the eaves of the palace, Ye Fei is holding Zhao Yu, and the two of them are sitting on it and looking at the starry sky of Taixu. They are in a warm mood. When I heard the love song of birds from a distance.

Ye Fei couldn’t help it, and lightly took a bite on Zhao Yu’s earlobe, “Unexpectedly, I am quite emotional from the Fire Big Brother. Knowing that we have been reunited for a long time, we are still singing in the distance.”

“hmph, you also know that it’s a long time to reunite, you know, how long have you been out, how long have I missed you.” Zhao Yu coldly snorted, suddenly extend the hand on Ye Fei’s waist, and Ye Fei couldn’t bear it. Living in suck in a breath of cold air, Zhao Yu couldn’t help but pu chi smiled, and suddenly his face revealed a trace of sorrow.

“What’s the matter? Are you unhappy when I come back?” Ye Fei was a little confused.

“It’s not unhappy, I just hate myself disappointing. You are already a virtual fairy, but I am still a small Celestial Emperor. If this continues, I will only become a burden to you, the time we parted , It will only get longer and longer. I’m really afraid that one day you will not want me.”

Every woman is weak, even Zhao Yu, who is the lord of Divine State, is the same. She will also feel a little worried.

Feeling Zhao Yu’s weakness, Ye Fei couldn’t help but clasp Zhao Yu harder, “Don’t worry, Zhao Yu, I swear by Ye Fei, I will never leave each other to you in this life! Yes, I will definitely think of the way to improve your Dao Soul, as long as I can open the Martial World!”

“Martial World? What is that place?” Zhao Yu’s beautiful eyes looked at Ye Fei curiously. Ye Fei didn’t conceal it either, and immediately told his apprentice Martial Ancestor and the origin of the martial arts world.

“Unfortunately, the martial arts world is now closed. Even Xiaocao can’t find the void entrance of the martial arts world. Otherwise, not only you, but many of us in Heaven Realm, can enter the martial arts world. Martial arts cultivation.” Ye Fei said full of regrets. After all, the martial arts world has fragments of the destiny celestial disk, and the level of Dao soul can be improved through sacrifice.

As long as Zhao Yu’s Taoist spirit can be improved, Zhao Yu’s cultivation speed will definitely increase, as well as his younger sister Ye Shanshan, and the discipline Ye Xiaochan.

Especially Ye Xiaochan, as Ye Fei’s only discipline, Ye Xiaochan is not very talented, she can go to this day entirely by perseverance and hard work.

But not surprisingly, the Celestial Emperor realm may be Ye Xiaochan’s limit. This is something Ye Fei doesn’t want to see. He hopes that his discipline can become stronger.

I hope that I can change Ye Xiaochan’s destiny with the destiny disk!

Learning about Ye Fei’s wish, Zhao Yu couldn’t help but leaned his head lightly on Ye Fei’s shoulder, and then suddenly remembered something, happily said: “Ye Fei, maybe I have a way , Enter the martial realm!”

“What can be done?” Ye Fei was very surprised, after all, even Xiaocao could not sense the hidden martial realm.

Zhao Yu slightly smiled, hanging his legs on the beams of the room, and stepping on the ripples of the void and said: “Ye Fei, have you forgotten that the talent of the Void Snake Spirit is to control the void! It also relies on the void? With the ability of the snake spirit to hide the void, we can avoid the pursuit of Asura Race repeatedly in the emptiness. Do you think that with the sense of the void snake spirit to the void, can we find the hidden entrance to the martial world?”

Zhao Yu’s words finally reminded Ye Fei that by his side, the one who is best at controlling the void is the Void Snake Spirit.

Perhaps, through the Void Snake Spirit, he really has a way to open the hidden Martial World, and then send Zhao Yu and the others all in.

“But before this, I still have to solve the Asura Race problem in advance!”

Ye Fei thought secretly, and then continued to hold Zhao Yu and sit down Looking at the stars on the roof, during the period, the singing of the Spirit of Vermilion Bird never stopped, and even sang to Kunpeng Spirit for ten days and ten nights.

As a result, Kunpeng Spirit did not respond at all, and there was no sign of being attracted at all.

“Slag…slag…It’s definitely not that simple to chase the mother bird, especially the beautiful mother bird, but I will not admit defeat, I will definitely use my love to warm Your cold heart. Look at my ultimate trick, the Vermilion Bird Dance!”

Singing is not enough. The Vermilion Bird spirit simply danced a beautiful dance to the Kunpeng Spirit, which can be said to be After working hard and looking at the Heavenly Dao tree, Xiaocao and Ling Siqi who were playing applauded, and seeing Xiaocao seem to be very interested, Kunpeng Spirit became more angry and afraid to speak, and could only continue. submit to humiliation, continue to hatch the eggs intently.

At the same time.

The full counterattack of Saint Dragon Sect also shocked the entire Heaven Realm. When Asura Race arrived, most branch sect families and families thought that Saint Dragon Sect was going to end and Heaven Realm was about to change. God, but as a result, Heaven Realm is still Heaven Realm of Saint Dragon Sect.

Especially the appearance of Dragon Tortoise of the imaginary fairy class has shocked countless people in Heaven Realm. Everyone knows at this moment that the once Lord of Heaven Realm, the invincible man of Heaven Realm, has finally returned Up.

In the city of Martial Sovereign, the old lady looked at the starry sky with a cold expression, her complexion and sadness.

“After all, let this scourge become the climate!”

“Master, even if Ye Fei becomes the climate, it would be difficult to fight the entire Asura Race, so please let the master It’s better to plan early.”

Besides the Queen Mother, there is a group of Celestial Emperor Court Eunuch standing respectfully. Their expressions are all very solemn, but the old Queen Mother is sneaked, “Don’t worry, even Heaven Realm’s When people die, the scourge of surnamed Ye will not die! Also, what the Aijia promised you will definitely be done. After Heaven Realm stabilizes, the Aijia will definitely lift your curse!”


When speaking, a strange wizarding aura appeared on the old lady’s body. No one didn’t expect that the old lady would eventually embark on the wizard way. , More able to use the witchcraft, control the group of Celestial Emperor powerhouse that originally belonged to Asura Race, and dare not defy the Queen Mother’s order at all.

Chapter 3472 Asura Race declares war

Chapter 3472 Asura Race declares war

As the strongest sect of Heaven Realm, there are many other originals such as Asura Divine Emperor. The Divine Emperor of Beiluo Shimen joined, and the speed of Saint Dragon Sect’s conquest of the Heaven Realm was not only rapid, but also unstoppable.

Especially after Ye Fei sighed and wiped out Asura Race’s most elite power in Taixu, the entire Asura Race, despite dispatching a large number of Celestial Emperors to control Heaven Realm, still suffered devastation. Blow.

Those families and sects that have betrayed Saint Dragon Sect are completely disappeared in endless regret. It only took ten days.

The entire Heaven Realm, once again returned to the rule of Saint Dragon Sect.

At the same time, all the ancient god families and sects that exist in Heaven Realm gathered in the land of the emptiness, and expressed the acknowledge allegiance to Saint Dragon Sect and Ye Fei, the master of Heaven Realm.

For these families and sects, Ye Fei also issued only one command, that is from now on, Heaven Realm, only a small sect, this sect is Saint Dragon Sect!

These families and sects either survive in Heaven Realm, or they can only leave Heaven Realm and wander into the stars.

Not only that, Ye Fei also announced in public that he had officially passed on his identity as the lord of Heaven Realm to Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu refused.

Instead, the identity of the Lord of Heaven Realm was handed over to Demon Sovereign. Since then, Demon Sovereign has been the Lord of Heaven Realm, and Madman Chu is the Sect Master of the new Sacred Dragon Immortal Sect.

Under the cultivation of a large number of virtual fairy resources brought back by Ye Fei, I believe that Sacred Dragon Immortal Sect will soon be able to cultivate a powerful Divine Emperor, and even virtual fairy.

As for the master of Divine State, for the face of Zhao Qianjun and Zhao Yu, Ye Fei still acquiesced to the old lady and continued to be the master of Divine State.

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