Some of them explode with horrible blade light, some use Ling Ran’s sword light, some long spear, and some giant axe cut the river.

The attack of the dozens imaginary immortal was enough to smash the normal True Immortal into serious injuries, but Ye Fei didn’t even look at it. Suddenly a more terrifying ray of sword appeared on his body. of light. The Blade Technique of the White Devil, at this moment was used to the limit by Ye Fei.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s heart moved, and he showed the way to heaven, in an instant, which changed his blade light from one rule to two rules.

Plus the blessing of the fairy King Armament, that is to say, the attack power of Ye Fei this blade contains three immortal dao rules, and the attack power is even terrifying than ordinary True Immortal.

“Kill, the ultimate knife!”

in the sky, resounding through Ye Fei’s roar, he shot wildly, shot the knife recklessly, his knife represents his Anger, his knife, represents his sadness.

Ye Fei at this moment, like the whole feeling, has a strong resonance with the Immortal King war knife in his hand, and many besieging virtual immortals can see an unrolled bolt of white silk like a cold light , Tearing the Void, even tearing the Immortal rays of light to all of them, hitting one of them heavily, the virtual fairy, stared wide-eyed in amazement, watching his body under the blade light all split up and in pieces.

“Evil creature, don’t stop!” Ye Fei is so powerful that even the Spirit Refinement Sect master is surprised and angry. He no longer has any scruples, and together with many Xuxian subordinates, all moved towards Ye Fei came in angrily.

I saw that under the attack of True Immortal, the entire Taixuzong building was like an earthquake, all exploded into countless dust.

But above the dust, Ye Fei has no joy or sadness, and seems to fall into a wonderful state within the realm. On his body, blade light and sword light suddenly appear at the same time, like the sun and the moon. Striving for glory, like heaven and earth resonance.

Suddenly, a mysterious Yin-Yang Symbol case appeared behind Ye Fei. The Tai Chi was half a blade light and half a sword shadow.

Furthermore, with Ye Fei’s anger and killing intent, this half of the sword shadow, also in Ye Fei’s crazy killing, has a tendency to gradually merge into the blade light.

In this scene, the True Immortal old man suddenly showed a deep fear on his face, “Cultivation during the killing, this child can actually kill us at the same time, and fall into the knife. During sudden enlightenment, too terrifying, no, this person must not stay, even if he offends Zhankong Immortal King, he must die!”

“Go together, do whatever it takes, kill this child! Kill! !”

This True Immortal old man took the lead, and when he shot it, he went all out without leaving any way out. The other virtual powerhouses, the same is true, they know that they will kill them in Ye Fei. At that time, the grievances between the two sides could no longer be resolved.

Fortunately, they have a lot of people, and Ye Fei is just a person. Even if Ye Fei is against the sky and can kill the essence of sudden enlightenment, they have enough confidence to Ye Fei beheaded forcibly.


in the sky, it was the roar of dozens of virtual immortals, but Ye Fei didn’t even look at it. On his body, the Dragon Tortoise had appeared automatically, and when he shook his body, it suddenly became a black tuot. The huge tortoise mountain then just rolled in the sky.

It was actually the power of a tortoise, which withstood the desperate blow of all the imaginary immortals. Of course, Dragon Tortoise was not comfortable with it. With so many attacks at once, the tortoise shell of Dragon Tortoise began to crack.


Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth turned white, and he hurriedly looked towards Ye Fei, but saw Ye Fei’s eyes, like a swirl of knives, endless blade light, Gushing from him.

At the moment when Dragon Tortoise was injured, Ye Fei’s heart felt a huge anger, which turned into the most terrifying blade light, spewing out like a volcano.

hong long long!

In the end, Ye Fei’s blade light was actually in the void, forming a whirlpool of incomparable gigantic swords. This whirlpool directly passed the Dragon Tortoise and blasted forward ruthlessly and coldly.

dozens powerhouse, they saw a scene that made them extremely frightened. Ye Fei only made a stab, but this blade is in front of them. Immortal old man has any resistance.


The knife went up and down, the True Immortal old man, the strongest true Immortal Sect master of Spirit Refinement Sect, was so killed by Ye Fei. .

“Sect Master, dead at all, or was he killed by a single knife?”

“Magic, this is the real devil in the knife, no wonder he is called the White Devil, I Spirit Refinement Sect, what kind of terrifying existence did it provoke? No, run away, everyone…flee…”


The words of this imaginary fairy have not been finished yet, Then, he saw an even more terrifying scene. He saw that the vortex of the knife above Ye Fei’s head became larger and larger, and the immortal dao rule suddenly changed from three to a full four. It is a kind of fairy law, at the same time Containing four immortal dao rules, this has completely surpassed True Immortal level, and even surpassed the limit that the virtual immortals present can resist.

Chapter 3455, I want to go home

Chapter 3455, I want to go home

“Four…a kind of immortal method can contain four immortal Dao rules, this is really what Immortal Realm can do?”

The remaining high-levels of these Spirit Refinement Sects are all scared, shocked, and regretted, regretting that they should not Because of Ye Fei’s identity as the “future son-in-law”, he could see Ye Fei clearly, and even thought of deceiving and exploiting Ye Fei with the reputation of the Immortal King of War Air.

Huge fear, all of these Spirit Refinement Sect seniors suddenly knelt in midair and knelt in front of Ye Fei.

“Young Master Luo, we know we were wrong, we are willing to be your servants, please, let us go, we are all low-level martial artists, step by step to the realm of virtual immortality, We don’t want to…” There is a virtual fairy, begging bitterly.

Hearing these words, Ye Fei finally smiled. It was an indifferent smile and a sad smile. He pointed to Taixu Zong, pointed to the capital, pointed to the piles of mountains, counted hundreds of thousands The bones of the plan.

“Compared to you, from martial artist to Immortal Realm, many of the people you killed here were mostly mortals who worked hard for decades, hundreds of years, but thousands of years. Low-level martial artists! What’s wrong with them, what threat do they pose to you? You want to kill them all. What’s more, you don’t even let the elderly and children let go!”

You know, it is Heaven Realm and Dongjitian’s evil sect, and the most vengeance reaches the target family, the sect, but it rarely appears, slaughtering these mortal inferior martial artists madly.

But Spirit Refinement Sect did it, and it did it very resolutely, so vicious, Ye Fei couldn’t help showing a huge anger.

And with his anger, the huge swirl of swords above his head broke out completely, ruthlessly and ruthlessly enveloped all the senior Spirit Refinement Sects present. Suddenly, these Spirit Refinement Sect eyes showed deep regret and despair.

If they weren’t doing so absolutely, and they weren’t so vicious, would they have another half of the results?

No one knows, just because their bodies have already been silently shattered under Ye Fei’s blade light, which contains the four laws, and all turned into streamers, disappearing in this world.


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