At the
critical moment, Human Demon took out of the Heavenly God furnace. The entire Divine Furnace, like a terrifying black hole, Devouring All Living Things, was about to swallow Ye Fei instantly, Ye Fei’s eyes, Suddenly a terrifying cold light appeared, “This is the fallen Heavenly God furnace that suppressed Wang Bai and caused Human Demon to run rampant. As long as the Divine Furnace is broken, Wang Bai can regain control of Human Demon, the soul black sand, give me Cut!”


Following Ye Fei’s command, the infinite black mist that filled him all around suddenly condensed into a soul sword of several hundred meters long.

At this moment, Ye Fei held the soul sword in his hand and furiously killed Human Demon’s fallen Heavenly God furnace. Human Demon’s face changed suddenly, but the king’s pride prevented him from shrinking. It did everything possible to spur the fall of the Heavenly God furnace, smashing forward like a burning sun.


The soul sword and the fallen Heavenly God furnace collide violently, like two stars colliding, exploding with terrifying divine light, but Ye Fei doesn’t even look at it, just keeps holding it up. A trace of fairy rules burst out of the sword, and he slashed forward again.

Human Demon became angry and violent. Behind him, there appeared a vicious god, a merciful demon, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, falling into the Heavenly God furnace, as if to destroy the world Normally, Ye Fei is enveloped, but at this moment, Ye Fei’s hands, but in one breath, continuously hit the Prison-Suppressing Heaven Stele on all sides, one side after another, madly colliding with the fallen Heavenly God furnace.

The endless soul black sand, even under the control of Ye Fei’s soul, suddenly turned into a picture of Taiji Sword that covered the sky, and blasted down.


Human Demon’s mouth, I couldn’t help but spurt a mouthful of blood. There was no way. Although the Emperor Celestial Immortal had gone out of a different path from the Evil Emperor, the cultivation technique of the Celestial Immortal Emperor, in the end, It was also greatly affected by the evil emperor’s sword, and naturally also by the huge restraint of the prison monument.

Not to mention, at this time, Ye Fei’s hand still has the soul black sand. This Immortal Emperor soldier is stronger than the Heavenly God furnace, even if Ye Fei can only exert some of its power, But the endless battle strength, the identity of the lord of the nine prisons, also allows Ye Fei to take advantage of the right time and place.

At the same time when Human Demon was injured, Ye Fei’s hand once again shot a terrifying monument on all sides, and then the monument was united into a terrifying monument capable of suppressing the nine prisons, pushing forward angrily , Once again collided with the Heavenly God furnace.

The entire Heavenly God furnace couldn’t help but make a fierce trembling sound. Not only was the Divine Furnace dented by the sky stele, but also terrifying cracks clearly appeared on it.

This rift has also made many villains who are still controlled by Divine Furnace suddenly sober. They no longer fight frantically, but on their faces, they all show a strong struggle. .


Human Demon’s eyes are full of unwillingness, even if Ye Fei obtains the Saint Emperor inheritance, under the same realm, Human Demon does not have to fear Ye Fei at all.

The only thing that made Human Demon didn’t expect is that the Saint not only left inheritance, but also left a peculiar Emperor Artifact, which can almost make Ye Fei’s battle strength endless, always In the nine prisons, maintain invincible battle strength.

Another fairy symbol in Chapter 3323

Another fairy symbol in Chapter 3323

“The deity, dissatisfied!”

Human Demon , Tianzong genius, how can you be willing to be defeated by Ye Fei like this, his eyes flashed crazy, the Heavenly God furnace in his hand suddenly burst out terrifying dark fairy lights, these fairy lights, like chains, connect each one , The person controlled by the Fallen Heavenly God furnace.


Then, under the orders of Human Demon, these thousands of villains, whether Celestial Emperor or Divine Lord, or Divine Emperor, were all involuntarily involuntarily, rushing to Ye Fei according to Human Demon’s order, and even more At the moment of rushing.


A god emperor stood up in fear and self-destructed, and then all the wicked people went to the air Self-destruction. That kind of scene was extremely spectacular and extremely tragic.

Imagine that one Celestial Emperor can control a Small World, and the Celestial Emperor controlled by Human Demon has two thousand.

When so many Celestial Emperors take Self-destruction together, the formidable power is definitely more terrifying than the destruction of Small World. Ye Fei was the first to bear the brunt, and he immediately felt a crisis of death and hit his heart.

Only his eyes are still staring at Human Demon indifferently. Before this move, Human Demon got out of trouble. Now, Human Demon still wants to use this move, which is wishful thinking.

After all, he is no longer who he was before.

He is the Lord of the Nine Hells and the controller of the soul Heisha!

Take a deep breath. Suddenly, Ye Fei exhausted all his strength and started to spur the black sand of the soul. The endless black mist enveloped him, directly above his head, a condone. The dark and noble crown, the moment he saw the crown, the seriously injured Shi Zhongxian was almost frightened to pieces.

“Impossible, that is the crown of the nine prisons, the symbol of the lord of the nine prisons! He, a god lord, has become the immortal, the prison lord of the year for something even in dreams, no…”


Shi Zhongxian, heartbroken, spurts blood in the air.

The infinite soul black sand, also at the moment Ye Fei officially became the lord of the nine hells, gathered like a billowing wave, directly forming a burning soul sword, and fell into Ye Fei’s hands .

Ye Fei, he holds the sword of soul and wears the crown of nine prisons, like the holy emperor of the ancient Celestial Court, patrolling the nine prisons and suppressing the demons.

At this time, it was even more of a step. I suddenly stepped into the vortex of countless Celestial Emperor Self-destruction. The crown of the nine hells also hung down thousands of radiant lights. In an instant, it resisted all around the violent The Self-destruction power.

Human Demon’s eyes widened. He couldn’t imagine that Ye Fei, who was in the Nine Hells, would be so terrifying. For the first time, there was a touch of fear in Human Demon’s heart.

But Human Demon is worthy of being the demon among the demons. Fear is only a moment, and Human Demon’s eyes burst out with astonishing killing and anger.

“Ye Fei, it’s you. You have repeatedly bad things about the deity. Today, the deity will fight with you! Fall into the Heavenly God furnace and blow it up for me!”

weng weng!

The violent feeling of Human Demon, even falling into the Heavenly God furnace, exudes a kind of emotional fluctuations of fear and sadness. You must know that it is a soldier of the Immortal Emperor. How many people can ask for it, but Human Demon , But it means to give up and give up, really very ruthless.

It is Ye Fei, with a look of fear on his face, and he has mastered the black sand of the soul. No one knows the horror of the Immortal Emperor’s soldiers better than him. If Human Demon can really make the Immortal Emperor’s soldiers Self -Destruction, that attack is no less than a blow from the immortal, and it is estimated that no one can stop it except him.

Qin Wushuang and the others are more likely to die in this Self-destruction.

“Human Demon, don’t stop!”

Ye Fei was completely furious, and the soul sword in his hand directly turned into the most terrifying light of killing. At this moment, He really had a murderous intention, and for the first time he had a strong desire to kill Human Demon.

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