
Blood sea waves, swords pierced the sky, cold-blooded demonic eruption, blade light like a prison, directly fighting with Bei Yao Chi, on the other side, Dugu Jian demon also moved.

In his hand, the evil eye Demon Sword roared, like a beast, about to fly out of Dugu Jian’s hand and kill everywhere.

Mo Ecstasy smiled indifferently. On his body, monster qi, innate Monster Race and evil emperor cultivation technique, turned Mo Ecstasy into a terrifying evil demon.

He grabbed his five fingers, in the sky, and the terrifying giant claw appeared. This claw, teaching the world, killing the gods and demons. In the blink of an eye, the evil eye Demon Sword appeared. The sword energy is torn apart.

“Kill, the surname is Qin, get out of the fight!”

Zhu Fu held a blood axe, his ferocious eyes stared at Qin Wushuang, he didn’t forget, he almost lost Shame to Qin Wushuang, now, he is about to take off the opponent’s head and wash away his own shame.

“You two, let’s go together!”

Tian Xing, the war is overwhelming, one person, facing Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao, Chen Xiaoyao suddenly became angry, the situation is within the body , There are nine Tianhe rivers, sending out terrifying roars.


Feng Yun was the first to make a move. Hurricane lightning appeared under his feet. In his hand, he held the condensed Eastern Arctic Sword and the terrifying blade light, slashing the head to the sky.

Tian Xing is laughing wildly, his hands are shining with the light of golden punishment, whole journey of slaughter, extinguishing soul knife, destroying hurricane, and the backhand is a killing trial, fiercely counterattack.

But the wind and the cloud didn’t even look at it. After the hurricane passed, the thunderbolt appeared, and countless thunderbolt lightning appeared in the sky, vigorously, like an extinction.

Suddenly, amidst the thunder and lightning of the world, a golden divine clock appeared, Chen Xiaoyao, with a free look, the ancient bell above his head, holding a fairy soldier in his hand, the endless light of divine spear, turned into a killing The lightning is hidden in the thunderbolt.

bang bang bang!

So, the high-level leaders of the Evil Emperor Alliance and the Celestial Emperor Alliance have already fought together, and the battle is a life and death battle. I have seen many members of the Celestial Emperor Alliance. , Dazzled, and many of the members of the Evil Emperor League who also watched were shocked.

No one didn’t expect, the high-levels of the Celestial Emperor alliance, one by one, were so powerful, especially the two-man battle Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao teamed up to faintly suppress the light of the golden penalty. Tian Xing felt that there was an invisible slap on his face, and Tian Xing roared again and again, and the killing aura on his body became more terrifying.

Chapter 3346 at the crucial moment

Chapter 3346 at the crucial moment

“Evil Emperor, give me strength!”

Tian Xing roared, but it was not really borrowing from the evil emperor, but awe-inspiring, began to absorb the power of the many evil emperor swords on the ground.

This is also the terrifying part of the evil emperor’s cultivation technique. High Rank swords can absorb at will, and even deprive them of the power of low-level swords to strengthen themselves.

This is the case of Heavenly Punishment at this time. As the Evil Emperor Honorary Disciple, the Evil Emperor cultivation technique he cultivation naturally surpasses many Evil Emperor swords, although it is not comparable to the Mo Ecstasy.

However, once the evil emperor’s cultivation technique came out, Heaven Punishment was still a one-off, depriving dozens of the evil emperor’s swords of power, and integrated into himself within the body.

Yue Lin’er suddenly exclaimed that her moon scepter can also achieve the effect of borrowing the power of others. Before, she also used this method to lend Ye Fei to defeat Human Demon.

However, no matter how strong the Moon Scepter is, it can only borrow the power of a few people at a time, but Tian Xing can only borrow the power of dozens of people in one breath.

And these people are all evil emperor swords transformed by immortal city Heaven’s Chosen. Their individual power is not terrifying, but when the power of dozens of people is concentrated on one person.

In an instant, Tian Xing burst out a terrifying matchless Divine Emperor breath, this breath made his attack almost reach the pinnacle of Divine Emperor.

Boom ka!

The terrifying golden torture light blasted forward, the sky collapsed, and all the hurricane and lightning of the wind and cloud shattered into streamers under this evil light.

The horror is that the light of golden punishment continues to move forward, slashing towards Fengyun, Fengyun’s complexion has completely changed. At this moment, a bright divine spear was assassinated and more It was Chen Xiaoyao who had collided with the light of golden punishment.

He holds the ancient bell on his head, holds the divine spear, press forward, and kills his opponent.

But Tianxue laughed wildly, “Naive, thinking that my evil emperor cultivation technique has only such a formidable power? Your attacks will always be exhausted, but my evil emperor alliance’s attacks are Endless! Kill, the light of golden punishment!”

bang bang bang!

A light of golden punishment passed, and another light of golden punishment came with a blast.

This time, there is no such thing as a left hand. Nearly ten thousand members of the Evil Emperor League can continuously provide powerful battle strength to the punishment.

In contrast, Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao, although their combined battle strength is extremely powerful, their Tianhe within the body will always run out.

And once the Tianhe within the body is exhausted, they just want to burst out the Martial Ancestor, the breakthrough limit is impossible, and this high-level battle between the Celestial Emperor League and the Evil Emperor League feels It’s not just Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao who are under pressure.

Cold-blooded, Dugu Jian Demon, also felt the tremendous pressure.

After all, as a holy punishment of Honorary Disciple, you can absorb the sword of dozens and improve your battle strength at one time.

Then, as the Evil Emperor Direct Disciple North Jade Pool and Mo Ecstasy, the number of Evil Emperor swords they can control and absorb will only be greater.

Almost when Tian Xing suddenly revealed his trump card and suppressed Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao at the same time, Bei Yao Chi and Mo Ecstasy also broke out the evil emperor cultivation technique at the same time.

It’s even more one-time, absorbing the power of hundreds of members of the Evil Emperor League and enhancing their own battle strength. With the increase of this power, the evil monster force of Mo ecstasy is more terrifying. , You can even use your bare hands to fight the evil eye of Dugu Jian Demon Sword.

The Bei Yao Chi on the other side is even stronger. She is the second powerhouse on the battle list. At this time, she has absorbed the strength of hundreds of people. This also makes her battle strength an incredible To the point.

Suddenly, the terrifying light of killing exploded from the hands of Bei Yaochi, like a piece of Bejeweled Jade Tower, moved towards cold-blooded suppressed, cold-blooded roar, he did not dare to stop at the critical moment of life and death With any reservations, the blood hell magic knife in his hand burst out completely.

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