At the same time, Zhu Hu ’s words also made Yuelin’er complexion changed. After all, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the powerhouse in the top three in the battle list, and the Divine Emperor’s ecstasy were not blown out.

Qin Wushuang also solemnly said, “Immortal city has regulations, high martial artists are not allowed to take action against low martial artists, even if it is a gambling battle, as long as we don’t agree, can you force us to fight or not?”

After all, immortal city has the rules of immortal city.

Even though the top ten powerhouses on the military merit list can break this rule to a certain extent, they have no ability to change this rule.

Take the immortal city battle as an example. Even the top ten powerhouses have the privilege of killing in the city, but this privilege is only once a year.

So, after the Ecstasy League failed to publish the Yan Wang post, Mo Ecstasy has lost the privilege of killing people in the city. Fengyun and the others have already checked.


Since Mo’s Ecstasy has appeared, how can he not be prepared?

pa pa pa!

Zhu Hu suddenly clapped his hands, said solemnly, “Come on, bring it up!”

Several powerhouses of the Ecstasy League immediately carried a mountain with all their faces and left. Come in, and that mountain seems to be heavier than a meteorite, and it takes several divine masters to lift it up.

Moreover, the shape of the mountain is also very peculiar. It is actually like a mountain of swords. As it enters, the entire auction house, all the martial cultivator swords, are shocked to discover that the fairy sword on their body is Shaking violently.

Then, myriad swords cry, together to the scene of the sword mountain acknowledge allegiance, shocked Ye Fei very much. Dugu Jian, who was originally in the cultivation, and Demon Sword behind him, let out a cry of excitement. The extreme sword roar, like an impatient, wants to swallow the entire Sword Peak.

Ye Fei, completely shocked.

Can make Ten Thousand Swords acknowledge allegiance and Evil Eye Demon Sword tremble with excitement. This Sword Peak is definitely not an ordinary treasure. Then, he discovered that the sword intent and anger exploded from the body of Dugu Jian, “Mo ecstasy, this sealed sword stone was originally obtained by me in the relic of the sword emperor, but in the end, you are relying on many people. Forcibly taken away, now, do you still dare to take it out to humiliate me?”

“What, this is the sealed sword stone?”

“I remember it, it is said that a few years ago , Immortal Clan battlefield, once found a tomb of the ancient sword emperor, which attracted the fierce competition for the top ten powerhouses in the battle list. Finally, in Dugu Jian, he won the sword emperor’s seal stone with the Supreme sword dao, but was ecstatic. , Publish the post of the king, snatch it halfway.”

“In the end, Dugu Jian was defeated by the widows, so he could only give up the sword emperor’s seal stone and leave alone. Could it be that this time, I will use this seal. Stone, forcing Ye Fei to bet?”


The attraction of the sword emperor’s seal stone is really too strong, that is, within the body’s non-Destruction Sword order, I couldn’t help it, I actually rushed out, bursting out an excited sword light, like an impatient, wanting to swallow the sealing stone, Ye Fei startled.

“Mixed with Primordial Spirit iron, the sword of immortality!”

Seeing floating behind Ye Fei, trembling with excitement, no Destruction Sword order, Dugu Jian magic, again serious and serious Dignified looking towards Ye Fei, he suddenly voluntarily explained, “Immortal Clan battlefield, there are many seal stones, all of which are powerhouses above the Immortal King, left before the battle, among them, either hide the super Supreme Treasure, or there is a stunning inheritance. My Demon Sword told me that this seal stone, hidden, may be the sword emperor inheritance!”

“What, sword emperor inheritance?”

immortal present. The city Heaven’s Chosen were in an uproar again, especially the sword martial cultivator, their whole bodies trembling with excitement, and the eyes looking towards Ye Fei could burst into flames with jealousy.

Zhu Hu smiled triumphantly, and looked towards Ye Fei, “This sword emperor’s seal stone is what we gambled on this time! And this time, the Alliance Leader will be the same realm with you In a battle, you don’t need to win, as long as you can persist for 5 minutes without dying, this seal stone is yours!”

Mo Ecstasy, still did not speak, but he used actions to show his own Attitude, his Divine Emperor aura suddenly dropped.

In an instant, Mo was ecstasy, already suppressing his own realm on the God Lord Early-Stage, and walked out of the auction room step by step.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly became serious. He glanced at the Sword Emperor’s Seal Stone. This is definitely a temptation that any sword repairer cannot refuse.

After all, this is the inheritance of the Sword Emperor!

Mo Ecstasy has deliberately suppressed the realm to the realm of the gods. If this is the case, Ye Fei refuses to fight, then the Celestial Emperor alliance will inevitably suffer endless contempt in the immortal city where Heaven’s Chosen gathers. .

“Okay, since you are going to fight, I will accompany you! Fengyun, you and Lin’er, optimistic about this seal stone, no frost, happy, let’s go out!”

“Okay !” Qin Wushuang was nodded coldly. immortal city, originally the killing field of Heaven’s Chosen, here, cowardice, will only sink, only strong can win respect.

So, Ye Fei walked out with Qin Wushuang and Chen Xiaoyao.

Countless Heaven’s Chosen also went out. Even the guardian immortals were shocked by the battle, and they came out with their own fairy thoughts.

In this way, Ye Fei walked towards the void step by step. Above the void, Mo Ecstasy finally raised his eyes and glanced straight at Ye Fei, “War?”

The tone was still contempt.


Ye Fei, with a solemn expression.

Boom ka!

There are no extra words, even if it is suppressed to the realm of the gods, I am not ecstasy. I still don’t think Ye Fei will be his opponent. At his feet, Lianbu style This style, like Fairy volley, is obviously a man, but more graceful than many women.

But in this graceful step, there is a terrifying murderous intention hidden. Just the moment Ye Fei nodded answered, he felt that there was a Death Aura, assaults the senses.

Immediately without hesitation, he has activated the Fengpeng Sacred Law, and the whole person is like a big Peng spreading his wings, soaring through the Nine Heavens, and his face is full of excited fighting intents, “The fourth in the battle list. Sure enough, I can finally fight with the strongest group of people on the Immortal Clan battlefield!”

In fact, even without the sealing stone, Ye Fei would never refuse Mo’s ecstasy gambling battle, because this is the best way for him to prove himself and start the Celestial Emperor alliance. Besides, if even the Heaven’s Chosen of these immortal cities can’t fight, then how can he return to the East Jitian? Help Martial Ancestor to fight against the fairy palace?

So, Ye Fei broke out completely.

Chapter 3264 Shocking Battle

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