“He dare! We have signed a contract of mind. If we dare to be disobedient, just break our legs!” Dragon Tortoise’s cowhide grew louder and louder, and Fairy blushed when she listened. The remote Ancient Dragon tortoise still ate this set, and with his induction, he discovered that there is a wonderful spiritual connection between Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise.

This kind of connection should be a contract of the soul. The huge dragon eyes seem to be able to see through people’s hearts, and they asked: “What happened to the little girl of the immortal spirit clan next to that kid?” “

“Little maid, I usually take care of me to eat immortal stone!” Without blinking, Dragon Tortoise arranged for Xiaocao as a maid.

In the animal print space, Xiaocao’s face is dark.

The ancient Dragon turtle from far away was shocked and almost yelled, “What, boy, did you dare to call the immortal spirit clan’s original maid? Good master, if the old man could do it You are like you, raising a group of people, and there is an immortal spirit clan waiting for you. How could it have fallen to the way it is today? Needless to say, that little Kunpeng must be the mount you conquered.”

I didn’t even ask. Yuan Ancient Dragon Turtle had already regarded Kunpeng Spirit as a mount, which was lower than the pet maid. Kunpeng Spirit and the skeleton of the angry golden were all out of flames.

Finding that the cowhide was blowing too much, Dragon Tortoise also felt a guilty conscience. He hurriedly turned off the topic, and reluctantly pushed all the fairy stones to the Old Ancestor and said: “Old Ancestor, eat!”

“Little boy, since it’s your heart, the ancestor is not welcome, because the ancestor has a lot of appetite, and this little stone is not enough to eat.”

After that, I glanced at Ye Fei, Ye Fei feel unfathomable mystery, how does the look in the eyes of this old Dragon Tortoise feel like looking at pets.

But in the end, I have a heart-to-heart connection with Dragon Tortoise, even though I don’t understand Dragon’s words, when Dragon Tortoise moved towards here, after shaking his tail a few times and hearing the words of old Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei’s heart still moved. To Dugu Jian demonic path: “Take out all the celestial stones on your body. Whether you can get through the troubles or not depends on whether you can get enough food.”



Dugu Jian, the demon is not welcome, and throws all the celestial stones on his body, Qin Wushuang and the others are the same, even Tutu Fairy, who looks strange, throws out a lot of celestial stones.

The tortoise of Yuan Ancient Dragon is also not welcome, and directly opens his mouth, swallowing several millions of immortal stones, and Ye Fei is inexplicably worried.

“This Dragon Tortoise seems to be stronger and eat more. If it is the same after Dahei, a meal of several million immortal stones, then I can’t sell iron.”


Ye Fei’s worries are not over yet. The ancient dragon turtle, who has eaten and drunk enough, has once again let out a fierce roar, said solemnly: “You guys Human Race cubs Cub, in the face of the juniors of the same race, the ancestors will not eat you, but your death and living sins are inevitable! Otherwise, the ancestors are willing to let you go, and the jailer of the Celestial Court will definitely want your lives. “

“What Celestial Court jailer, this old Dragon Tortoise, seems to be a little confused?” Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao whispered, and the bunny Fairy next to him, with a strange expression on his face, suddenly summoned courage: ” Dragon Tortoise Senior, don’t you know that Ancient Celestial Court has been perished for 200,000 years.”


Tutu hasn’t finished talking yet, a terrifying mighty power, It has erupted from the far Ancient Dragon turtle, “My Ancient Celestial Court, which rules the entire Great Thousand Worlds, how could I die?”

The far Ancient Dragon turtle is unacceptable.

Ye Fei also sighed and opened the mouth and said: “Senior, I don’t know what Ancient Celestial Court, I only know that now Great Thousand Worlds, the strongest is the fairy palace, we are now The place is the Heaven’s Chosen trial field in the fairy palace, also called the Immortal Clan battlefield…”


The ancient dragon roared and interrupted Ye very roughly. Fei said: “talk nonsense, my Celestial Court, and even the ruler of Great Thousand Worlds, through the ages, how can I perish…Celestial Court, really dead?”

Finally, this ancient Dragon Tortoise lowered his head and asked Dragon Tortoise in a low voice. Dragon Tortoise didn’t finish talking, just nodded very seriously.

The ancient dragon turtle far away, its face was like ashes in an instant. The whole turtle lay down on the ground as if discouraged, without energy, “It’s over, the Ancient Celestial Court is over, and the Holy Emperor 80% is over, then This Old Ancestor is here to guard the Evil Emperor Sword. What’s the point?”

This is already the Far Ancient Dragon Turtle. When mentioning the Evil Emperor Sword for the third time, Ye Fei has a strong heart. Curiosity, immediately winked Dragon Tortoise, “It’s dark, it’s up to you.”


Dragon Tortoise also roared twice immediately, making it easy to learn Looking tirelessly, the milky voice asked milkily: “Old Ancestor, what is the Evil Emperor Sword?”

“Hey, boy, the Celestial Court is gone, it’s okay to tell you. In the Celestial Court era where the ancestors lived, there was an evil sword repairer. This person was called the Evil Sword Emperor. It is said that the Evil Sword Emperor created a Supreme Demonic Law, called the Evil Emperor Sword! Any cultivation of this evil method The martial artist will eventually become the sword of the Evil Emperor. As long as the Evil Sword Emperor is willing, he can control the life and death of the sword at will, devour their cultivation base, and strengthen himself.”

” In this evil method, the Evil Sword Emperor once set off countless foul wind and bloody rain in the Great Thousand Worlds. It also caused a huge threat to the Celestial Court. Therefore, a generation of holy emperors was also the master of the old man and commanded the Celestial Court. Immortal Emperor, joined hands to severely injure the Evil Sword Emperor, and imprisoned this person in the Celestial Court nine prisons. He ordered this Old Ancestor to stay here until the Evil Sword Emperor was killed.”

In the memory, far away from the Ancient Dragon turtle, sighed for a while.

Ye Fei listened to unfathomable mystery, “Since this Evil Sword Emperor is so evil, there are so many Immortal Emperors in the Celestial Court. It is not good to kill the Evil Sword Emperor directly, so why do you have to do this more and suppress this person? “

“hmph, if it were that simple, it would be great. Do you know what is the greatest feature of the Evil Emperor Sword Type, then Avatar, as long as the Evil Emperor Sword Type is cultivated, it will take the initiative to become the Evil Sword Emperor One of the sword species Avatar, as long as these sword species Avatars are immortal, the evil sword emperor will never die!”

“Why did the ancestor prevent you from breaking the formation? It is sensed that among you There are descendants of the ancestors, I don’t want you, and just like those Heaven’s Chosen in the past, they become the sword of the Evil Emperor, thus killing each other, and becoming the puppets of the Evil Sword Emperor’s resurrection.”

Far Ancient Dragon turtle, his tone is cold.

This remark also made Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air, Dugu Jian demon, and even have one’s hair stand on end, said: “In this world, there are such evil swords, so evil People?”

“Well, the ruins of the sword emperor, most of the powerhouses in the top 100 in the battle list, have entered. Doesn’t it mean that they are all possible to become the evil emperor sword?”

Qin Wushuang, shocked inexplicably, this remark made Yuelin’er and Tutu Fairy feel inexplicable fear.

Chapter 3296 Hidden Troubles

Chapter 3296 Hidden Troubles

After the introduction of Ye Fei by the ancient Dragon Turtle, I learned that the evil emperor sword is one The wicked Immortal Emperor is unique.

It allows a martial artist who knows nothing about sword dao to instantly transform into a sword dao powerhouse. At the same time, this person will also become the sword of the evil emperor and become the Avatar of the evil emperor.

The evil emperor can also control these sword-type Avatars arbitrarily according to his own mind, control their life and death, deprive them of their cultivation base, and even use many evil emperor sword-types to swallow each other and come back from the dead.

The evil of its cultivation technique, Ye Fei, was also shocked to hear.

Dugu Jian is even more frowned, said solemnly: “No matter how evil this evil emperor sword is, the evil emperor is the powerhouse of the Ancient Celestial Court era, while we are Heaven’s of the Celestial Court era. Chosen, the matter of the evil emperor, seems to have nothing to do with us.”

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