And this discipline was ridiculed by them a year ago, believing that Ye Fei was desperate, and in desperation, he chose a stupid little girl as a temporary discipline.

But it is this stupid girl who has not only completed the magnificent transformation from a cocoon to a butterfly, but also revealed an amazing talent for witchcraft.

Witchcraft, although rare in Great Thousand Worlds, it’s not uncommon, but like Ye Xiaojuan, stepping on the witchcraft will be recognized and blessed by the twelve ancestor witches at the same time. It is unique.

This is certainly the primordial immortal domain, the blessing of Qi Yun from the beginning of the world, and it is also inseparable from Ye Xiaojuan’s own hard work and hard work.

So, for Ye Xiaojuan to be the first, many True Immortal can only accept it even though they are unhappy.

The people in the village who are really unacceptable are still the people in the village. They can’t accept it. A little mute who is despised and ridiculed by the stupid bearer of bad luck can suppress all of them. People, become number one.

Especially Di Huo and Dina, one of them is the Young Patriarch of the tribe, and it should be the leader of all young girls.

But it was his leader who was beaten to the ring by a little girl who usually looked down upon. Di Huo felt that this was an extraordinary shame and humiliation.

Dina flushed even more, and she inevitably showed jealousy towards Ye Xiaojuan. After all, before this, Dina was the most beautiful girl in the village, and she loved her in one body. Even Dugu Aoxue was attracted by her beauty and talent, and accepted her as a discipline.

It’s great now. Dina is not as beautiful as Ye Xiaojuan, and her talent and fighting are equally incomparable. Even if her mentality is good, Dina could not help screaming when she was knocked out of the ring. , This kind of battle is simply unfair!”

“Yes, unfair, we have to protest! It is clear that Dina and I have much higher talents than that stupid girl. Why, we can’t be First?” Di Huo also roared. As Young Patriarch, he was eliminated by a dumb girl. He was very dissatisfied.

As Di Huo made such a fuss, other youngsters who were beaten out of the ring also roared.

“Dissatisfied, dissatisfied, we are dissatisfied!”

“Cheating, this must be cheating! Dishan Diming, what kind of abilities do you play with more and less?” More people speak Without careful diction, just open your mouth and scold.

Only hearing this curse, Dishan Diming was furious and cursed back: “What kind of teacher, what kind of rice can be taught! Hundreds of you, bullying the three of us, losing you I’m so embarrassed to say that more and less!”

“Asshole, two boys, no big or small, what are you talking about!”

The name of this rice bucket is deeply exciting With a lot of True Immortal’s nerves, a group of expressions from Heaven’s Chosen of the West Gate Immortal Kingdom have all emerged as killing intents.

The eyes of Duan Tianya suddenly appeared cold, and coldly opened the mouth and said: “This battle was originally unfair! It was a battle between martial artists, and the result was This little girl is using witchcraft, which is a bit of a victory!”

“Oh, what is fair? Do you want my discipline to stand there differently, let you Is it fair to beat and scold? Is this what your fairy hall calls fairness?” Ye Fei hearing this angrily.

This remark also immediately greatly changed a lot of True Immortal complexion. This White Moluo is really crazy, even Xiandian dare to criticize it.

Be aware that those who dared to criticize the Immortal Palace in the past will decapitate the heavy ones, while the light ones will be suppressed by the cultivation base and be imprisoned in the Immortal Clan battlefield.

So Ye Fei’s tone barely fell, beside Duantianya, a group of entourages were already furious: “Rozen, how dare you be in a bad way?”

“Go away, I and your family Master speak, when will it be your dog’s turn to interrupt?” Ye Fei sneered, just looked towards Duantianya coldly said: “Whether you take it or not, Duantianya, you will lose!”

” impudent!”

Duantianya was finally irritated, and got up on the spot and stared at Ye Fei coldly, “Victory my discipline, what kind of ability, if you have ability, come and defeat me!”

“Sorry, I never fight someone who can’t afford to lose!” Ye Fei shook his head indifferently. This Duantianya, at first glance, is a human being, but in fact it is a chicken belly, worse than Dongriye.

“Luo Zhen, are you afraid?” Xie Ming suddenly smiled evilly and stood up provocatively.

“White Devil, you know that the True Immortal Banquet is better than Martial Dao, but you deliberately taught you the discipline of witchcraft and beat us completely unprepared. It’s hard to convince the crowd if you win like this? “Mo ruthlessly also said coldly, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

In the end, the rewards for the True Immortal feast are extraordinary. They are the first in the list of achievements and can be invited to come, all for the leader of the True Immortal feast.

Don’t be merciless, and never allow it. Ye Fei won the top spot so easily.

With Xieming and Mo Ruqing taking the lead, and seeing Ye Fei and Duantianya have a conflict, Bei Yaoguang, Xuantian and Profound Nether all got up and stared coldly. Ye Fei said: “Martial Dao is fighting, but you teach the discipline witchcraft, Luo Zhen, you are too Mysterious Immortal people, you are all deceitful and bad conduct!”

“Fuck you shit! , When does the True Immortal feast stipulate that the witchcraft cannot be used? People in charge, do you have any rules?” The evil eye Demon Sword behind Dugu Jian demonic energy was whizzing.

The stewards of the Immortal Pavilion present all smiled bitterly, “My Immortal Pavilion, not at all regulations, True Immortal banquets, witchcraft cannot be used.”

Evil life and the others His complexion changed, and they looked towards Duantianya. Duantianya’s complexion was also a bit ugly, but he deserves to be born in the fairy palace, and he quickly reacted, faintly smiled and said: “Xianren Pavilion has no rules. It is true participation in the past. The True Immortal of the Immortal Feast is very disciplined. No one has ever been so despicable to teach the discipline to use witchcraft to suppress Martial Dao! But this does not mean that we can accept such a victory!”

“Yes, we are not satisfied, we don’t accept it!”

“Let the stupid girl go down, we won’t recognize this kind of first!” Di Huo brought a group of Martial God teenagers, also clamoring .

On the ring, Ye Xiaojuan’s expression was a little angry, Di Shan and Di Ming were also angry, helpless, they were too few in number.

In the face of the all-out crusade from the entire village and countless True Immortal dissatisfaction, the stewards of the Immortal Pavilion also changed their color slightly and quickly reported to the top through the sound transmission mirror. The Xianren Pavilion’s high-level reaction was also very quick, and it was almost here that there was a disturbance.

Above the void, the powerhouse of the Immortal Pavilion has descended again, looking towards every true immortal dao: “Rules are rules. Even if you don’t agree, the battle of the discipline The result cannot be changed. The first place is Luo Zhen’s temporary discipline, Ye Xiaojuan!”

“Of course, you can also overturn this result. Next, my fairy pavilion will hold True Battle of Immortal! As long as one of you can win the battle of True Immortal, you can overthrow any result by yourself! This condition is acceptable to you?”

When speaking, this immortal old man, He glanced at Duantianya and then at Ye Fei.

Chapter 3518 The Fairest Fight

Chapter 3518 The Fairest Fight


Sneered by Heaven’s End. The reason why Di Huo failed was that Di Huo was too tender and was a temporary discipline. Duan Tian Ya would simply not receive real attention.

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