“That’s good, then what fairyland should we choose.” Ye Fei asked.

Unexpectedly, Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao shook their heads together, “Ye Fei, you misunderstood what we mean, we are planning to go out and practice alone. After all, being with you is too strong, and being with you is too stressful.”

Ye Fei was a little speechless and was about to refute, but Qin Wushuang next to him was eyes shined, and suddenly said, “What do you think, there are eight teleporting fairy formations here, which can teleport in eight different directions. The four of us, it’s better At the same time, choose a fairy formation, random transmission, and transfer to which fairy domain, experience in that fairy domain, and then take four years! After four years, see who we break through the virtual fairy first!”


It’s okay for Qin Wushuang not to say this. Hearing this, Fengyun and Chen Xiaoyao immediately burned their fighting spirit and looked towards Ye Fei “evil fiercely”.

Ye Fei feels a lot of pressure, knowing these three guys, what he can’t forget is to surpass himself, and immediately stimulated his pride, faintly smiled and said: “Yes, whatever you want.”

“hmph hum, the one who took the lead in the breakthrough of the virtual fairy is the real First Senior Brother, and it can’t be changed in the future!” Qin Wushuang also laughed, but it was quite sinister.

However, Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao agreed.

Ye Fei is completely speechless, “You three guys, just want to surpass me like this, OK, it’s rare that you have fighting spirit, I will give you this opportunity.”

No There is no motivation under pressure.

Furthermore, the four people compete with each other like this, and the motivation for each to break through the virtual fairy is even more sufficient. Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn’t hesitate, and first set foot on a teleportation fairy formation.

Qin Wushuang and the three people are the same.

“Wu Shuang Junior Brother, Feng Yun, Chen Xiaoyao, take care, everyone, four years later, we will see you in the Mysterious Immortal Domain!” Although they were fighting each other secretly, it was a moment of separation.

No matter whether Ye Fei or Qin Wushuang, I feel a little sad.

Feng Yun and Chen Xiaoyao’s eyes are also red, but they are both determined and determined to each other. Although sad, in order to pursue their Martial Dao and to inspire Qin Wushuang to continue their efforts, Ye Fei still resolutely started the transmission.

“Three Junior Brothers, see me in four years, remember to change your slogan to Senior Brother!”

“hmph, just arrogant at you, we also want to catch up with you !”

Ye Fei’s cynicism before leaving instantly dilutes the sad atmosphere. No one noticed the four who just left, just as Ye Fei teleported away.

There was a loud noise.

The Tongxian Pagoda that had made countless fairyland Heaven’s Chosen yearn for, suddenly after Ye Fei teleported away, the rules completely collapsed, and even the countless fairy rivers gathered inside were all plundered by the nine prisons.

Then, the entire immortal city became deadly quiet, until a few days later, an army of immortals suddenly appeared on the periphery of the Immortal Palace.

The headed, impressively is an Immortal King, this Immortal King, wearing fairy armor and a battle helmet, behind him, all True Immortal Realm powerhouse, watching Immortal Clan battlefield said with a sneer: ” Celestial Court is a remnant, stiff and not dead, and dare to chase and kill the Immortal King of the blood prison, make a disturbance in the immortal city, and give orders to kill all those who make trouble in the immortal city, even if it is the heir of the fairy Prince. /p>

Obviously, the turmoil of the immortal city made the Immortal Palace angry. While the Immortal King in the Blood Prison was being hunted down, the Immortal King sent another Immortal King to control the situation.

This Immortal King is very intelligent, and it seems to be expected in advance that if the immortal city guarded by the immortal is lost, turmoil will inevitably occur. This Immortal King is here to suppress it.

Not only suppressed the resurrection of the Celestial Court remnants, but also suppressed the immortal city Heaven’s Chosen that made trouble. When necessary, this Immortal King even plans to bloodbath the immortal city.

But when the Immortal King rushed to immortal city with his army, they were all dumbfounded.

I saw the entire immortal city, empty.

Don’t talk about the immortal city Heaven’s Chosen that is making trouble, not even a mosquito can be seen.

“What’s the matter, where did the immortal city Heaven’s Chosen go here? Is it all killed by the remnants of the Celestial Court?”

“It’s not possible, there are nine prisons We can’t enter the remnant Grand Dao Rule of Celestial Court, but immortal city we also have the Tongxian Pagoda suppressed. Those Celestial Court remnants and wicked people can’t get out. Besides, some of the immortal city Heaven’s Chosen are powerhouses. Kill all?”

Someone really immortal dao, it’s okay if this person doesn’t say anything. Upon hearing this, the headed Immortal King’s body suddenly shook. In the blink of an eye, the position of Tongxian Pagoda appeared again. At first glance, it was Immortal King who was instantly silly.

True Immortal who followed was even more trembling. What they saw, the Immortal Palace used to suppress the Nine Prisons, the internal rules actually collapsed.

Yes, it was a complete collapse.

The entire Tongxian Pagoda, only the broken tower body, all the rules inside, and the countless Xianhe stored in it, all disappeared.

“Damn it, why is this happening, what happened in this Immortal Clan battlefield? Tongxian Tower Spirit, come out and see me!”

This Immortal King, also Grasping the last clue, you must know that this Tongxian Pagoda, but the Immortal Palace spent countless manpower and material resources, and several Immortal Emperors worked together to refine this Tongxian Tower that suppressed the Nine Prisons. Among them, more There is Tower Spirit co-created by Immortal Emperor.

This Tower Spirit, Undying and Inextinguishable, is the immortal rule that Immortal Emperor stole Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, so, even if the Tongxian Pagoda was destroyed countless times, as long as the Tower Spirit was transformed The rules are immortal, you can reborn from the ashes again and again through the fairy tower.

At this time, seeing the Tongxian Pagoda is just the collapse of the fairy formation and the Xianhe, and the tower body still exists, the Immortal King knew that although the Tongxian Pagoda was destroyed, the Tower Spirit had not been destroyed, he immediately It urges a special secret technique to give the Tower Spirit to summon.

At the same time.

In the beast seal space, Xiaocao is holding a ball of white cotton light, squeezing it enthusiastically. It will become Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit at the same time.

Suddenly, the white cotton ball of light seemed to have received some summon. Suddenly, Ye Fei trembled violently, and Ye Fei was frightened during the transmission, “Not good, how could the transmission rays of light be pulled? Signs of regression, grass, what’s the matter?”

Chapter 3358 Heavenspan Pagoda Spirit

Chapter 3358 Heavenspan Pagoda Spirit


Xiaocao looked at the energy cotton balls jumping around in the beast print space, and didn’t know what happened, but Xiaocao had his own method, and when he saw this thing, he started to be disobedient. Apart from anything else, Xiaocao has already taken out Divine Beating Whip.

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