huge transmission rays of light instantly shrouded the entire army, and then disappeared into Thunder Cloud City. When they reappeared, the two parties had already arrived in another fairyland.

This fairyland is called Yanhuo Xianyu.

As the name suggests, this is a fairyland of fire, and it has a huge auxiliary effect for the fairy cultivation flame fairy method.

As soon as the army teleported over, Ye Fei even saw that on the starry sky above the Flame Immortal Foreign Domain, there were already huge stars one after another around them. These stars were thick The chain dragged, just in the starry sky, arranged in a straight line.

It formed a line of defense against the stars, blocking the Immortal Palace and attacking the Flame Immortal Territory. Ye Fei was even more shocked. Those who dragged the chains turned out to be soldiers wearing the Immortal Palace. A clothing.

No need to ask, these must be the defeated soldiers who were captured after the last time the Celestial Palace was annihilated. Instead of being killed, they were punished and turned into coolies that drag the stars!

At the same time, each of their bodies is penetrated by a smaller chain and connected to each other. This makes these defeated prisoners not only physically painful, but simply no one can escape. Because everyone’s bodies are chained together.

And the chains that bound them were combined by the entire star. And above those stars, there are countless immortals standing.

These immortals have Divine Emperor, Xuxian, and True Immortal. Densely packed, you can’t see the end at a glance, but there are twice as many people as the Xiandian side.

“A whole hundred thousand army! This Immortal King in Dongli, how did it do it?” In Suicide Squad, Dugu Jian magically startled.

Be aware that due to the suppression of the Immortal Palace, the number of immortals that can be accommodated in an Immortal Territory is only 10,000 at most. If this number is exceeded, the Immortal Palace will be used as a threat and eradicated.

Furthermore, Immortal King Dongli was still forced to rebel. In a short time, the number of immortals he could recruit would not exceed 10,000.

But at this time, Dongli Immortal King, in a very short time, actually gathered a hundred thousand army.

“It’s no wonder that the previous immortal palace army will be wiped out, and no wonder that the immortal palace will be forced to issue an Immortal Emperor conscription order! This Immortal King, not simple, this person secretly, It is very likely that he has colluded with the evil hall!” And behind the evil hall, standing behind the evil ancestor, he also controlled the entire dark fairyland. Moreover, this dark fairyland not only experienced the chaos of the Celestial Court era, but also experienced the prosperity of the Celestial Court era. The hidden strength in it is absolutely terrifying.

Looking at the fairy power on the stars hiding the sky and covering the earth, Ye Fei, I couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air. Suddenly he turned his head seriously and told Zhang Fenghe Chen Hua, “Have you seen it? From now on, Suicide Squad must obey our orders. No matter what I tell you to do, you must obey.”

“Captain, don’t worry, Li Dongji is despicable shameless and wants to use us as bait. Even for our own lives, we absolutely dare not defy Captain’s orders.” Zhang Feng and Chen Hua also showed cold sweat on their foreheads. Behind them, there are many respected Suicides. Squad member, his face pale in shock.

If it were not for Ye Fei to train them for a period of time in advance, it is estimated that they would have been scared by the hundred thousand army on the opposite side and lost their fighting spirit, thus affecting the whole army.

Of course, the entire hundred thousand army, lined up with the defense line composed of stars, is still very terrifying.

At least, the General, who was originally morale high, became nervous at this moment. Above the starry sky of the Flame Fairy Territory, a stalwart Immortal King illusory shadow appeared at this time.

The Immortal King, wearing a golden crown on his head and wearing a Nine Dragons robe, his eyes are more like two fires, burning in the starry sky.

“Immortal King! Immortal King! Immortal King in Dongli will win!”

All the stars, hundreds of thousand rebels, with the appearance of Immortal King in Dongli, all loudly Phew, morale is high, at this moment, everyone is taking a step forward and marching towards the void. The entire void shook violently with the steps of the hundred thousand army.

“Xiandian, Li Dongji, how is this king’s army? Unless you take the Immortal Emperor personally, otherwise, relying on you, it is still too far to destroy the king. Of course. , If it is a small Immortal King rebellion, the Immortal Emperor needs to take action personally, the fairy palace is really a joke, hahahaha……”

The entire void resounded through the Immortal King. The sound of triumphant laughter. Following that, the hundreds of thousands of people all laughed wildly.

This wild laugh also immediately angered the Immortal King of Dongji, “Dongligun, you only a trifling betrayed the king, kill you, I, Li Dongji, will have enough! Now, all the kings named A hundred generals, all come out! Mao Heng…Wang Jin…Diancheng…Dugu Aoxue…Ye Fei!”

At the moment when the two armies confronted each other, the Immortal King of the East Pole breathed a sigh of relief. , Ordered ten hundred generals and walked out of the army, and among the ten, Ye Fei was included.

Ye Fei’s heart is surprised and confused. It is unclear whether this is Dongji Immortal King deliberately revenge against him or something else.

Helpless army orders are like a mountain, no matter how dissatisfied, Ye Fei still helpless after hearing the order, stepped out of the army, and with the other hundred generals, walked before the army.

“What, Ye Fei, you are Ye Fei, Ye Devil!”


Immortal King of Dongji is not called Ye Fei. Okay, when I heard Ye Fei’s name, the huge immortal body of Dongli Immortal King, they trembled slightly, and then there was a terrible rage.

Chapter 3560 Tens against each other

Chapter 3560 Tens against each other

Be aware that although it is not the Immortal King, Dongli Immortal King relies on The good relationship with Xiandian, the prosperous little life, and his arrogant son, Dong Liye, gave him a long face.

Helpless, all of this has changed because of immortal city, Dongliye learned the evil arts against the sky, and the sword of the evil emperor. Dongli Immortal King can only be forced to rebel and risk his head. Dangerous, smashing with the fairy palace, and the root cause of all this is Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demons.

“In the immortal city, if it weren’t for Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demon to fight against my son, it would release the stone immortal, this king, how could he risk betraying the immortal? The temple is even more damned! Damn Dugu Jian, this Ye Fei, more damn! Come, who general can kill this Ye Fei and Dugu Aoxue for this king?”

Immortal King Dongli, angry.

And when I heard this, Ye Fei felt very wronged. It was obviously that Dongriye himself was obsessed and wanted to learn the evil emperor sword. As a result, the Dongri Immortal King was indiscriminately indiscriminate. On his head.

“Dongri Immortal King, don’t you think it is too shameless?” Ye Fei couldn’t help but cursed a few words, but was not worried that Dongri Immortal King would attack him.

The fairy war has the rules of the fairy war, and it has learned the lessons of the Celestial Court era, the celestial melee, and the heavy losses. The fairy war in the fairy palace era has strict rules. You can only fight against each other. General, Immortal King vs. Immortal King, Immortal Emperor vs. Immortal Emperor.

If the Immortal King can arbitrarily attack people below the Immortal Venerable, or the Immortal Emperor can attack the Immortal King at will, then basically, it will evolve into a one-sided slaughter.

In this way, it is possible to cause a large number of extinctions of low-level immortals, which is not only detrimental to the stability of Great Thousand Worlds, but also seriously affects the control of the Great Thousand Worlds by the Tianyuan.

So, unless the Immortal King who is in charge of the army is defeated or killed, even if Ye Fei scolds a few words, Dongli Immortal King will only get angry, and will not be demeaned, in public Shot against juniors like Ye Fei.

Of course, Immortal King in Dongli is not easy to shoot, it does not mean that no one under Immortal King in Dongli does not want to shoot Ye Fei to gain the appreciation of Immortal King in Dongli.

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