First of all, they want to test Ye Fei to see if they can use female sex to make friends with the celebrities around Immortal King like Ye Fei.

But the most important ones, they still want to obtain such precious medicine pill as Guixu Pill at the least price.

“Then how many immortal stones are you willing to give?”

Ye Fei did not make a random offer, but asked rhetorically, the woman in the lead just gritted her teeth with a wry smile and said: “One hundred million immortal stones ! Of course, we know this immortal stone, and it is too low to exchange for Huixu Pill, but this is the limit that our sect can come up with. If Young Master Luo is not satisfied, we can also ask you to use other things. Compensation.”

When it comes to other compensations, the headed woman’s complexion suddenly looks a little absent, and some women’s complexion is pale.

Ye Fei understands what this other compensation means, and even sneered in her heart, feeling that this Refining Star Sect is really a good calculation. They think they are “future-in-law”, so they deliberately want to use these A docile and obedient woman puts in her side, and then uses the least price in exchange for the greatest benefit.

It’s a pity that these Refining Star Sect Elders are smarter, but they don’t know that Ye Fei’s son-in-law’s identity is simply fake, and even Ye Fei has already planned it. As long as they find a suitable opportunity, they will immediately stealthily. go away.

“But before you leave, you can make a fortune!”

Ye Fei didn’t know until he escaped from the dark fairyland. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise wanted to make Ye Fei Put Wang Wu and the others into the animal print space, specially pack the sugar bottle gourd of the grass, the dragon meat buns of Dragon Tortoise, and the fairy stone of Kunpeng Spirit, all of which are packed into the Heavenly God furnace.

As a result, Ye Fei didn’t expect that Ye Fei would throw the fallen Heavenly God furnace out, and finally the black robe would directly blow up the fallen Heavenly God furnace.

Ye Fei just realized how heavy the loss was. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were already waiting to be fed. So after hearing that a Guixu Pill can be exchanged for 100 million immortal stones, Ye Fei groaned a bit, or slightly nodded, “Okay, 100 million is 100 million, I can sell you ten!”

“What, 1 billion!” Many women’s faces were pale again.

The leading woman also said in a difficult tone, “Young Master Luo, this is too much. Our Refining Star Sect is just an ordinary true Immortal Sect door. Just to heal the Zhankong Immortal King will cost the clan With half of the resources, where can we get so many immortal stones? All we can give you is only 300 million immortal stones, and then we are ourselves.”

When talking about this, many The women are all blushing, this is also their helplessness, after all, for Zongmen, they are the easiest to sacrifice.

Ye Fei could not help expressing sympathy to these women, but the sympathy returned to sympathy. Ye Fei did not mean to let go. Instead, he changed his mind and said, “How about this? You can give me three Yixian Stone, as for the remaining part, you can replace it with other treasures. And recently, I plan to build a virtual Immortal Sect gate, which requires a lot of Martial Dao Immortal Method, Tianhe Xianhe, so if you can help me collect it, it is enough The resources for the formation of the virtual Immortal Sect gate are returned to the market pill. I can also sell it to you.”

The reason for requesting this is that after continuous wars, the East Jitian is too barren, let alone immortals. The river, even the Tianhe, could not be found, let alone the more backward Heaven Realm.

So, for the development of Heaven Realm, what Ye Fei needs is not a large number of immortal stones, but a cultivation resource that can form a virtual Immortal Sect gate.

Of course, for Ye Fei’s request, the women present were very surprised. The leading woman was also shocked before reacting. She looked at Ye Fei hesitantly and said, “Young Master Luo, you The request is a bit sudden, I can’t call the shots, but I can ask Sect Master Ming to see if Sect Master agrees.”

“Yes, you all go away! By the way, there is one more point, especially important, you guys There should also be a large number of secular countries under the starry sky sect. Now you immediately, pass away from the secular country, buy all the sugar bottle gourd and steamed buns made of dragon meat for me. Remember the more the better! “


Hearing Ye Fei’s request, Xiaocao opened his eyes and grinned instantly, and rolled around on the ground holding the black egg. The eyes of Dragon Tortoise were all Straight.

Fortunately, when Ye Fei took care of Xiaocao, he did not forget Dragon Tortoise’s favorite dragon meat buns. Dragon Tortoise’s wounded heart calmed a lot.

Only when I saw the black egg that Xiaocao was holding, Dragon Tortoise still felt unacceptable, but Kunpeng Spirit, rather open-minded and comfortable, said, “Heizi, just look at it. Well, anyway, it’s not your egg. Besides, isn’t it because I will accompany you to incubate the egg?”

We haven’t finished comforting here yet, Kunpeng Spirit has already burst into tears and thinks it dignified. The King of Kunpeng, like a mother bird, hatched eggs with Dragon Tortoise, Kunpeng Spirit felt particularly injured, and Dragon Tortoise burst into tears on the spot.

I have no choice but to quit, but apart from Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit, Ye Fei can’t find anyone else to incubate. He can’t incubate by himself or let the grass hatch, right?

So, Ye Fei forcibly handed over the arduous mission of hatching eggs to Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit. At the same time, he was also very curious. He didn’t know that the black egg transformed by the Tower Spirit would eventually Hatch something.

“Of course, before this, we should hurry up and increase our strength as soon as possible!”

Chapter 3447 White Magic Blade Technique

Chapter 3447 White Magic Blade Technique

“What, that Luo Zhen Young Master, really said that, as long as we can give him the willingness to form the sect, he promised to sell half of the Guixu Pill to us?”

In Refining Star Sect, high-level leaders gathered and are discussing the method of obtaining the Huixu Pill. After all, one Huixu Pill can save the virtual immortal for decades, which is hundreds of years of cultivation time. Medicine pill is a huge temptation for any sect.

Historically, only those who have made great contributions to the Immortal Temple can obtain it. So when they find that Ye Fei has a large amount of excess return pill, these Refining Star Sect seniors will want get.

“Grandfather, that’s true! Also, I found that Luo Zhen is very principled. If you still want to make him friends by giving him a few women, then you should give up as soon as possible. “

When speaking, the head woman’s eyes were obviously dissatisfied and grateful. What she was dissatisfied was that Zongmen treated them as goods and pushed them out as soon as she wanted to, even if she was the granddaughter of Sect Master. Not immune.

Fortunately, Ye Fei didn’t want the other Prince Consorts of the Immortal Palace to behave badly. On the contrary, Ye Fei’s integrity left a very deep impression on her and even left her. Earlier, she had the urge to stay by Ye Fei willingly.

On this point, Ye Fei would never know. The senior Refining Star Sect who heard this shocked again, and finally the True Immortal old man made the decision, said solemnly: “Since this is the one We agreed to Young Master Luo’s request. As long as I can get a large number of Huixuan Dan, I Refining Star Sect, at least a hundred years in advance, will give birth to ten half-step True Immortal powerhouses. This lineup is enough for us to dominate this Star. Domain is up!”

“But Sect Master, Young Master Luo wants the resources to build a virtual Immortal Sect gate. Where can we get such resources in a short time?”

“hahaha, this is not simple. If we don’t get it together, will we still grab it? Taking advantage of the Immortal King in our sect cultivation, all of our seniors will come out. Are we afraid that we can’t destroy a few virtual Immortal Sects? Sect?”

When speaking, these senior Refining Star Sect executives are full of murderous intention, and sect competition is usually very cruel, especially weak Small Sect, facing formidable sect when.

It’s just these, Ye Fei doesn’t know.

The medicinal power of Guixu Pill is also stronger than Ye Fei expected. After only three days of cultivation, he has continuously surpassed the middle stage and the late stage of the virtual fairy and reached the perfection realm of the virtual fairy.

At the same time Xuxian Perfection, also called Half-step True Immortal!

This is a foot, stepping into the True Immortal level!

Because there is a way to win the sky, Ye Fei’s fairy law can be added to a rule at any time, which means that Ye Fei at this time, if he wants, he can completely break through in a short time True Immortal level!

“But this is not enough! The black robe way, but it can use the way of robbing the sky to fight the true spirit of the evil ancestor. Compared with the way of the king, my way of looting the sky is still too weak!”

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