At the same time.

In the endless starry sky, there is an extremely glorious palace. The place where this palace is located is where the fairy hall is. Here, all the elite of the fairy hall are concentrated.

Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, gathered here.

Here is the core of Xiandian’s rule.

And in the endless palace, there is a palace, very strange, this palace, named Stars Pavilion, I saw a glorious map appeared on the attic of the Stars Pavilion.

This is also a complete map of Great Thousand Worlds, and it is more detailed than the map of the Great Thousand Worlds seen by Ye Fei. The above not only marked all the immortal domains within the control of the immortal palace, and even the parts of the immortal domain outside the scope of the immortal palace’s influence have many records.

At this time, on the viewing platform of the Stars Pavilion, there is an old man with white beard and hair, with open eyebrows and vertical eyes, staring coldly at a shining streamer from the direction of immortal city nine prisons. , Whizzed away, and passed through the immortal realms controlled by the immortal hall on the map of Daqian. In the end, he completely broke away from the sphere of influence of the immortal hall, and the old man’s complexion suddenly changed.

“It is rumored that in the world of great controversy, the Tianyuan will be opened once a hundred years, the Immortal Emperor will be born once in a thousand years, and the heaven and the earth will be reincarnated in a cycle of 100,000 years! Open the big thousand formations, break through the air, this is the magic star coming to the world, the world should be a sign of catastrophe!”

“Come on, quickly prepare the robe, this seat, you must go to meet the three in person A Palace Lord!” The majestic old man coldly shouted, and immediately there was a fairy boy, running wildly, and the old man quickly changed his clothes.

Shortly afterwards, within the Immortal Palace, a most powerful command was suddenly issued.

“From now on, I ordered the Mysterious Immortal King, the commander under his command, attacked the nine prisons, day and night!”

“At the same time, the Immortal Emperor has a life, and the Immortal King is ordered Li Dongji, committed crimes and meritorious service, and Zhankong Immortal King, chased and killed the demon Ye Fei. Ye Fei will not die for one day, and the two kings will not enter the fairy hall for one day!”

When these two orders were issued, The entire fairy hall is boiling.

The Qing Mysterious Immortal King, who long wanted to avenge his son, immediately searched for countless cannon fodder from the East Jitian, and joined his own army, entered the Nine Prisons, and even started with the Asura army, the evil men of the Nine Prisons. There was a violent battle day and night.

At the same time.

The evil hall, within the dark fairyland.

There is also a stargazing platform, facing all directions, controlling the endless fairyland!

Among them, there is an old man with a gloomy face. He opened his evil eyes and looked towards the strong starlight that ran across the entire fairy hall, “It’s been 100,000 years, and finally there are people again, and Daqian Teleportation ! The old man felt that within the starlight, there was a trace of the breath of an evil ancestor!”

“It can’t be wrong, the person who teleports away must be Ye Fei that damn devil, evil The arm that the ancestor lost must be on his body. Come, pass on Dong Ligun, Shi Zhongxian, come to see this seat!”

With the order, soon, he has defected into the evil hall Dongli Immortal King, and beside Dongli Immortal King, there was also a terrifying terrifying Sword Immortal standing beside him.

This Sword Immortal is the Shi Zhongxian who was once controlled by the fallen Heavenly God furnace. Later, under the order of Ye Fei, Shi Zhongxian finally joined forces with the Far Ancient Dragon Turtle and ran to chase and kill the blood hell. Immortal King.

Until Ye Fei was forced to fall into the Heavenly God furnace Self-destruction in order to escape from the evil temple, Shi Zhongxian got rid of the shackles at this time and restored his true self, but also because of this, Shi Zhongxian’s hatred for Ye Fei, But it is like a surging river, endless.

When I heard that the Palace Lord of the evil hall actually wanted them to chase Ye Fei together, Shi Zhongxian was even more happily dancing, “Palace Lord, don’t worry, even if it’s me, Shi Zhongxian spells out this one. No fate, I will never let Ye Fei, that damn demon, he actually let Benxian…”

When I think of the humiliation of Ye Fei who was once a slave, Immortal Qi in the stone The whole body was trembling. When thinking of his hundred thousand army, it was because of the Suicide Squad led by Ye Fei that he fought desperately, and the army was annihilated, and he was like a bereavement dog. He could only go to the evil hall, Immortal King in Dongli, and also the nostril of anger. Black smoke came out.

“hahaha, Ye Devil, you also have today! This king must kill you, and the discipline of grand disciples for the death, revenge! Palace Lord, say it, then Ye Fei is there, we How can I find him?” Dongli Immortal King impatient asked.

The old man also replied indifferently: “Ye Fei went to the area outside the fairy palace, the demon! Originally, only the Immortal Emperor could know this area, but the damn Dark Demon Dragon, I actually broke this rule, so no wonder my evil temple is so handy!”

“Dong Ligun, Shi Zhongxian, wait for the master to meet you personally, and then, you will be lucky to enter the strongest Heavenly court, but remember, in it, you don’t say anything, don’t ask, let alone contact with anyone, there will be someone to help you, go and kill Ye Fei, remember, you can’t kill Ye Fei, you can’t take back the lost arm of the master, you two, you will all die!”


Soon after, in the evil hall, there was an evil that slept for a long time. Aura, suddenly wakes up from a deep sleep.

In the fairy pavilion.

A projection of a mysterious Immortal King, one-knee kneels is in the palace, “This is the situation. The Immortal Palace has now sent two Immortal Kings, Li Dongji and Zhankong, to pursue and kill across the border. Ye Fei, as well as those of us who are responsible for monitoring the movement of the evil hall, have also sensed the aura of the evil ancestor’s awakening. How to make a decision, please Pavilion Lord to make a decision early, the subordinate task is in the body, you must first return to the hall.”

This mysterious Immortal King belongs directly to the Immortal Palace, but secretly works for the Immortal Pavilion. If this news goes out, it will shock the world.

After all, the impression that Immortal Pavilion has given to many immortal domains has always been uncontested, harmonious and rich.

Chapter 3589 Coming to the Demon Territory

Chapter 3589 Coming to the Demon Territory

At this moment, Ye Fei did not know at all. He once used the cross of Daqian Formation World teleportation would actually cause so many disturbances.

The fairy hall, the evil hall, and the fairy pavilion are all affected.

In the Palace of Emperor Yu, the beautiful eyes of Emperor Yu seemed to bloom with terrifying cold light, and in front of her, the majestic General Yu Yulongting was actually shiver coldly.

At the same time, the entire sword city is even more impenetrable.

Because Dugu has regrets, regardless of Yu Di’s “good intentions” to persuade him, he insisted on taking action against the Qing Mysterious Immortal King. It also gave Dugu Jian, the most important demon of the Dugu Family, Dugu Jian, Dugu proud of the snow, and Dugu bears all. Into the nine prisons.

In addition, Qin Wushuang, Fengyun, and Chen Xiaoyao who have obtained 8-Layer Martial Ancestor Scriptures, as well as the cold-blooded knowledge of Ye Fei to teach the White Demon Blade Technique.

In the entire nine prisons, the battle strength is extremely strong, even if the Blue Mysterious Immortal King’s crazy attacks day and night, he can’t step into the nine prisons.

Of course, the storm of the Immortal Palace and the battle of the Nine Prisons have nothing to do with Ye Fei for the time being.

With the light of the great thousand teleportation, like a shooting star across the sky of the fairy palace, Ye Fei, who travels across the boundary, has found himself entering a new fairyland.

“No, it should be said that this place is more like a magic domain!”

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