Chapter 3342 The Perfect Stand-in

Chapter 3342 The Perfect Stand-in

“Ah…so cute…”

Seeing the appearance of grass, Tutu Fairy screamed in surprise, wishing she could hug the grass directly into her arms, Yue Lin’er also liked it so much, she wanted to touch the grass, but she was afraid that it would not be willing.

Swipe it.

Yue Lin’er and Tutu Fairy looked at Ye Fei with piercing eyes at the same time. Ye Fei’s forehead was sweating out. Fortunately, they are both core members of the Celestial Emperor Alliance and there are no outsiders.

Ye Fei also asked Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, what are you doing out?”


Xiaocao He raised his head and gestured to tell Ye Fei that Xiaocao had a way to turn one Ye Fei into two, and Ye Fei was taken aback.

It’s just that the immortal spirit family has a very long growth process. After all, Xiaocao’s age is still too young. After a long time, Xiaocao didn’t understand Ye Fei. Xiaocao immediately looked at Ye Fei with the eyes of a big stupid pig. I didn’t bother to explain it, dragged Dragon Tortoise directly, and ran towards Tongxian Pagoda.

Now even Dugu Jian is stunned, “Ye Fei, what’s the matter with you child, Tongxian Pagoda can only enter once a year, she is impossible the second time…”

The words are not finished.

The thing that caused Dugu Jian to be dumbfounded, I saw that within that year, it was impossible to enter the Tongxian Pagoda again. Simply could not stop Xiaocao, Xiaocao had already rushed in again.

“Senior Brother, what is Xiaocao?” Qin Wushuang and the three people also had a stunned feeling. As for Tutu Fairy, they just kept saying it was cute, and simply couldn’t think of anything else.

Ye Fei is completely speechless.

Fortunately, he knows that although Xiaocao is not a martial artist, he has many magical abilities. There is also Dragon Tortoise beside him. This pagoda should not hurt Xiaocao.

At the same time, there was a movement in his heart, and he suddenly resonated with Dragon Tortoise, and then through the eyes of Dragon Tortoise, he saw the situation inside Tongxian Pagoda.

In the Tongxian Pagoda, Xiaocao stepped on his short legs and ran all over the ground. For a while, he would look around, and then he would have to open the world. Divine Eyes , Seems to be sensing something.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise are both looked at each other in blank dismay. I don’t know what Xiaocao is looking for. Only Xiaocao carefully searched the Tongxian Pagoda layer by layer.

Finally, in a corner of the space on the 5th floor, Xiaocao seemed to have discovered something, cheered, and ran over.

Seeing this terrifying little girl, she finally found herself. In the corner of the space, a cloud of white light like cotton candy flew out quickly, turned her head and was about to run away, but she didn’t wait for the white light. Escape, Xiaocao waved his small hand, and the rattan whip transformed by Divine Beating Whip suddenly moved towards that group of white light and beat it.

Ye Fei was shocked to see that the white light was hit by the grass and fell to the ground, and then stepped on the ground by the grass.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , Eat it first.

But didn’t expect, seeing the Dragon Tortoise black mouth attack, the white light actually screamed, suddenly transformed and turned into a big black turtle, facing the Dragon Tortoise baring fangs and brandishing claws .


Dragon Tortoise looked at the black tortoise exactly like him, he was a little silly on the spot, and Ye Fei felt even more horrified.

“What is this thing? There is this thing in Tongxian Pagoda?” Ye Fei faintly had a weird thought in his mind, but he couldn’t be sure.

Looking at Ye Fei, I still don’t understand what I mean. Xiaocao used another whip to turn the white light into the Dragon Tortoise, then hit it back to its original shape again, and made Ye Fei stand still.

Then Xiaocao looked at Ye Fei while holding the white light in his hand. According to Ye Fei’s appearance, he kneaded the dough like a dough and kept pinching it. Due to his strong fear of Xiaocao, the white light The light didn’t dare to resist, letting the grass widen it and make it longer, and soon changed from a group of white light to a person.

And this person looks exactly the same as Ye Fei, even the breath is the same, this is simply the second self!

Ye Fei then understood, Xiaocao said what he meant by changing the second one, and his heart moved even more, “My biggest problem now is to hide my identity as the lord of the nine prisons. With this thing as my stand-in, maybe I can really get out and go to the Nine Prisons and gather the villains who exist in the Nine Prisons.”

The more I think about it, the more excited I am. Like Xiaocao, Ye Fei is also I didn’t bother to care about what the white light was, and immediately told Dragon Tortoise, “Da Hei, take out your big black pot, no matter what you use, you must take this thing out.”


Dragon Tortoise hearing this apart from anything else, if you take out the black pot, you have to pack the white light away, and the white light, who sensed the crisis, began to struggle fiercely to escape.

At this time, another whip came over, and the white light turned into Ye Fei. The whole body was convulsed, and Ye Fei’s complexion also twitched.

Only Xiaocao, pretending to be very serious, tells white light that if this group of white lights refuses to listen to Ye Fei, Xiaocao will be very angry, and once the grass is angry, the consequences , That’s quite serious.

Faced with the intimidation of Xiaocao, this group of white light really did not dare to resist, obediently and honestly, let Dragon Tortoise put it into the black pot and bring it out of Tongxian Pagoda.

Only when I left, the entire Tongxian Pagoda suddenly trembled violently, as if the rules of Tongxian Pagoda were chaotic and collapsed.

Unfortunately, Ye Fei was anxious to deal with the evil emperor alliance, so Ye Fei didn’t bother to take away this group of white light and what impact it would have on the Tongxian Pagoda.

Outside the Tongxian Pagoda, Dugu Jian Moye looked at Ye Fei who had opened eyes and asked, “How about it, what’s the situation in Tongxian Pagoda?”

“What’s the situation, I’m not too good to say, but Xiaocao found a good thing in it, Da Hei, let it out.”

I saw Dragon Tortoise pouring the black pot, a familiar silhouette, already It fell out, except that it couldn’t fight. No matter the appearance and breath, it was exactly the same as Ye Fei, and it was different from Ye Fei’s Avatar projection. There was no weak spot in front of Ye Fei.

Dugu Jian’s magic eyes are all round, and Tutu Fairy and Yue Lin’er also click one’s tongue in wonder, pretending to check “Ye Fei”. However, they inadvertently touched Xiaocao’s body, and they were very satisfied with each other.

Ye Fei is also speechless, and quickly took Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise back to the beast seal space, and then said solemnly: “Now that I have a substitute, we should figure out how to use this substitute. I can go back to the nine prisons by concealing the sky.”

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