Ye Fei remain unmoved to the Lord of the Nine Hells sent to you. This also surprised the Holy Emperor’s Can Nian, “Why? In charge of the nine prisons, you are equivalent to mastering the life and death of all beings in the nine prisons. Don’t you be moved or yearning for it?”

Ye Fei shook his head firmly, “One , I’m not interested in taking charge of the lives and deaths of others. Second, Celestial Court is dead. It’s now in the age of the fairy palace. If I bear the name of the lord of the nine hells and the fairy palace is momentary, I can let me fly ash annihilation and take a step back , Xiandian is not against me, can I control the nine prisons with this strength, how can I convince those evil people?”

It is estimated that any fairy can step on him as the lord of the nine prisons. Show off one’s military strength, Ye Fei would rather not show off one’s military strength.

Furthermore, Ye Fei is really unwilling to have too much relationship with the destroyed Celestial Court. This remark also makes the Holy Emperor be at a loss, “Celestial Court, is it still dead after all? So, how do you know the inheritance of this emperor?”

“Yuan Ancient Dragon tortoise, tell me! Yuan Ancient Dragon tortoise, always working hard, guarding the seal of the evil emperor, helpless, The evil emperor is dead but not stiff, leaving inheritance. In the future, the evil emperor can even resurrect from the dead with the sword species born from these inheritances. Therefore, the ancient Dragon Turtle Senior, ordered me to come here to turn on the inheritance of the holy emperor and seek complete elimination. The law of the evil emperor.”

Ye Fei’s words sounded loudly, as if returning to a passionate and impulsive boy, who loves to fight against injustice and is full of great ideals.

The Dugu Jian magic and the others who listened to Ye Fei looked sideways. If they remember correctly, Ye Fei tried so desperately to obtain the inheritance of the emperor, it seems that he simply wants to solve the hidden danger within the body. .

It’s just that Dugu Jian and the others are smart people. Naturally, they won’t demolish Ye Fei’s platform at this time. This remark is just right for the holy emperor’s appetite.

After all, in the Celestial Court era, the holy emperor and the evil emperor were deadly enemies incompatible as fire and water. Now, the holy emperor has already fallen, leaving only a trace of inheritance remnants, and the evil emperor died unexpectedly. Not stiff, there is hope of resurrection, even if there is only a trace of residual thoughts, the holy emperor is also furious.

“Don’t say it anymore. The emperor can suppress the evil emperor before he is alive, and he will never let this person feel better after death. However, it is not easy to obtain the emperor’s inheritance. Chengzhen Prison Monument, you may die, even so, you still want to try?”

The holy emperor’s eyes grew cold.

Ye Fei also greeted the line of sight with no fear, “If I die, as long as I can get the inheritance of the emperor, I will have no regrets.”

Emperor inheritance, he may also be controlled by the evil emperor’s influence, instead of doing this, it is better to fight.

The holy emperor didn’t say much anymore. After all, his purpose of leaving Cannian was to find the Inheritor, and Ye Fei satisfied the holy emperor in all aspects except for the low realm.

“Boy, then you are ready to accept this emperor’s inheritance. Remember, this emperor, the cultivation, is not Martial Dao, but a special soul!”


The holy emperor’s Cannian pointed his finger, like the king of the nine prisons, the infinite soul black sand, abruptly filled this void, and then, every black sand, It turned into a torch and burned raging.

But the flame is not Ye Fei’s fleshy body, but his soul. At the same time, it is not only Ye Fei who suffered from this terrifying Soul Fire.

Dugu Jian Demon, the Demon Ass King, including Cold Blood, everyone present burned with terrifying dark flames.

Only Ye Fei, the burning flame is the most terrifying, and it is the center of the flame in the depths. In front of him, the Holy Emperor is not there, and the monument to the prison is transformed into a stream of light. , Straight into his in the depth of one’s soul.


Ye Fei felt that tearing pain came from his soul, soul cultivation and martial cultivation are also fundamentally different, martial artist body refinement, soul cultivation soul!

As the invincible powerhouse in the soul repair, the holy emperor, and also the great Accomplishment of the soul repair, I saw the hell town monument, which turned into a majestic force directly in the soul of Ye Fei The power of the soul, this power, is similar to the Dao Soul, but it is much stronger than the Dao Soul.

“Either I am refining this astral power, or I am swallowed by this astral power and I have become a part of the black sand of the soul!”

Inexplicably, Ye Fei had such a clear comprehension in his heart. At the same time, he didn’t dare to neglect at all. He just madly urged the Destruction Sword order and began to absorb the majestic soul power of refining.

At this time, the experience of being the witch emperor of the realm also helped Ye Fei a lot, because the cultivation of the wizard is also the soul, not the fleshy body!

So Ye Fei is no stranger to the power of the soul. As a non-Destruction Sword order made by mixing Primordial Spirit iron, it also gave Ye Fei a huge surprise. I saw that it was not absorbed by the Destruction Sword order. , Even the astral power is refining and transformed into the astral power of Ye Fei.

“very good, I’m right in this extremely evil city. These astral powers can strengthen my soul, and these Soul Fires can cleanse my body and clear it. The breath of the evil emperor’s sword!”

bang bang!

With inner consciousness, Ye Fei can clearly see his within the body, the cultivation dark sword Dao, the condensed dark heart, has begun to collapse and disintegrate under the calcination of Soul Fire.

At the last moment of disintegration, Ye Fei seemed to hear a loud roar of anger in his dark heart.

But before Ye Fei listens to this voice, his dark heart has completely disappeared, and at the same time, a flame seed burning with a bright holy flame was born in his soul .

“This is the origin of the sacred fire! The inheritance fire left by the emperor!”

Inexplicably, Ye Fei had this thought in his heart, and then, it was a memory like a tide , Pouring into his mind, all of these are actually the holy emperor, and the most profound understanding of soul cultivation is the monument to the heavens of prison!

“so that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that the holy emperor can restrain the evil emperor. It turns out that the Immortal Emperor’s unique knowledge can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses. The one who judges this kind of strength is what the Immortal Emperor’s unique knowledge can comprehend. The immortal is the number.”

According to the inherited memories of the emperor, the evil sword emperor’s evil emperor sword cultivation reaches its limit, and it can be understood that the rule of the nine immortals is a top cultivation technique even in the Celestial Court era.

The helpless evil sword emperor bad luck met the holy emperor. As a rare soul repairer, the holy emperor Tianzong genius, actually a fellow practitioner of the soul and martial arts, created a heaven of prison that can understand the nine and a half immortal principles. The stele, thus, restrained the evil emperor, and finally suppressed the evil emperor in the nine prisons.

The only pity is that in the end, the Holy Emperor still failed to make the last step of the soul martial practitioners, which was the same body of soul martial arts. Therefore, in the battle with the evil emperor, even if the holy emperor won, it was only a tragic victory. In the end, the inheritance was left in a hurry, and then he died in the turmoil of Celestial Court.

At this point, the memories in Ye Fei’s mind are all completed. When he raised his eyes again, when looking towards the Void Saint Emperor, his eyes became complicated, “Senior, many thanks, you can rest assured , I will definitely become the same body of soul and martial arts, and then, completely defeat the evil emperor!”

Chapter 3320 Human Demon threat

Chapter 3320 Human Demon threat

“You don’t need to thank the emperor. The original purpose of this emperor is to find a descendant who can deal with the evil emperor. If you can obtain it, it is also God’s will. Unfortunately, your realm is still too low. Remember, When your strength is not strong, you must not take the black sand of your soul out of the nine prisons, otherwise, it will cause a catastrophe.”

The holy emperor smiled and directed at Ye Fei slightly nodded, just that smile , There is always a treacherous taste, which makes Ye Fei a little unpredictable.

But the words of the holy emperor still made Ye Fei’s heart move. He was beckoned, the black sand of the soul that had frightened countless evil people, like flowing water, condensed in Ye Fei’s palm.

Only the soul black sand that Ye Fei can control at this time, the number is very limited. There seemed to be a majestic force resisting his control.

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