just that no one can see each other’s face clearly, and even men and women can’t tell it apart. This makes many True Immortal hesitate, but there are also fierce ones. Simply no matter that many, see nearby people. The most recent True Immortal released the strongest murderous intention.

Many True Immortal powerhouses fought together in an instant. Most of them were fighting each other, but there were exceptions. For example, not long after Ye Fei came out, he saw a True Immortal powerhouse with a killing intent, and killed him. I myself, just when I subconsciously took out the fairy sword, ready to do it.

The True Immortal powerhouse suddenly turned and killed a knife powerhouse not far from him. At this time, the knife powerhouse was fighting a True Immortal. How would you think that someone would Teamed up to target him, and quickly wanted to step back and dodge.

But it doesn’t wait for this person to dodge.


Several True Immortal silhouettes suddenly came out. They joined forces and launched a siege on the powerhouse with a knife, and one shot was the deadliest murderous intention.

“No, I give up!”

The powerhouse with a knife was full of horror. Under the attack of many True Immortal, simply did not have the ability to fight back, so he could only give up. The whole person is sent out, which also represents the defeat of this person.

That’s the case. Before teleporting out, because of too many True Immortal besieging him, one of his arms was also cut off.

Also let Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air. Fortunately, the person gave up quickly. If he gave up a step slowly, he might really die here.

Then Ye Fei saw that these besieging True Immortal powerhouses, while defeating an expert with a knife, immediately turned around again and rushed to the next person with a knife; they still swarmed up. It’s still a critical strike, and it seems like I can’t kill all those who use knives.

This also makes the Sabrewielder present feel like have one’s hair stand on end, and there are even a few Sabrewielder who want to unite together.

But before they gather, there are already dozens of them, but hundreds of True Immortal, and they are frantically besieging these Sabrewielder.

Ye Fei saw that Sabrewielder kept on screaming and giving up, but even if he gave up, before they were sent out, either his hand or his foot was broken.

Of course, not all Sabrewielders are unable to withstand a single blow. For example, Ye Fei discovered that in a Sabrewielder not far from him, Blade Technique is very powerful!

What’s more peculiar is that in this person’s Blade Technique, the traces of Sword Art are hidden. Although it does not reach the level of the same body as his sword, it is also extraordinary.

Furthermore, in the siege of True Immortal, this person resisted especially fiercely, as if he was stepped on his tail, three consecutive times, and three people were seriously injured.

Ye Fei is also very pleased: “Unexpectedly, there are still people like me in this world, fellow practitioners of swords and swords. It seems that I am not alone in Dao, but I don’t know who this person is. I have time to get to know him. “

But I don’t know, the Sabrewielder who took the shot is already bullshitting crazy in his heart. You know, he learned the Blade Technique and planned to come out to abuse others. As a result, the enemy did not abuse him, but instead he Himself, the unfathomable mystery was under a frantic siege by a group of True Immortal, even if he was brutally attacked, he showed an incomparable battle strength, still could not scare this group of True Immortal, but let these True Immortal, like a wolf pack smelling blood , All crazy culled. There are even more ingenious people when they are unable to communicate.

Using his own immortal strength to engrave in the void, he called his friends and said: “The one in front, most likely is Luozhen White Demon, don’t leave your hands, fight to death, kill White Demon. !”

kill kill kill kill kill!

With the emergence of the void lettering, there were hundreds of True Immortal powerhouses in the True Immortal present, and they were killed in a crazy manner.

This scene almost frightens the man with the knife. Ye Fei’s complexion fiercely twitched, secretly thought a fluke.

“Fortunately, I temporarily changed my mind and repaired the Sword Art. Otherwise, I was chased by so many people, but it was me. I don’t know who this person is. I was so bad luck, and I became me inexplicably. The stand-in of, was besieged by hundreds of True Immortal.”

Chapter 3521 A melee

Chapter 3521 A melee

Kill Kill Kill!

War war war!

Unable to speak, naturally unable to explain. I saw that hundreds of True Immortal swarmed up, and the Sabrewielder who killed instantly was extremely embarrassed. All the dodge tricks of doggies and donkey roll were used.

For that, I still can’t dodge all True Immortal’s attacks, and I was beaten like a dog, running around. Ye Fei couldn’t help but sympathize with this person.

But even in such an embarrassment, Sabrewielder still refused to give up. He was still struggling to support himself, and he burst into a terrible rage. While fighting, he seized the opportunity and was finally about to be forced. At the end of the road, a blade light cut off a big tree, and at the same time a line of blood appeared on a book cover, raised high.

Ye Fei took a closer look and saw that the cover of the book read: “Brothers, you killed the wrong person. I am not Luo Zhen, I am alone, and I am here to abuse him. “

When writing this line of blood characters, Du Gubu couldn’t help but vomit blood in a sad manner. Seeing the characters on the bark, True Immortal who was chasing him was taken aback, but Soon it was furious.

“Shameless Luo Zhen! Are you crazy? Are you a cow? In the face of our chase, you have not become a coward, and you want to pretend to be a lonely man and pass the test!”

“That is, Dugu bears famous arrogance. With his arrogance, how can he abandon his sword and use a knife! Moreover, swords cannot be cultivated. Only when Dugu bears his brain, he will learn the Blade Technique!”

“White Demon, you are really shameless, don’t say you pretend to be Dugu Aoxue today, even if you pretend to be Dugu Aoxue, we will kill you!”

“Kill Kill Kill!”


The wooden tokens were raised up, fully demonstrating the great anger of True Immortal present. At the same time, the fact that the White Demon pretended to be Dugu was full of shocking anger.

With this anger, these True Immortal killings became more violent, each holding the wooden token and swearing, must beat this shameless white devil into a dead dog.

Ye Fei saw that Sabrewielder, who claimed to be alone, spewed a big mouthful of blood from the air, and then he was desperate to fight with these True Immortal, but unfortunately there was no more dealing Use, in the same realm, and the immortal method is not much different, if you want one person to fight hundreds of people, it is simply impossible.

The battle only lasted for dozens of breaths. Ye Fei saw that Sabrewielder, who claimed to be alone, had dozens of holes in his body. The blood was like a fountain, and his face was more I don’t know how many punches and fists suffered from these True Immortal.

Vaguely, it seems that Ye Fei also saw a broken tooth, which came out of the Sabrewielder’s mouth, and didn’t know who was kicked in the face by the mess.

This is also the kick, making this Sabrewielder furious, like an ominous beast that was irritated, with a silent roar in his mouth, and the blade light in his hand, suddenly like spider silk, madly stabbing all Around, it actually pierced a dozen of True Immortal’s bodies into blood holes in an instant.

Ye Fei, who saw this scene, was suddenly shocked, “Gathering knives into silk? Is this person really alone?”

After all, he first saw that alone. At that time, this person had a peculiar sword hair, but didn’t expect that, at the critical moment when hundreds of people were chased by True Immortal, he was alone and turned his sword hair into a knife thread!

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