broken, and Ximen Xiong would naturally not have any scruples.

I saw a big star with a big hand, slapped angrily, crushing the void and shaking the fairy formation, Yue Lin’er suddenly exclaimed, subconsciously wanting to come forward to help, but one But her hand was coldly holding her, Yue Qin’er shook her head indifferently.

“This person is impossible to tell good from bad, even if he is killed, he is having only oneself to blame! Yueliner, if you are still a member of Moon Sect, don’t interfere! Take advantage of them to kill Ye Fei. Quickly follow me to the Immortal Palace of Yuezun!”


When she spoke, Yue Qin’er had already seen terrifying on her body. Moonlight storm, let the gorgeous moonlight belt appear behind her, leading her, and rushed in the passage moved towards the right.

Wolf Xuan, who was about to join forces to kill Ye Fei, immediately roared, even for fear that Yue Qin’er would get the chance of Yue Zun first, but suddenly stopped and moved towards Yue Qin’er to chase him up.” Ximen Xiong, kill Ye Fei quickly, and I will stop Yue Qin’er!”

“Wolf Mystery, are you a Ximen Xiong stupid? Don’t you want to leave me alone and rush into Immortal Palace, Ye Fei, Lucky for you ant today!”

A star giant palm passed, Ximenxiong didn’t even bother to watch Ye Fei’s life and death. He hurriedly followed Yue Qin’er and Lang Xuan, and rushed to the right. Side channel.

Even in it, Ye Fei heard the voices of these three experts, fighting against each other. Ye Fei’s face was suddenly very strange.

Chapter 3240 Yuehua Immortal King

Chapter 3240 Yuehua Immortal King

Yue Lin’er is relaxed, she is simple in nature and has no ambitions, in her opinion It’s already pretty good that you and Ye Fei can escape a catastrophe and avoid the wicked chase.

“Ye Fei, don’t be sad, Immortal Clan battlefield, there are fairy ruins everywhere. I didn’t get it this time, but I still have a chance next time.” Yue Lin’er came to comfort Ye Fei kindly.

Ye Fei couldn’t help smiling bitterly, “Sure enough, you can see people’s hearts in adversity, Yuelin’er, you can keep your heart and don’t rush to grab the treasure. This is very rare.”

Yue Lin’er shook her head and said, “Everyone can think of treasure, but I know that I am not the opponent of Sect Master, let alone the opponent of Wolf Profound and Ximen Xiong, and I will be the bottom when I enter. It is better to hide here, anyway, you This rune Great Grandmaster is here, and the evil men outside can’t get in.”

Obviously, Yue Lin’er has misunderstood. You must know the real rune Great Grandmaster, but Xiaocao, not Ye Fei.

It’s just this kind of thing, Ye Fei can’t explain it well either. Of course, staying here and waiting to die is not Ye Fei’s style. Now that Yue Lin’er has passed her test and proved that she is a trustworthy person, Ye Fei did not hesitate and said hello, “Yue Lin’er, Let’s go, I’ll take you to a good place.”

Said, Ye Fei has raised her foot and walked to the left passage. In an instant, Yue Lin’er’s eyes widened and she hurriedly stopped, “Ye Fei , I went wrong. Didn’t you say that the one on the left is a dead end?”

“Have I said that, how come I don’t know it myself?” Ye Fei’s face was blank, and his face was naturally exposed. The unique smile of an honest person.

It’s a pity that the three Ximenxiong who rushed into the right can never see this honest man’s smile, otherwise the three of them would have to vomit blood in anger.

Yue Lin’er is simple, but not stupid. Only then did she react and she was a little surprised, “Ye Fei, are you not an honest person? How can you lie?”

Because Ye Fei has been too honest along the way, not only Ximenxiong, Langxuan and Yue Qin’er were fooled, but even Yue Lin’er, when she saw Ye Fei rush to the right, all subconsciously thought, The passage on the right is the way of life.

Yue Lin’er’s gaze was suddenly strange, and even more sympathetic, looked towards the channel on the right, “Ye Fei, I suddenly discovered that being your enemy is a very dangerous thing, and , You are not honest at all.”

“Uh, but I’m really an honest person.”

Ye Fei is very speechless, and he doesn’t want to cheat people. Not all of them were forced by Simon Xiong. While speaking, Ye Fei has walked into the passage on the left.

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