Ye Fei’s eyes couldn’t help but be surprised.

He originally thought that this True Immortal banquet would be a fierce battle, but didn’t expect it. It turned out to be a contest between the two parties who did not directly participate, but used temporary disciplines.

To be honest, Ye Fei has seen this kind of battle for the first time. The Dugu Jian demon next to him is also very interested, “Luo Zhen, compared with you, I may still be a little bit behind, but I will never lose to you than the discipline, how about it, do you want to compare it, see whose temporary discipline More powerful?”

Dugu Jian’s magic face is provocative.

Ye Fei just couldn’t help but shook his head slightly, “Bi is Bi! Just don’t blame me if you lose.”

Speaking, Ye Fei has already been with Dugu Jian. Walked into the fairy formation together. As everyone stepped into the fairy formation, the entire fairy formation suddenly burst into a terrifying beam of light and rushed into the starry sky. A few hours later, it even rushed into a huge star of incomparable weight.

This star is where the Primordial Immortal Domain is located.

The so-called primordial fairyland is between Heaven and Earth, the fairyland just born. Everything in this kind of fairyland is primordial and precious, and it is full of all kinds of treasures born from heaven and earth. .

These treasures are the best materials for refining fairy soldiers, and some even have the wonderful effect of improving fairy souls. Therefore, such fairy domains have always been the target of fierce competition by Great Influence.

This primordial fairyland controlled by Xianren Pavilion is even more so.

According to Ye Fei’s judgment, the formation of this fairyland will not exceed 3000 years at most. The Heavenly Dao rules that make up the fairyland are not perfect yet, and there is no Smaller Thousand nearby. The stars of Worlds.

Rao is so.

This fairyland is also full of peculiarities.

First of all, the gravity of the fairyland is very terrifying, it is ten times that of the ordinary fairyland!

This has also caused every plant and tree in the fairyland to be very tall, such as ancient trees several thousand meters high and weeds several hundred meters high.

The wild beast that survives inside is even more terrifying. Although it is not an ominous beast, the power of the fleshy body is more terrifying than an ominous beast. A claw can tear a mountain.

You can bite off an old tree in one bite, and you can see it at any time.

Similarly, the wild beast is so fierce, and the Human Race, Strength of Fleshly Body, that can survive in this fairyland is also surprisingly terrifying.

When Ye Fei’s thoughts were swept away when he came to this fairyland, he saw a group of naked ancient people, carrying stone spears, fighting against a wild beast of several hundred meters. Wild beast, fleshly body strength alone, is comparable to ordinary Martial God!

But under the siege of a group of ancients, the wild beast finally fell to the ground with only a whine, splashing a terrifying rain of blood.

“Really strong, just the Strength of Fleshly Body of this group of mortals, can compare with Martial God powerhouse in Martial Dao, if they can set foot on immortal dao……”

There are Heaven’s Chosen sent from, suck in a breath of cold air. They are also powerhouses, but they think that few people can have the pure fleshly body strength like these primordial people.

However, the wisdom of these ancients is not low. When they saw a large group of light groups coming, these ancient people immediately understood what they were. They squatted on the ground and shouted respectfully: “pay respects to all the gods of the Immortal Pavilion, the gods are here to educate our children and let them step on. Are you going to immortal dao?”

“Yes, these are our Immortal Pavilion promised you, every thousand years, as a gift to you, as long as your clan talent is sufficient, you can get our Immortal Pavilion. A powerful immortal specially hired, personally give pointers so that your children can also set foot on the Dao of Martial!”

A True Immortal powerhouse from the Immortal Pavilion appeared in front of these ancients. It’s not polite. Take all the credit to the fairy pavilion.

Ye Fei only then knew why the fairy pavilion held this True Immortal feast once in a thousand years. Obviously, when the fairy pavilion controlled this primordial fairyland, he had reached an agreement with the ancients here.

Every millennium, a group of powerhouses will be sent to teach the ancients cultivation here, and their powerhouses for True Immortal feasts are the people who are responsible for pointing.

“I have to say, this fairy pavilion is really refined! In this way, we are responsible for the contribution, but all the final credit goes to the fairy pavilion.”

Not only In this way, Immortal Pavilion invited so many True Immortal powerhouses to teach these ancients, even if it is a temporary discipline, it is also a discipline.

Even if there are only general martial artists among these people who are willing to admit these temporary disciplines, then waiting for these temporary disciplines and joining the fairy pavilion is also invisible, so that the fairy pavilion can pass these temporary disciplines and follow These True Immortal powerhouses, they establish a relatively close relationship.

And those who can participate in the True Immortal feast are not the ordinary True Immortal powerhouse, even if only half of them can break through the Immortal King, only 1% can break through the Immortal King.

At this time, this short-lived master and disciple relationship, for Xianren Pavilion, is also a profit.

“It is worthy of being an immortal merchant! It is not without reason that the Immortal Pavilion can grow so large under the tolerance of the Immortal Palace. I estimate that within the Immortal Palace, at least has one third Immortal King, Both directly or indirectly, have a good impression of the fairy pavilion, not hostility.”

Ye Fei took a deep breath.

Chapter 3506 Verbal Threats

Chapter 3506 Verbal Threats

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and then followed the other True Immortal powerhouse together, in these Led by the ancients, primordial walked into a huge village.

I saw this village, all made of huge rocks. Due to the gravity of the Primordial fairyland, the quality of the plants and trees here is very huge.

An ordinary piece of rock is as solid as iron, not to mention that there are many large animal bones all around the rock house.

These animal bones are even harder than iron, and some have already been equivalent to the Spiritual Artifact used by ordinary martial artists. Walking into this village, I desolate aura and assaults the senses.

However, due to the contact with the fairy pavilion all the year round, these villagers are not lacking in kindness and shrewdness, when Ye Fei and the others walked in.

Suddenly, many teenagers looked at them through the corner of the door crack. Some children even ran over and asked loudly.

“Uncles, are you our Teachers, are you strong?”

The child’s innocent question makes many True Immortal, can’t help laughing, Immortal Pavilion True Immortal also smiled, then turned his head and pointed at the large group of Heaven’s Chosen and said: “Everyone here is Heaven’s Chosen! I can point you to cultivation, but whether it can become stronger depends on your good fortune.” /p>

“Now, all school-age children, come here and choose your Teacher!”

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