Ye Fei couldn’t help but shook his head secretly, “As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked! The discipline is still like this, you can imagine what Spirit Refinement Sect is.”

“Bold Fanatic! You are tired of life, and when you die, you still dare to be disrespectful to my Spirit Refinement Sect?” Another Divine Emperor said furiously.

“Big Hei, palm mouth!”


Dragon Tortoise, who heard the command, suddenly disappeared in place like a lightning, and suddenly appeared there again In front of the Divine Emperor, the huge dragon claw was shot fiercely, and the entire face of the Divine Emperor was smashed, screaming and rolling in the void. This scene shook the young men and women again, because the speed of Dragon Tortoise was so fast that they couldn’t see it.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s actions also angered all Spirit Refinement Sect Divine Emperors. Many of them were carrying fairy soldiers and were about to encircle Dragon Tortoise.

But at this moment, the Spirit Refinement Sect Xuxian, who was headed by Spirit Refinement Sect, suddenly saw Ye Fei’s appearance, and the Xuxian was shocked, “Stop it! Luo Zhen Young Master, Why are you here?”

“What, he is Bai Mo Luozhen, my distinguished guest of Spirit Refinement Sect?” The Divine Emperor of Spirit Refinement Sect was very scared, the pair not far away The faces of Tai Xuzong men and women turned pale.

They didn’t expect that Ye Fei would actually be a distinguished guest of Spirit Refinement Sect, a young man, suddenly at a loss, the woman also hurriedly pierced her dagger into her throat.

I just waited for her to be stabbed, a sabre light, which had already smashed her dagger, “It doesn’t need to be so, you go, I will not kill you, and I promise, these Spirit Refinement Sect people , I won’t kill you either.”

After that, Ye Fei let go. Let the young men and women stunned again. The virtual immortals of Spirit Refinement Sect were also shocked, and hurriedly stopped them: “Luo Zhen Young Master, can’t let them go! They are the remnants of Taixu Sect, we must cut weeds and eliminate the roots!”

“Oh, then I insist on putting it?” Ye Fei said indifferently.

“Young Master Luo, don’t be kidding, you go up quickly and kill the man and woman!” The ghost of Spirit Refinement Sect was instructed.

He called Ye Fei a Young Master, and it was completely at the face of Zhankong Immortal King. When only facing Ye Fei, this person relied on being the senior of Spirit Refinement Sect, which was a bit I don’t put Ye Fei too much in the eyes, even more how, Ye Fei’s identity is still a son-in-law who is despised by the upper echelons of the Immortal Palace!

This makes this person even more contemptuous of Ye Fei.

The Spirit Refinement Sect Divine Emperors who heard the order did not dare to neglect, they all roared and they wanted to avoid Ye Fei and continue to hunt down the couple.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but angrily said with a smile: “It seems that your Spirit Refinement Sect is really not an ordinary arrogant and despotic. Let me ask you, I just ask for a small sect cultivation Resources, why, your Spirit Refinement Sect wants to destroy all the virtual Immortal Sect doors in this Star Domain! This seems to be far from my request!”

“No comment! Luo Zhen, my Spirit Refinement Sect respects you as a follower of Zhankong Immortal King, treat you with courtesy, you’d better not obstruct our Spirit Refinement Sect, you can also ask Sect Master if you have any questions. You are not qualified to ask!”


This Spirit Refinement Sect is also strong, actually refuse to yield an inch, and in turn forcing Ye Fei, Ye Fei suddenly Smiled, but it was a cold smile.

“A good one is not qualified to ask! Kill! The White Magic Knife!”

The demonic energy surged and the blade light shone.

Ye Fei raises his hand is a horror magic knife, this blade light, teaching the world, and even those Spirit Refinement Sect Divine Emperor who try to circumvent themselves, are enveloped. These Divine Emperors felt a pain in their throats. Ye Fei obviously only made a single knife, but in an instant, it cut everyone’s throat.

This is the terrifying point of the White Magic Blade Technique!

“Now, am I qualified to ask you questions?”

Waving his hand, dispelling the dazzling blade light, Ye Fei just took one step and walked to the other side. As for the Spirit Refinement Sect, shock and fear appeared on his face, and then he turned around and was about to flee.

Just didn’t wait for this person to escape.

Suddenly another dazzling blade light came down. No matter what magical method this imaginary fairy uses, simply cannot stop the magical blade light.

Only heard the pu’ sound, this Xuxian has already screamed, and watched one of his arms cut off from the sky, looking towards Ye Fei, it was even more terrifying The Demon King-like, with a plop, under the heavy pressure, this Xuxian, unexpectedly uncontrollable, Rinkong knelt in front of Ye Fei.

Chapter 3453 Anger

Chapter 3453 Anger


Under heavy pressure, this Xuxian actually kneeled involuntarily in front of Ye Fei. If he is only an ordinary Xuxian, then that’s all, but he is Perfection. The existence of the same realm as Ye Fei, even in the heart of this Xuxian, he should definitely be better than Ye Fei after years of cultivation.

But the truth is so cruel!

“Why, you are so strong? Why do you want to shoot us?” This Xuxian still wants to lift the head as best as he can to maintain a trace of dignity.

But on his body, a Prison Guardian monument emerged. Simply not allow him to get up, let alone raise his head. Only Ye Fei, like the king of the nine prisons, coldly looked down at this virtual immortal .

“You haven’t answered my question yet. It is obvious that what I want is only a cultivation resource for the virtual Immortal Sect door. Why do you want to destroy all the virtual Immortal Sect doors?”


“Don’t kill me, I said! The original meaning of this Sect Master was to kill a virtual Immortal Sect door and stop, but our process of extinguishing the sect went too smoothly, due to the presence of the Immortal King in Zhankong , This piece of Star Domain, no force dared to intervene, even dare not even persuade.”

“Gradually, some of our senior leaders suggested that if one is destroyed anyway, it is better to take advantage of it. Sitting in front of the Zhankong Immortal King, when no one dared to oppose us, he simply sighed and wiped out all the virtual Immortal Sect doors!”

This virtual immortal was born with fear, and finally got things done. The truth was revealed. Upon hearing this, the young men and women on the opposite side showed extremely angry expressions.

Ye Fei is also shocked by Spirit Refinement Sect’s ambitions, “So, you are using the Immortal King of War Air? But if the Immortal King of War Air is completed and found to be used by you, then you should How?”

“This…” This person was obviously hesitant.

As he hesitated just now, the pressure on the Prison Restoration Monument suddenly doubled, instantly squeezing the man’s Dao soul into cracks.

There is no way, in the same situation of immortality, Ye Fei, who possesses the two Immortal Emperor cultivation techniques, the Heavenly Stele and the Blade Technique, is simply invincible.

Knowing that you will die if you don’t tell the truth, the intense fear finally made this Void Immortal dare not hide it, and even more frightened: “Sect Master said, even if Zhankong Immortal King blames it, we are not afraid. You can put the crime on you, saying that you asked us to collect the resources of the virtual Immortal Sect door, and we compelled by circumstances did it.”

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