Furthermore, a cultivation was in March. For three months, Ye Fei stayed at home and did not have any communication with Lonely Aoxue.

Finally, to a certain extent, it broke the rumors of Jiancheng. At the same time, during the three months, many major events have occurred throughout the Great Thousand Worlds.

First of all, the Immortal King, who was ordered to conquer the rebellious Immortal King, was annihilated by the entire army. Even the Immortal King, who was in command, was seriously injured and lost back to the Immortal Palace.

This battle is also a rare defeat that the Immortal Palace has encountered since the Great Thousand Worlds was controlled. The news spread, and many immortal realms were in an uproar. Inside the Immortal Palace, it is said that there was an immortal Imperial Capital. Beheaded the defeated Immortal King on the spot.

I just don’t know why, facing the rebellion of the Immortal King in Dongli, Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Palace, not at all, personally took action, but again ordered the powerful Immortal King, command the army, conquer again, and In order to strengthen its own military power, Xiandian actually issued an unprecedented conscription order, and began to recruit True Immortal powerhouses for all the immortal domains controlled by Xiandian to enter the army.

Moreover, this time the conscription order does not limit the identity of the opponent. As long as they are from the fairyland and are willing to work for the fairy palace, even the forces or individuals who have offended the fairy palace can join , Strive for the opportunity to atone for your sins on the battlefield.

As soon as such a conscription order came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

As the Blue Mysterious Immortal domain that the Immortal Palace focuses on, the Immortal Immortal Enlistment Order was immediately passed into the Sword City. It was quiet for many days. Dugu Jian Demon Immortal immediately took this enlistment order. , Come to see Ye Fei.

“Ye Fei, good news, this fairy palace conscription order, I feel very suitable for us, and it will help you a lot.”

After all, I always hide in the Dugu Family. It’s not a matter, it’s not Ye Fei’s character, it’s just that the world is so big, there are too many powerful enemies that he offends, Ye Fei doesn’t know where to go for a while.

Until the emergence of the immortal palace enlistment order, Ye Fei saw a good experience opportunity, but after reading the above conditions, Ye Fei’s face was inevitably strange.

“It’s a coincidence that this enlistment order appeared. No matter who it is, no matter what crime, as long as you are willing to join and fight for the fairy palace, you will be pardoned, true or false, this Could someone lured the tiger away from the mountain, deliberately trying to lead me out.”

Ye Fei is very cautious. After all, what he is best at is lured the tiger away from the Mountain, until now, King Mysterious Immortal is still on the way to chase down King Mysterious Immortal, but counting the time, three months, it is estimated that King Mysterious Immortal can hold the limit of King Mysterious Immortal.

“hahaha, Ye Fei, don’t worry, this immortal palace conscription order was personally issued by an Immortal Emperor in the immortal hall, and this Immortal Emperor, by all accounts, is also our Dugu Family , The only backer in the fairy palace.”

Chapter 3551 General Rain

Chapter 3551 General Rain

Although the Dugu Family received the first heavenly demon sword Limitations, Immortal Emperor level powerhouse will not appear for life, but with the powerful sword dao talent of the Dugu Family, it is possible to get acquainted with many powerful characters before Immortal King, such as Yudi.

“When the Emperor Yu was True Immortal, my lonely family, Old Ancestor Dugu Jian, knew each other and even loved each other. I was helpless in this relationship and encountered the Yu Emperor family and even the entire Immortal Palace. They objected, and the two were forced to separate, and Yudi married another. Only when Old Ancestor was heartbroken, he resolutely chose samsara reincarnation and dedicated his life to save the family.”

” Unfortunately, the reincarnation of Old Ancestor did not know that even in the face of the strong pressure of the Immortal Palace, the Emperor Yu eventually did not at all marry. On the contrary, after learning of the death of Old Ancestor, the Emperor Yu vowed that he would not marry forever and not only set foot on the Immortal King smoothly. In the end, I went a step further and set foot on the Immortal Emperor level.”

However, the Yu Emperor who set foot on the Immortal Emperor, not at all forgot his past feelings, but placed this feeling on the Dugu Family. Although it is impossible to change the destiny of the Dugu Family, I will try my best to satisfy any difficulties the Dugu Family has.

This is also the real reason why the young Mysterious Immortal King is jealous of Dugu Family!

“I’ve decided, I will participate in this immortal palace battle!” Ye Fei’s eyes showed expectation. Now that he learned of the special relationship between Yudi and Dugu Family, he naturally won’t be there. Doubt, and this conscription order is indeed a rare opportunity for him.

“If this conscription order is true, it doesn’t mean that if we have enough combat exploits, we can not only receive the pardon from the Immortal Palace, but also the death-free gold medal bestowed by the Immortal Emperor?”

At the same time, the gold medal for exemption from death is also the most eye-catching part of this immortal palace conscription order. The above stipulates that as long as you have enough combat merits, you can exchange all kinds of immortal soldiers, treasures, and even exemption A gold medal, and as long as he holds a death-free gold medal, no matter what crime the other party commits, even if he kills the Immortal King of the Immortal Palace, he can avoid death.

If Ye Fei can get this token, he will give King Mysterious Immortal ten courage, and it will be impossible to hunt him down.

This is also the biggest reason Ye Fei is willing to participate in this war.

“Ye Fei, since you are willing, then the old man will report you, the sword demon and Aoxue’s name together, but it is a pity that the kid is still being chased and killed. This battle is over, it’s a pity, a pity.” The Great Elder of the Dugu Family was also very sorry.

After all, the rewards of this immortal palace enlistment order are very generous, and it is also an excellent opportunity for many young True Immortal who are eager to break through in battle.

Three days later.

Leiyun fairyland, Lei Province city.

Huge teleportation fairy formations, constantly flashing strong fairy lights, and powerful immortals, teleported from different immortal realms, and turned the entire Lei Province city into An incomparable gigantic barracks, True Immortal powerhouse walking everywhere!

Divine Emperor is not even a soldier here, it can only be regarded as a coolie to carry the luggage. Xuxian is the real warrior.

But only True Immortal is here, and it receives a certain degree of attention. If it is Immortal, it can become a general in command of an army.

“As for the generals, we don’t expect anymore. Even if we can become a hundred generals, fighting on this battlefield is a huge training.” There is a True Immortal powerhouse that has been transmitted, interested. exuberant.

“hahaha, fairy soldiers, treasures, beauties, and this Young Master all want them. It is said that this time the immortal domain that betrayed the Immortal King has been wiped out. We can also divide the land according to the size of the credit, and become the king. , Hahaha!”

Of course, there are also gilded Great Family Young Masters, with attendants crowding round, and show off one’s military strength. For this conquest, the entire Lei Province city is very optimistic.

After all, one side is the Immortal Temple where the Immortal Emperor sits, and the other is the rebellious Immortal King, stronger and weaker, obvious at a glance. Therefore, many Great Family and ancient tribes are all about this battle , As a place to gain exploits for the family Junior.

But there are also many powerful immortals who wear masks and hide their identities. These immortals, more or less, have offended the Immortal Temple. At this time, they have the opportunity to reconcile with the Immortal Temple, and they can gain more combat merits. , These immortals were also attracted.

“Just don’t know, Fengyun, Chen Xiaoyao and others will be attracted.” Entering this Lei Province city, Ye Fei’s heart is unavoidable.

“Hehe, it’s not simple, why don’t we just hang out the banner of Celestial Emperor alliance?” Dugu Jian said. Suddenly Dugu Aoxue’s eyes rolled, “You don’t think your troubles are big enough? Stop talking nonsense, enter the barracks first, and talk about it after seeing General Yu!”

Dugu Aoxue’s eyes stared, moved towards Go ahead, Ye Fei and Dugu Jian looked at each other helplessly. Recently, I don’t know what’s going on. This Aoxue Fairy is a bit angry.

“Stop, the barracks are heavy, no intrusions!”

Just walked to the barracks, two imaginary soldiers wearing fairy armors had coldly blocked the road, and saw the barracks. Inside, the soldiers are all uniform, all of them are virtual Immortal Realm powerhouses.

Ye Fei secretly smacked his tongue, the strength of the Immortal Palace really should not be underestimated, but it is such a strength that was defeated by the Immortal King in Dongli, it can be seen that the Immortal King in Dongli is not someone who is easy to deal with.

“Under Dugu Aoxue, by the order of the elders, come to see General Yu.” Dugu Aoxue took out a greeting card and said, and it was Dugu Family who heard that the guardian Xuxian did not I dared to neglect, ran in quickly, and ran out again: “Please come in three, General Yu is waiting for you inside.”

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