Ye Fei was surprised that this Divine Emperor Elder was actually a tiger demon, thinking of the name Yellow and Black Tiger.

“Young Master Ye, you guessed it, the yellow and black tiger is a giant imaginary monster! Most of his subordinates are also Monster Race!” Wang Wu was able to guess what Ye Fei thought.

Ye Fei was even more surprised, but since his whereabouts were exposed, he did not hesitate, and ordered, “Everyone, do it together.”


Following Ye Fei’s order, all the ten Elders in the room roared and killed them. It also shocked the yellow and black tiger forces inexplicably, “Damn, you are the Elder of the Demon Heart, we Three Great Influences, Everyone minds their own business, what are you going to do?”

“Nonsense, it’s a question, they just came here, they killed them all, they took their Fire of Life, kill!”

I didn’t hesitate. Seeing that the Demon Heart Sect came to kill, the many Divine Emperor monsters present all exuded a billowing demon light, and they were smashed together with the Divine Emperor of the Demon Heart Sect. Advantage, in an instant, these Divine Emperors of the Demon Heart Sect were at a disadvantage.

But what shocked these Divine Emperor great monsters was that in the face of obvious disadvantages, none of these Demon Hearts taught Elder, and they retreated timidly, all of them went crazy, fighting desperately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Fei once again urged the Fengpeng Sacred Dharma. The whole person was incarnation Kunpeng, and instantly rushed to the sky above the Immortal Poison Pool. He stretched out his hand and saw on the water pool. The dao fruit that just emerged has fallen into Ye Fei’s palm.

All these actions took place in a flash, Ye Fei had already obtained the fairy dao fruit, but did not kill these big monsters, but took a group of Divine Emperors, turned and ran.

Behind is the tyrannical roar of many Divine Emperor great monsters, “Moxin Sect, you must die, we will eat you raw, roar roar roar!”

Chapter 3374 Subtle Misunderstandings

Chapter 3374 Subtle Misunderstandings

“The Devil Cult, die!”

Someone was in front of one’s eyes and took it away Fairy dao fruit, this completely angered a group of big monsters. They roared wildly. Some incarnation tigers and some incarnation birds are monster qi and murderous aura.

Moreover, the battle strength of Monster Race is generally stronger than that of Human Race. At this moment, the rage is slain, and Elder, who is already inferior in number, is once again in crisis.

But Ye Fei didn’t care, but pretended to escape. Behind him, there were ten Divine Emperor Elders, and there were five people immediately, holding the madness of seeing death as home, and shouting, they actually returned and killed them. Monster Race.

“You run, quickly bring the fairy dao fruit back, and give it to Sect Lord!” These Elders roared, but the start was more crazy than one, simply not afraid of death.

This is also the terrifying point of falling into the Heavenly God Furnace. Once they fall into this Divine Furnace, these people will become war puppets who are completely obedient to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei didn’t think about it. Even these Monster Races were solved together, but I just thought that Sect Lord of Moxin’s conspiracy against him, Ye Fei finally decided to give it to Sect Lord of Moxin. The unexpected gift is the anger of this group of Monster Race.

Furthermore, relying on the five Divine Emperor Elder’s obstacles, Ye Fei and the others, quickly rushed out of the Forest of Darkness and moved towards the Moxinjiao straight back.

As for the Forest of Darkness, the remaining Divine Emperor Elder was torn to shreds by the rage Monster Race Divine Emperor on the spot, but that’s it, I still don’t understand the hatred.

After all, in order to pick this fairy dao fruit, a group of Monster Races have waited for several years. Now the fairy dao fruit has been taken away by the Demon Heart. How can Monster Races bear it?

“Go, go back and report to the king. Whatever you say today, you must also ask the king to destroy the Demon Heart Sect!”

“Wait to catch the Demon Heart Sect Lord, He must be cramped and roasted.”

Different from the outside Monster Race, the Dark Fairy Monster Race, but it can eat people. Immediately, these big monsters also left with rage. Forest of Darkness, soon returned to a mountain forest east of the Dark City.

This mountain forest is the residence of Monster Race, and unlike Human Race, these Monster Races are generally united. On the mountain peak, there is a big demon sitting in the void, swallowing the fairy river.

When seeing a group of subordinates return, the big demon suddenly opened a pair of tiger eyes, coldly said: “Count the time, you should also be back, fairy dao fruit, why didn’t I feel To the breath of immortal dao fruit?”

“The king forgive me, immortal dao fruit was intercepted halfway by the devil’s teaching!” A group of Monster Race Divine Emperor, all knelt on the ground in fear and fear.

“What, the demon’s teachings intercepted the fairy dao fruit? Are you sure that the demon’s teachings did it?” On the mountain peak, the yellow and black tigers were also taken aback, and the monster was instantly restored to black Strong black-faced man.

A group of big demons, with their heads lowered, swears together: “Majesty, it is true that the evil spirit taught us sneak attacks. Here, there is their Elder body.”

Another great demon, threw out five corpses.

All of them are the corpses of Elder of the Demon Heart. Huang and Heihu had seen one of them with his own eyes, and suddenly, Huang Heihu was furious.

“Damn Devil Cult, this time you don’t follow the rules, so no wonder I am yellow and black tiger, vicious and merciless, and give orders, gather everyone and attack Demon Cult!”

Ye Fei did not know.

The three imaginary immortals in the original dark city are very restrained, and try not to conflict with each other. Sometimes, they will unite to suppress those imaginary immortals that may break through, threatening their status. man of.

But now, as the devil’s heart teaches boldly, it openly looted the fairy dao fruit that should have belonged to Monster Race, and inadvertently broke the balance between the Dark City and Three Great Influences, yellow and black tigers , Naturally furious, and immediately had the idea of ​​destroying the Demon Heart Sect.

At the same time.

Getting the fairy dao fruit, Ye Fei also returned to the Demon Heart Sect without any problems, and even rushed into the Demon Heart Sect hall with five Elder directly.

At this time, Sect Lord is sitting inside, one is waiting for the result, and the other is hiding in the earth fire furnace, breaking through the realm of imaginary fairy, with the name of the ancient master borrowing the refining device. As a result, he broke away from his control and threatened his position. As for Ye Fei, he was already dead in the heart of Sect Lord when he came.

So when I saw that Ye Fei was not dead, but came back alive, I can imagine how shocked Sect Lord Moxin was, and I didn’t have to ask him in a hurry. ,


According to Ye Fei’s instructions, the remaining five Elders all knelt on the spot, and some even cried, “Sect Lord, the major event is not good, we follow your instructions and go to the Forest of Darkness performed the mission, but was ambushed by the yellow and black tiger forces. Seventeen Elders, we and Elder Ye, desperately broke through and came back alive.”


this remark , It’s like a thunder, the shocking demon heart Sect Lord is a bit silly, and it took a long time to react, and angrily shouted: “talk nonsense! I and Huang Heihu, Heavenly Dragon Sect have long agreed that everyone minds their own business, no chance For no reason, why did the yellow and black tiger ambush you and say, did you accidentally offend the yellow and black tiger?”

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