Zheng Liang ’s words caused Ye Fei’s body to suddenly show soaring anger, “Simon Xiong, Piff! You are enough to target me, you dare to target my brother!”

“Yue Lin’er, you go back to Moon Sect first, my brother is in trouble, let me go first!” In anger, Ye Fei didn’t have time to think about it. Throwing out fifty thousand immortal stones, the whole person was already like lightning. Generally, out of the moon ship.

“Wait, I’ll go with you!”

Heard that the Celestial Emperor is in trouble, and even Ye Fei may have to face three of the top 100 experts on the battle list alone. Yue Lin’er, finally made up her mind, her lovable body flashed and she rushed out of the moon ship.

In the end, only Zheng Liang was left. He looked at Ye Fei and Yue Lin’er who had left with a suspicious expression. He was shocked and said, “This Devil Ye believes in this way. Fifty thousand immortal stones?”

“Deputy commander, I feel that this Ye Fei affectionate and true is much better than fire armor, at least, if we encounter danger, use fire armor’s temperament, Surely give up us immediately, how can you save us in such a disregard of danger?”

A Fire Armor sighed, and this sigh made Zheng Liang’s eyes more complicated, “Although this People are enemies, and I have to admire his courage! I’m afraid he can’t stop Simon Xiong.”

After all, Ximen Xiong is the top 100 powerhouse in the battle list, which is fundamentally different from Fire Armor. .

Chapter 3245 Last Stand

Chapter 3245 Last Stand

At the same time.

immortal city, the open space outside the Immortal Pavilion.

Ximen Xiong, standing in the void coldly, three years, not at all let his hair is long, still a big bald head.

This bald head also always reminded him that the huge shame he suffered in the Moon Palace Immortal Formation was also this shame. It made Simon Xiong, for three consecutive years, madly challenge the Celestial Emperor alliance. After exhausting the immortal stones of Qin Wushuang and the three of them, they could only sell their portable Immortal Grade, which barely supported them until now.

Unfortunately, this time, they couldn’t hold it anymore.

Because immortal city has regulations, there are special rules for gambling in immortal city. Although low-level martial artists can reject the challenge of high realm martial artists.

But there is a limit on the number of times.

This is also to prevent low-level martial artists from using immortal city rules to deliberately provoke high realm martial artists and then hide in immortal city to avoid the battle.

So, if there is a low-level martial artist, within half a year, if you refuse ten gambling battles in a row, there will be immortals coming, asking both sides to fight!

Of course, Qin Wushuang and the others can also choose to surrender, but in that case, they have to pay tens of thousands of immortal stones at once as compensation for the immortals to come forward.

Ximen Xiong has grasped this point. For three consecutive years, he has continuously launched a gambling battle against Qin Wushuang’s three people. If the opponent should not fight, he can also force the fairy to come forward and consume Celestial. The Celestial Emperor Alliance’s immortal stones were exhausted and the Celestial Emperor Alliance had to be forced to leave the immortal city!

“And once this so-called Celestial Emperor alliance leaves the immortal city, I Simon Xiong, the first one, will completely destroy them, two Senior Brothers, please help me!”

Ximenxiong, looked towards the two young men in royal robes next to him, these two people are a pair of biological brothers, the big brother is Chen He, and the younger brother is Chen Xi.

At the same time, they are not only Elder, but also the prince of Heaven’s Chosen from a certain fairyland. Therefore, Chen He and Chen Xi sneered disdainfully on the faces of Simon Xiong.

Big brother Chen Hedao, “They are just three ants in the Celestial Emperor realm. If they don’t have enough immortal stones and immortal city shelters, we just don’t do anything, just step on the battle strength of Brother Simon It’s easy to die them!”

The younger brother Chen Xi also said, “Everyone is an ally. The business of Brother Simon is the business of our brother. You have decided on the three wastes on the opposite side. No, surrender or fight?”


Following Chen Xi’s words, many Heaven’s Chosen who watched the battle in immortal city turned their eyes to the direction of Immortal Pavilion. There, Qin Wushuang, Fengyun, and Chen Xiaoyao lined up, not at all, because the opponent is a powerhouse with three merits, so there is no fear.

In fact, in the past three years, the powerhouse of the military achievement list, they have fought too much, from the top 300 in the battle list to the top 200!

Even the most recent time, Qin Wushuang and the three of them joined forces to connect with the ten tricks of Wolf Profound undefeated, and had to retreat with anger, which also caused the shock of many Heaven’s Chosen in immortal city.

It’s just that the battle also caused Qin Wushuang’s three people to suffer certain injuries, and they were forced to sell their portable Immortal Grade to support them.

But they didn’t expect that they were injured. Simon Xiong came again with two powerhouses of the Ecstasy League, stating that he would not give the Celestial Emperor any way to survive.

Chen Xiaoyao, who has the best temper, couldn’t help being angry, “The wolf army and the Ecstasy League, bully intolerably, if I have the ability, the first person to be destroyed is this person!”

“The key is that we are currently incapable! I am 50% sure to win against Chen He, but I am only 20% against Simon Xiong.” Qin Wushuang said helplessly.

But I don’t know his this remark, and he is still very shocked. You must know this Chen He, but the powerhouse ranked 101st in the battle list is only a little weaker than Simon.

And Qin Wushuang, dare to say that he is 50% sure to defeat Chen He?

When Chen He heard these words, he was immediately furious, “Qin Wushuang, you, a Celestial Emperor ant, actually beat me arrogantly? Come out and fight me!”

“Of course, we don’t deceive you either. Today, it’s up to our two brothers to fight against all of your Celestial Emperor alliances alone. If you are afraid, you will kneel on the ground now and slap yourself a hundred. I vowed to quit the Celestial Emperor alliance, and give me brother, to be a dog for ten years!”

Chen Xi, his words are vicious, and his this remark completely angered Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao, Feng Yun coldly said, “Brother Qin, let’s fight, instead of nestling in immortal city and getting angry, I would rather die in a vigorous battle!”

“Celestial Emperor alliance, tolerate others to slander!” Chen Xiaoyao said loudly.

“Well, Senior Brother Ye is not here, let us guard the dignity of the Celestial Emperor alliance!” Qin Wushuang was also aroused.

In the end, they are the absolute Heaven’s Chosen of Dongjitian. If they face the three Ximenxiong at the same time, they have no chance of winning, but only facing Chen He brother and Qin Wushuang, they are not afraid!

“Fengyun, Chen Xiaoyao. You block Chen Xi, I will fight Chen He!”


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