But the entire dark city was not quiet due to Ye Fei’s cultivation. Instead, it became more and more turbulent. First of all, Sect Lord was afraid of revealing the secret of making King Armament. Will prompt Huang Heihu and Heavenly Dragon Sect to join forces to eradicate him.

This wily old fox’s magic heart Sect Lord, simply conceited, simply took the initiative to find Heavenly Dragon Sect, and cooperated with Heavenly Dragon Sect in advance.

Of course, in order to persuade Heavenly Dragon Sect to break the three-legged pattern of the Dark City and jointly destroy the Monster Race, Sect Lord also paid a huge price.

First of all, Sect Lord of Demon Heart promised that after beheading the yellow and black tiger, he will not take away any treasure of Monster Race, that is, the Fire of Life and Sect Lord left behind after the death of the yellow and black tiger. Unconditionally, hand over to the Lord of Heavenly Dragon Sect.

These two conditions are the same. Finally, the Lord of Heavenly Dragon Sect was very excited, and agreed to join forces with the Sect Lord of the devil to destroy the Monster Race!

It’s just that the Lord of Heavenly Dragon Sect also has an extra heart. That is this time, Sect Lord must fight with Heavenly Dragon Sect. Secondly, in the battle between Heavenly Dragon Sect and Monster Race, Sect Lord must take the lead. Not only must Heavenly Dragon Sect be a free fighter, the key is At all times, I have to be cannon fodder and go up hard.

The Demon Heart Sect Lord tried his best, and only the Heavenly Dragon Sect master promised to allow the demon heart teacher who suffered heavy losses to stay in the Demon Heart Cult for the time being.

It is conceivable that after learning these conditions, Sect Lord, the devil’s heart, how irritable and aggrieved in his heart, but this person is undoubtedly a formidable person, facing such harsh conditions, Sect Lord finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

Just because Sect Lord thinks he has the last hole card, that is the fairy King Armament that the ancient master is refining, and as long as the fairy King Armament is 10%, even if the dragon Sect Lord absorbs the yellow and black tigers With Fire of Life, Sect Lord is not afraid.

“Forbearance, this Sect Lord must be forbearance! Let this Heavenly Dragon Sect master be proud of him. When this Sect Lord King Armament is successfully practiced, the first thing is to make this person cramp!


In the heart of this demon Sect Lord, there was a huge anger, but a fighting intent burst into the sky, “Heavenly Dragon Sect Lord, everything about you The Sect Lord agrees to the conditions! I only ask you to send troops quickly to help me destroy the Monster Race! Kill the beast of the yellow and black tiger!”

“hahaha, Sect Lord, the devil’s heart, don’t worry. , Heavenly Dragon Sect, officially declare war on Monster Race!”

“What, Moxin Cult and Heavenly Dragon Sect are united?” The news was sent back to the Monster Race station. The surprise of Huang Heihu was not trivial.

The other Monster Races were all furious, “King, don’t ask, it must be Moxin Sect and Heavenly Dragon Sect. They have colluded with each other a long time ago and want to destroy us. Otherwise, Moxin Sect Lord How can it be so bold to snatch our fairy dao fruit?”

It’s okay not to mention this matter. When it comes to this matter, it is a hot-tempered yellow and black tiger who is decisively angry.

“Okay, okay, Heavenly Dragon Sect, Demon Heart Sect, do you want to destroy me, right? I will follow you, either the fish dies or the net splits, immediately send the order, summon all the children, and follow Human Race fight!”

“Yes, fight, we Monster Race, we have no cowards, of course, except for a certain black tortoise, that is the shame of my Monster Race!”

For Failed to break the tortoise shell and kill the Dragon Tortoise. Many big monsters are still aggrieved. It is a pity that a certain black tortoise has not the consciousness of becoming the shame of Monster Race at all, and continues to behave cutely to Xiaocao, eat and drink, The Kunpeng Spirit who watched can only envy, but he couldn’t pull the bird’s face down, learning Dragon Tortoise to roll around.

The Inn of Life and Death was also overcrowded once again because of the outbreak of the war between the three imaginary immortals, and even squeezed into it.

In the area where Monster Race is located, many big monsters, including the Divine Emperor of Heavenly Dragon Sect, have launched a life and death battle. Sect Lord, the devil’s heart, is under the command of Heavenly Dragon Sect. Forced to take the lead and fight with the yellow and black tigers again.

After only suffering a loss, the yellow and black tigers are also prepared, and are no longer threatened by the huge poison of the devil heart Sect Lord. The two sides are inextricably killed again, murky heavens dark earth.

And at this moment, the Heavenly Dragon Sect master, who had been preparing for a long time, made a move.

Chapter 3378 Acting is lifelike

Chapter 3378 Acting is lifelike

Above the void, the yellow and black tiger is fighting fiercely with the devil Sect Lord, below the void, Heavenly Dragon Lord Sect unexpectedly made a sudden move, and the two virtual immortals killed the yellow and black tigers together.

At this moment, many divine senses in the sky were in an uproar.

“Oh my God, Demon Heart Sect and Heavenly Dragon Sect have really joined forces. The sky of this dark city is really going to change.”

“It’s a pity that Huang Heihu, Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. This time, Monster Race, the dark city, will probably be wiped out!”

There are also some innate races who feel sympathy for the yellow and black tigers. After all, Monster Race is also one of the innate races. If the yellow and black tigers representing the Monster Race forces die, it is estimated that the entire innate race in the Dark City will be taught by the Demon Heart and Heavenly Dragon Sect cannot be destroyed.

But there is no way. The combination of the two imaginary immortals not only makes many Monster Race desperate, but also the imaginary yellow and black tigers become desperate.

It’s just a desperate yellow and black tiger. There is no obediently surrender, but the most terrifying light of killing erupted. After shaking, a huge yellow and white old Hu appeared in the void.

This Old Hu spit out the scorching sun and stepped on the demon cloud. While fighting with the devil Sect Lord, the yellow and black tiger suddenly spouted a peculiar beast pill.

It was an ominous beast inner core, but it was different from the ordinary inner core. When the inner core sprayed out, the whole void burst out with a devastating aura.


The Lord Heavenly Dragon Sect tried to smash the inner core with his bare hands, but what shocked him was that a huge one appeared in the inner core. The head of the Sacred Dragon sends out a dragon roar that shook the sky, shattering the void, and even the magic released by the Lord Heavenly Dragon Sect, all turned into streamers and spread out on all sides.

Heavenly Dragon Sect, the Lord suddenly started, “How is it possible that you become a spirit with Old Hu, how can you spit out the dragon pill of Sacred Dragon! I know, yellow and black tiger, you can grow with a low-level ominous beast? To the point of imaginary immortality, it must be the Sacred Dragon Bead! This Gate Master must get this Sacred Dragon Bead!”

It turned out that the yellow and black tiger sprayed out the dragon ball of Sacred Dragon within the body. This is also the biggest secret of the yellow and black tiger, and also relying on this Sacred Dragon bead, the yellow and black tiger has grown from a low-level ominous beast to a giant imaginary monster that dominates one side.

However, no matter how strong the yellow and black tigers are, they cannot withstand the simultaneous siege of the two virtual immortals. In desperation, the yellow and black tigers exposed their biggest secrets.

This secret shocked Sect Lord Moxin.

Heavenly Dragon Sect Lord, but to be wild with joy.

Be aware that this person claims to be the Lord of Heavenly Dragon Sect, because his within the body possesses the rare Heavenly Dragon bloodline. His awakened Dao Soul is directly the Silver Star Heavenly Dragon Sect!

So, when seeing that the yellow and black tigers actually own the Sacred Dragon family, which are very rare Sacred Dragon beads, the Lord Heavenly Dragon Sect immediately showed the most greedy look in his eyes, and at the same time he shot again, letting the whole In the void, the terrifying dragon phantom appears.

This illusory shadow opened the mouth of the dragon and wanted to swallow the Sacred Dragon bead in one bite. The demon heart Sect Lord next to him would not let go of this opportunity, the claw of the god, also teaching the world. The yellow and black tiger’s body was torn.

Seeing this, the yellow and black tiger laughed wildly, suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out a peculiar fire of energy. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the Fire of Life of the yellow and black tiger.

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